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- 声優・日野聡 クイズ番組でナレ -
- City of Mobile announces some changes for 2021 Mardi Gras events - NBC 15 WPMI
- Asia form world's biggest trade bloc, a China-backed group excluding U.S - Yahoo Eurosport UK
- Judge Rules Acting DHS Secretary Lacked Authority To Suspend DACA Program - NPR
- 賛否を巻き起こしたアニメ映画「日本沈没」監督が制作意図を説明 - livedoor
- RCEP deal to reshape global trading system, boost S. Korea's economy - Arirang News
- 中丸雄一「ペナルティーを受けていた期間中に抜けてしまうのも美しくはない」“海外挑戦”山下智久にエールも時期には疑問 - 中日スポーツ・東京中日スポーツ
- 坂田藤十郎さんの長男・鴈治郎「ずっとスター」次男・扇雀「背中見続けた」(サンケイスポーツ) - Yahoo!ニュース
- Mexico vs. South Korea score: El Tri wins 3-2 with Goals from Raul Jimenez, Carlos Saucedo, and Uriel Antuna - CBS Sports
- Morrison cancels Papua New Guinea trip - Goondiwindi Argus
- 松本人志、山P退所に「ファンクラブ員なら切ない」 - ニッカンスポーツ
- Federal judge says new DACA rules are invalid - CNN
- 松本人志が山下智久の退所に言及「FC入ってたらすごいやるせない結末」 - livedoor
- Federal judge says Chad Wolf has been leading DHS illegally, rules suspension of DACA invalid - The Dallas Morning News
- UEFA Nations League Qualifying: Sean Miller picks Portugal vs France and Switzerland vs Spain - Bettors Insider
- Joe Biden plans to name a COVID-19 coordinator, his incoming chief of staff says - USA TODAY
- China launches mobile telecom satellite – Spaceflight Now - Spaceflight Now
- The Best Black Friday Boost Mobile Deals (2020): Top Early Apple iPhone Deals & Phone Savings Rated by Consumer Articles - Yahoo Finance
- 映画「仮面ライダーセイバー」に谷口賢志が出演「全員狩る…じゃなくて、成敗する」(コメントあり) - ナタリー
- 秋篠宮と親交の深いジャーナリストが緊急寄稿「眞子さま〈お気持ち〉公表で“国民の祝福”や“金銭問題”はどうなるのか?」 - 文春オンライン
- Donald Trump wins North Carolina - WTOP
- 「THE FIRST TAKE」の配信専門レーベル始動!第1弾楽曲はLiSA×Uruが歌う「再会」(動画あり) - ナタリー
Posted: 15 Nov 2020 12:26 AM PST 声優・日野聡 クイズ番組でナレ - 大ヒット映画『劇場版「鬼滅の刃」無限列車編』で、物語の中心となる煉獄杏寿郎役を務めている日野だが、今回どういったナレーションを行っているか注目が集まる。ナレーションを行った日野がコメントを寄せた。 ――ナレーション収録の感想をお聞かせください。 ――「違和感写真館」の違和感に気づけましたか? ――お気に入りの違和感クイズはありますか? ――視聴者へ一言お願いします。 2020-11-15 06:35:00Z |
City of Mobile announces some changes for 2021 Mardi Gras events - NBC 15 WPMI Posted: 14 Nov 2020 11:44 PM PST [unable to retrieve full-text content] City of Mobile announces some changes for 2021 Mardi Gras events NBC 15 WPMI"Mobile" - Google News November 14, 2020 at 05:07PM City of Mobile announces some changes for 2021 Mardi Gras events - NBC 15 WPMI "Mobile" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Asia form world's biggest trade bloc, a China-backed group excluding U.S - Yahoo Eurosport UK Posted: 14 Nov 2020 11:08 PM PST View photos ASEAN Summit in Hanoi By Khanh Vu and Phuong Nguyen HANOI (Reuters) - Fifteen Asia-Pacific economies formed the world's largest free trade bloc on Sunday, a China-backed deal that excludes the United States, which had left a rival Asia-Pacific grouping under President Donald Trump. The signing of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) at a regional summit in Hanoi, is a further blow to the group pushed by former U.S. president Barack Obama, which his successor Trump exited in 2017. Amid questions over Washington's engagement in Asia, RCEP may cement China's position more firmly as an economic partner with Southeast Asia, Japan and Korea, putting the world's second-biggest economy in a better position to shape the region's trade rules. The United States is absent from both RCEP and the successor to the Obama-led Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), leaving the world's biggest economy out of two trade groups that span the fastest-growing region on earth. By contrast, RCEP could help Beijing cut its dependence on overseas markets and technology, a shift accelerated by a deepening rift with Washington, said Iris Pang, ING chief economist for Greater China. RCEP groups the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), China, Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand. It aims in coming years to progressively lower tariffs across many areas. The deal was signed on the sidelines of an online ASEAN summit held as Asian leaders address tensions in the South China Sea and tackle plans for a post-pandemic economic recovery in a region where U.S.-China rivalry has been rising. In an unusual ceremony, held virtually because of the coronavirus pandemic, leaders of RCEP countries took turns standing behind their trade ministers who, one by one, signed copies of the agreement, which they then showed triumphantly to the cameras. "RCEP will soon be ratified by signatory countries and take effect, contributing to the post-COVID pandemic economic recovery," said Nguyen Xuan Phuc, prime minister of Vietnam, which hosted the ceremony as ASEAN chair. RCEP will account for 30% of the global economy, 30% of the global population and reach 2.2 billion consumers, Vietnam said. 'HISTORICAL BREAKTHROUGH' China's finance ministry said the new bloc's promises include eliminating some tariffs within the group, including some immediately and others over 10 years. There were no details on which products and which countries would see immediate reduction in tariffs. "For the first time, China and Japan reached a bilateral tariff reduction arrangement, achieving a historic breakthrough," the ministry said in a statement, without giving further details. The deal marks the first time rival East Asian powers China, Japan and South Korea have been in a single free trade agreement. Despite being outside RCEP and having been in the administration that propelled the TPP, President-elect Joe Biden - Obama's vice president - is unlikely to rejoin the TPP anytime soon, analysts said, as his government will have to prioritise handling the COVID-19 outbreak at home. "I'm not sure that there will be much focus on trade generally, including efforts to rejoin" the TPP successor grouping, "for the first year or so because there will be such a focus on COVID relief," Charles Freeman, senior vice president for Asia at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce said this month. RCEP "will help reduce or remove tariffs on industrial and agricultural products and set out rules for data transmission," said Luong Hoang Thai, head of the Multilateral Trade Policy Department at Vietnam's Ministry of Industry and Trade. The pact will take effect once enough participating countries ratify the agreement domestically within the next two years, Indonesia's trade minister said last week. For China, the new group, including many U.S. allies, is a windfall largely resulting from Trump's retreat from the TPP, said ING's Pang. India pulled out of RCEP talks in November last year, but ASEAN leaders said the door remained open for it to join. (Reporting by Khanh Vu and Phuong Nguyen; Additional reporting by James Pearson in Hanoi, Liz Lee in Kuala Lumpur, Gayatri Suroyo and Bernadette Christina Munthe in Jakarta, Hyonhee Shin in Seoul, Neil Jerome Morales in Manilla, Kaori Kaneko in Tokyo, Kirsty Needham in Sydney, and Gabriel Crossley, Roxanne Liu and Shivani Singh in Beijing; Editing by William Mallard) Top stories - Google News November 14, 2020 at 08:35PM Asia form world's biggest trade bloc, a China-backed group excluding U.S - Yahoo Eurosport UK Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Judge Rules Acting DHS Secretary Lacked Authority To Suspend DACA Program - NPR Posted: 14 Nov 2020 11:08 PM PST ![]() Chad Wolf, the acting secretary of homeland security, is pictured on Sept. 23. A federal judge said he was not authorized to issue a July memo limiting the restrictions of DACA recipients. Greg Nash/Pool/Getty Images A federal judge in New York City says Chad Wolf was not legally serving as the acting secretary of homeland security when he issued a memo in July that stopped new applicants to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. Therefore, Judge Nicholas Garaufis of the U.S. District Court of the Eastern District of New York ruled Saturday, Wolf's memo is invalid. It's the latest court ruling against the Trump administration's attempts to undo the Obama-era program that currently protects about 640,000 young immigrants who were brought to the U.S. illegally as children. In June, the Supreme Court blocked the Trump administration's attempt in 2017 to cancel DACA, saying the administration's reasoning was "arbitrary and capricious." In July, a federal court in Maryland told the administration to start accepting new applicants. Instead, Wolf issued a memo on July 28 that, Judge Garaufis wrote, "effectively suspended DACA" pending a Department of Homeland Security review. Wolf's memo said the administration would reject new applicants. It also said the administration would renew protections for immigrants who already have them, but for just one year, instead of two years, which was the previous policy. Wolf has been serving as acting homeland security secretary since November 2019; he has not been confirmed by the Senate. The last homeland security secretary to be confirmed by the Senate was Kirstjen Nielsen, who resigned in April 2019. In August, Trump said he would nominate Wolf to the official job. The Trump administration has previously been chided by another federal judge and a government watchdog for violating the rules of succession at the Department of Homeland Security. Judge Garaufis said Wolf's appointment violated the Homeland Security Act of 2002. He ordered the parties of the case to schedule conferences with the court by Sunday to inform the judge of any planned motions in response to the ruling. "Today's decision is another win for DACA recipients and those who have been waiting years to apply to the program for the first time," wrote Karen Tumlin of the Justice Action Center, who represents DACA recipients in the case. Top stories - Google News November 14, 2020 at 08:36PM Judge Rules Acting DHS Secretary Lacked Authority To Suspend DACA Program - NPR Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
賛否を巻き起こしたアニメ映画「日本沈没」監督が制作意図を説明 - livedoor Posted: 14 Nov 2020 10:26 PM PST 賛否を巻き起こしたアニメ映画「日本沈没」監督が制作意図を説明 - livedoor ![]() 【写真】人気声優がサバイバル術熱弁!上田麗奈、村中知、小野賢章が笑顔 同作は、小松左京氏の大ヒット小説を原作に7月よりNetflixで配信されたアニメの劇場版で、「国が失われゆく人々のアイデンティティ」という1973年に刊行された原作のテーマを残しつつ、2020年現在の日本を舞台に、未曾有の事態をごく普通の家族の目線で描いた物語。 Netflixで配信後はネット上で「すごくハードでつらい内容」「今は悲しそうなものを楽しむ余裕はない」などと"共感できない""不謹慎だ"という意見の一方、「ラストがすごかった」「余韻からまだ抜け出せない」といった"今だからこそ見るべき内容"と、賛否を巻き起こし話題を呼んだ。 『日本沈没』というタイトルを聞いた時の心境について、湯浅監督は「自分が日本の国とどういう関係にいるのか、漫然と何も考えていなかった。作品を作りながら、国とどのような関係だったのか、自分にとっての居場所は何かを考えるきっかけになりました」と制作を振り返った。 また、視聴者にも同じように考えるきっかけになってほしい想いがあるとし、「きっかけをたくさん作りました」と説明。続けて「惑わす感じでみなさんに考えていただくようにNetflix版を作ったのですが、なかなかこう…みなさん惑わされてしまう感じがした」と苦笑い。 今回の劇場版では、配信時全10話だったストーリーを湯浅監督の手による編集で再構築し、5.1chの劇場仕様の音響と共に、新たな映画作品として生まれ変わらせている。「劇場では、その惑わす部分を少し減らしています。すんなり見ることができて、生な感じで見ていただけたらなと思います」とし、「まったく説明とか言わない作品ですので、『これは、こうかな?』と見終わったあとに想像していただけたらなと思います」と呼びかけた。 2020-11-15 05:42:00Z |
RCEP deal to reshape global trading system, boost S. Korea's economy - Arirang News Posted: 14 Nov 2020 10:08 PM PST [unable to retrieve full-text content]
Top stories - Google News November 14, 2020 at 09:20PM RCEP deal to reshape global trading system, boost S. Korea's economy - Arirang News Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
中丸雄一「ペナルティーを受けていた期間中に抜けてしまうのも美しくはない」“海外挑戦”山下智久にエールも時期には疑問 - 中日スポーツ・東京中日スポーツ Posted: 14 Nov 2020 09:56 PM PST 中丸雄一「ペナルティーを受けていた期間中に抜けてしまうのも美しくはない」"海外挑戦"山下智久にエールも時期には疑問 - 中日スポーツ・東京中日スポーツ KAT―TUNの中丸雄一(37)が15日放送の日本テレビ系情報番組「シューイチ」にコメンテーターとして出演。10月末で自身と同じジャニーズ事務所を退所した俳優で歌手の山下智久(35)について言及した。 「衝撃的かなと思いますね。同世代としてやっていた者としては悲しいっちゃ悲しいですね」と心境を吐露。さらに活動自粛期間中での退所については「辞め方としてはちょっと違和感が残るなと思いますね。退所がファンに向けて事後報告だったことがあまり聞いた事がない。問題があってペナルティーを受けていた期間中に抜けてしまうのも美しくはないかな」と批判した。 中丸は「(退所)理由として海外挑戦というのは個人的にはエールを送りたい」ともコメント。「昨今、アイドルを辞めてもやることが増えた。我々も一定の年齢になったら選択肢はある。いい時代になったのかな。海外挑戦となると、日本で培ってきたものがなくなる。ホント頑張ってほしいなと思いますね」と話していた。 関連キーワード 2020-11-15 02:43:44Z |
坂田藤十郎さんの長男・鴈治郎「ずっとスター」次男・扇雀「背中見続けた」(サンケイスポーツ) - Yahoo!ニュース Posted: 14 Nov 2020 09:56 PM PST 坂田藤十郎さんの長男・鴈治郎「ずっとスター」次男・扇雀「背中見続けた」(サンケイスポーツ) - Yahoo!ニュース [unable to retrieve full-text content]
2020-11-15 03:41:12Z |
Posted: 14 Nov 2020 09:42 PM PST
Mexico would pay the price as South Korea opened the goal scoring in the 20th minute with a goal from Hwang Ui-Jo. The first half would close with South Korea carrying a one goal lead despite being out shot nine to two. Lozano's return to the national team line up, Jimenez's top form in Premier League, and Corona's recent Champions League meant Mexico came into the match with high expectations, expectations that they fell short of in the first half despite their dominance. It took a while but the score line finally caught up to Mexico's performance. Jimenez would finally break through on goal for Mexico in the 67th minute with a perfectly timed tap in after a strong cross from Oberlin Pineda. Then the flood gates opened. Substitute Uriel Antuna scored Mexico's second goal in the 69th minute, and El Tri made it it 3-1 just a minute later with a top class volley from Carlos Saucedo. South Korea would keep things interesting as they pulled within one, when Kwon Kyung-won scored in the 87th minute but an equalizer was never really in the cards and Mexico's dominance was rewarded with the win. It was ultimately Mexico's second half flurry in front of goal that was the difference maker, outshooting South Korea 23 to 7, winning the match 3-2. El Tri will face Japan next on Tuesday, Nov. 17. "Goal" - Google News November 14, 2020 at 02:40PM Mexico vs. South Korea score: El Tri wins 3-2 with Goals from Raul Jimenez, Carlos Saucedo, and Uriel Antuna - CBS Sports "Goal" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Morrison cancels Papua New Guinea trip - Goondiwindi Argus Posted: 14 Nov 2020 09:08 PM PST ![]() Prime Minister Scott Morrison has cancelled his visit to Papua New Guinea after some of the country's ministers switched to the opposition causing a leadership threat. Mr Morrison's office confirmed the cancellation on Saturday saying he had deferred the visit after PNG prime minister James Marape asked him to. The disgruntled PNG ministers have cited growing economic worries facing the indebted Pacific nation. Mr Marape has been in power for just 18 months, after replacing long-serving leader Peter O'Neill in a similar process that involved prominent government ministers switching sides. Deputy Prime Minister Sam Basil and Foreign Affairs Minister Patrick Pruaitch are among those who withdrew support for the government on Friday, as opponents used their numbers to suspend parliament and start drawing up plans for a vote of no confidence that could oust Mr Marape. Mr Marape said in a Facebook post that he would not be easily removed. "It's not over until it's over, leadership has its moments," he said. Mr Morrison was due to meet Mr Marape in PNG next week. Opposition Leader Belden Namah called on Mr Morrison's visit to be deferred, telling PNG's national newspaper it was "bad diplomacy" and was "tantamount to an attempt ot influence PNG's political process". "The visit should be deferred until the motion of no confidence has been tabled and the process of electing a new prime minister is completed. "There are other matters that Morrison should consider before he comes to Port Moresby with cash and candy to support Marape's political survival," Mr Namah said. Australian Associated Press Top stories - Google News November 14, 2020 at 08:31AM Morrison cancels Papua New Guinea trip - Goondiwindi Argus Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
松本人志、山P退所に「ファンクラブ員なら切ない」 - ニッカンスポーツ Posted: 14 Nov 2020 08:26 PM PST 松本人志、山P退所に「ファンクラブ員なら切ない」 - ニッカンスポーツ ダウンタウン松本人志(57)が15日、フジテレビ系「ワイドナショー」(日曜午前10時)にコメンテーターとして出演した。 芸能活動自粛中だった山下智久(35)が10月末にジャニーズ事務所を退所していたことについて、松本は「もし、僕が彼のファンクラブに入っていたら、すごい切ない結末。でも、僕は入ってないからいいんですけど(笑い)。ただ、自粛って自ら活動を停止する事じゃないですか」と話した。そして「なんか僕だけ言うみたいで、六本木で山P(山下)に会ったら、しばかれるんじゃないかと思う」と笑った。 長嶋一茂は「30代半ばですから決断したことは男らしい、応援したい。ただ、自粛期間中だから、日本に戻ってきたときにどうかな」と話した。 山下は未成年との飲酒などを理由に8月から芸能活動を自粛中だった。先月27日に海外から米国ドラマへの出演依頼を受けて、4日後の退所を決断した。 2020-11-15 01:58:23Z |
Federal judge says new DACA rules are invalid - CNN Posted: 14 Nov 2020 08:08 PM PST ![]() Wolf in July issued a memo saying that new applications for DACA, the Obama-era program that shields undocumented immigrants who came to the US as children from deportation, would not be accepted and renewals would be limited to one year instead of two amid an ongoing review. The ruling is another defeat for the Trump administration, which is now unlikely to be able to address DACA and the fate of Dreamers. The administration tried ending the program in 2017, but the US Supreme Court blocked their attempt in June. The memo invalidated on Saturday had sought to buy time while the administration decided its next steps. The President has been successful in achieving many immigration limits, but it has not been able to significantly dismantle DACA, the now eight-year-old program. Saturday's ruling would be subject to appeal if the US government chooses to do so. There have been previous questions over the legality of Wolf's appointment. The Trump administration has renewed a push to get Wolf confirmed before Inauguration Day; he is currently serving in an acting capacity. In the past week, Homeland Security officials spoke to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's office about bringing the nomination to a floor vote in the coming weeks -- a move seemingly acknowledging both a forthcoming change in administrations and criticism that Wolf's appointment was invalid. Over the course of Donald Trump's presidency, DHS -- the third-largest federal department -- has had five secretaries, only two of whom have been confirmed by the Senate, and has run into a flurry of questions over the legitimacy and authority of those leading in acting capacities. The Government Accountability Office issued a report in August saying Wolf's appointment was part of an invalid order of succession. A federal judge in Maryland also ruled that Wolf was likely serving unlawfully. Without confirmation, Wolf's appointment -- and policies rolled out during his tenure -- will continue to face questions. McConnell spokesman Doug Andres told CNN on Thursday that there are no scheduling updates or guidance "at the moment" in regards to his confirmation. This story has been updated. Top stories - Google News November 14, 2020 at 04:16PM Federal judge says new DACA rules are invalid - CNN Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
松本人志が山下智久の退所に言及「FC入ってたらすごいやるせない結末」 - livedoor Posted: 14 Nov 2020 07:26 PM PST 松本人志が山下智久の退所に言及「FC入ってたらすごいやるせない結末」 - livedoor ![]() 【写真】似てる?浜田雅功の息子 OKAMOTO'Sのハマ・オカモト コメンテーターの菊地亜美が「退所は結構多いじゃないですか。そこは『そう考えてたんだろうな〜』って思ってたんですけど…」と前置きし、「その前のマイナスな問題があって、そこをうやむやにして、活動自粛の間に退所してて、しかも事後報告。ファン的にはちょっともやっとするんじゃないかなっと思う」と持論を展開。 それを聞いた松本は「もし僕が彼のファンクラブかなんかに入ってたら、もうすごいやるせない結末だなと思いますけど、僕は彼のファンクラブに入っていないので、別にいいんですけどね」とボケを交えて意見を述べた。続けて「自粛って自らが行動を停止するっていうことじゃないですか。でもこれは事務所が言った活動自粛であって、本人はこの自粛を納得してなかったってことでもいいんですよね」と語った。 また「『松本すげー俺のこと言うじゃん』って思われるかもしれないんですけど、彼にね、本当に疑問を言っているだけなんですけど」と本音を吐露。「もやもやするから、そこは一応僕は言わないといけない立場…。立場なのかわからんけど、こんなお仕事さしてもらってるんで、そりゃ言うんですけど」と、コメンテーターとして責任感を持って発言していると明かした。 2020-11-15 01:38:00Z |
Posted: 14 Nov 2020 07:08 PM PST A New York federal judge ruled Saturday that Acting Department of Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf hasn't been leading the agency legally and that his suspension this summer of new applications for the Deferred Action of Childhood Arrivals program was invalid, NBC and other news agencies are reporting. In June, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the Trump administration wrongly tried to end protections under DACA, the Obama-era program that offers protections from deportation certain people brought into the U.S. illegally as children. Wolf nonetheless on July 28 issued a memo suspended acceptance of new DACA applications and restricting renewals to one year instead of two. Judge Nicholas Garaufis said details of his ruling would be hashed out in court conferences, NBC reported. ![]() Homeland Security officials did not immediately respond to a request for comment, NBC reported. Karen Tumlin, a lawyer in the case and director of the Los Angeles-based Justice Action Center, told NBC that the ruling means, "the effort in the Wolf memo to gut the DACA program is overturned." Tumlin told the network that ruling applies to more than a million people, including more recent applicants and those seeking two-year renewals for protection under DACA. "This is really a hopeful day for a lot of young people across the country," she told the network. Nominated but not yet approvedAlthough President Donald Trump formally nominated Wolf for the job in summer, Wolf has yet to get a full vote in the Senate, keeping his role as "acting." In his ruling, Garaufis cited the Government Accountability Office, which wrote in a report to Congress in August that Wolf was the beneficiary of an "invalid order of succession," NBC reported. The judge described an illegitimate shuffling of leadership chairs at the Department of Homeland Security, the agency responsible for immigration enforcement, for the predicament of Wolf's leadership and that of his predecessor, Kevin McAleenan, the network reported. "Based on the plain text of the operative order of succession," NBC reported Garaufis as writing, "neither Mr. McAleenan nor, in turn, Mr. Wolf, possessed statutory authority to serve as Acting Secretary. Therefore the Wolf Memorandum was not an exercise of legal authority." The ruling is part of an ongoing case with DACA recipient Martín Jonathan Batalla Vidal serving as the lead plaintiff in a six-plaintiff case against Wolf and the Department of Homeland Security, NBC reported. The suit initially challenged the state of Texas' attempt to thwart DACA. Wolf, who grew up in Plano, developed air travel policies for the Transportation Security Administration and was a lobbyist before landing at DHS, where he rose through the ranks, eventually becoming chief of staff to former DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen. He was appointed acting secretary last year. Role in family separation policyWolf has been no stranger to controvery while at DHS. As Nielsen's chief of staff, he was instrumental in the zero-tolerance border crackdown in 2018 that led to the separation of at least 4,000 immigrant children from their parents — though he has tried to downplay his involvement. At his confirmation hearing last June, Wolf testified that he was not involved in the development of the policy, and only learned of it in April 2018, weeks before it was announced. But that claim was contradicted by internal emails from late 2017 that NBC uncovered last year. The emails showed that Wolf included family separation as No. 2 on a list of 16 policy recommendations to curb immigration at the southern border. Wolf sent the list to Gene Hamilton, counselor to then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions, and the recommendation took effect in May 2018. Top stories - Google News November 14, 2020 at 06:24PM Federal judge says Chad Wolf has been leading DHS illegally, rules suspension of DACA invalid - The Dallas Morning News Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Posted: 14 Nov 2020 07:08 PM PST ![]() With France struggling, can Portugal move up the ladder towards top of EURO 2020 odds? Right now, defending European champion Portugal is down the list of favorites to win the next edition in July. That is mostly because of its group: the Portuguese have the last two World Cup champions, France and Germany, in Group F, along with a battle-tested Hungary side. Today, though, Portugal can put down a marker against a reeling French team in the UEFA Nations League. This match was 0-0 in October, and the teams are fighting to win the group (both on 10 points). France's 2-0 loss Wednesday to Finland does not do much for my confidence in a team that I have had SUPREME confidence in for the better part of four years: I had them to win EURO 2016 (and they should have, but that is another story) and the World Cup in 2018 (big money, big money, big money, stop!). I could be wrong, and Deschamps side could come out and play a worldie today. But this Portugal team is starting to look frightening even with Cristiano Ronaldo getting older. Check for channel listings UEFA NATIONS LEAGUE QUALIFICATIONPortugal (+132) vs. France (+220), draw (+225), 2:45 p.m. EDT (Unimas, ESPN+, and Switzerland (+340) vs. Spain (-114), draw (+245), 2:45 p.m. EDT (ESPN+, TUDNXtra, and THE PICKS: Portugal -0.25 (+138) Ronaldo to score (+135) Spain ML (-114) Top stories - Google News November 14, 2020 at 06:51AM UEFA Nations League Qualifying: Sean Miller picks Portugal vs France and Switzerland vs Spain - Bettors Insider Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Joe Biden plans to name a COVID-19 coordinator, his incoming chief of staff says - USA TODAY Posted: 14 Nov 2020 06:08 PM PST |
China launches mobile telecom satellite – Spaceflight Now - Spaceflight Now Posted: 14 Nov 2020 05:44 PM PST ![]() A new Chinese mobile communications satellite launched Thursday on top of a Long March 3B rocket, joining a similar spacecraft launched four years ago to provide voice and data services to users on the go. The Tiantong 1-02 mobile communications satellite lifted off at 1559 GMT (10:59 a.m. EST) Thursday from the Xichang satellite launch center in Sichuan province of southwestern China, according to the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology. The launch occurred at 11:59 p.m. Beijing time. A Long March 3B rocket carried the Tiantong 1-02 satellite into orbit. The 184-foot-tall (56-meter) rocket shed its four hydrazine-fueled strap-on boosters, a core stage, and a second stage in the first few minutes of the flight, then a cryogenic upper stage ignited two times to deploy the Tiantong 1-02 spacecraft into an elliptical, or egg-shaped, orbit. Tracking data released by the U.S. military indicated the rocket placed the Tiantong 1-02 spacecraft into an orbit ranging between 105 miles (170 kilometers) and 22,257 miles (35,820 kilometers) above Earth, with an inclination of about 28.4 degrees to the equator. Chinese officials declared the launch a success, and the Tiantong 1-02 spacecraft is expected to circularize its orbit in the coming days using its own propulsion system. The satellite will settle into a circular geostationary orbit more than 22,000 miles over the equator, where its velocity will match the speed of Earth's rotation. A statement released by the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp. — the top state-owned contractor for China's space program — said the Tiantong 1-02 satellite will join the Tiantong 1-01 satellite launched in 2016 to form an S-band mobile communications system. Similar mobile satellite networks, such as the commercial Inmarsat system, include hand-held terminals for subscribers to connect from remote locales. Users on the Tiantong network also employ small handsets. The Tiantong network is "independently developed and constructed" by China, and allows users to connect with voice communications and message and data services across China, other parts of the Asia-Pacific region, the Middle East, and Africa, according to CASC. The mobile communications network, which operates will also serve users in most areas of the Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean, officials said. China Telecom, China's third largest mobile network provider, operates and markets Tiantong satellite communications services. Email the author. Follow Stephen Clark on Twitter: @StephenClark1. "Mobile" - Google News November 14, 2020 at 05:08PM China launches mobile telecom satellite – Spaceflight Now - Spaceflight Now "Mobile" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Posted: 14 Nov 2020 05:44 PM PST TipRanks 3 Big Dividend Stocks Yielding at Least 10%; Analysts Say 'Buy'Markets continued their upward trend this week, gaining ground since the November 3 vote. There is an optimistic view that politics will settle into a more normal pattern with a new Administration. Even so, investors have been wary this past autumn – as there is plenty to be wary about. The coronavirus has started a comeback with the advent of cooler weather, and the political uncertainty that surrounded the election has left the status of further economic stimulus packages in limbo.It's times like these that investors start taking a renewed interest in dividend stocks. These are the classic defensive stocks, and for good reason: a reliable dividend keeps the income flowing, no matter what the markets do. Wall Street analysts have chimed in – and they are recommending high-yield dividend stocks for investors looking to find protection for their portfolio. Here, we'll take a look at three stocks that fit a profile: a Strong Buy rating from the analyst community, and a dividend yield that gives at least 10%.Stellus Capital (SCM)Stellus Capital offers capital solutions (read: debt financing) for companies in the lower mid-market range. These are companies that may have difficulty accessing capital through large banks; Stellus shoulders the higher risk as an investment opportunity. The capital company's portfolio includes 67 companies, $1.6 billion in assets under management, and over $6 billion in total funds invested.Stellus has been raising its dividend payment this year. The next dividend has already been declared for December, and shows an effective increase to 31 cents per common share. This comes from combining the regular 25 cent payment with a special 6-cent dividend, and after the company paid out 25 cents per share in the previous two quarters. Counting the regular dividend, the payment annualizes to $1 per common share, and gives a yield of 10.91%.Writing from Raymond James, analyst Robert Dodd says, "Core earnings covered the base dividend in 3Q20, and a strong spillover position should cushion the dividend in 2021. We continue to view the risk /reward attractively."The analyst added, "The SCM pipeline looks robust, with ~10 portfolio companies going through various stages of due diligence. Repayments in 4Q20 could be as high as $30M - with a modest positive impact to NAV from exits above fair value marks at 3Q20."To this end, Dodd rates SCM shares an Outperform (i.e. Buy) along with a $11 price target. This figure implies a 17% upside from current levels. (To watch Dodd's track record, click here)Overall, Stellus' Strong Buy analyst consensus rating is based on 4 reviews, including 3 Buys and 1 Hold. The stock is selling for $9.43 and its average price target of $10.17 suggests it has a one-year upside potential of ~8%. (See SCM stock analysis on TipRanks)WhiteHorse Finance (WHF)Next up is WhiteHorse Finance, another BDC. WhiteHorse's focus is on small-cap companies, valued at $50 million to $350 million, and WHF's investments are typically in the $10 million to $50 million range. WhiteHorse's portfolio totals more than $595 million.A better outlook for the future, based on earnings recovery, has given a firm foundation to dividend payments, and WhiteHorse has kept up its 35.5 cents regular dividend. Combined with a 12.5 cent special dividend, this makes the most recent payment 48 cents per common share. The yield is a sky-high 12.29%.Oppenheimer analyst Chris Kotowski is upbeat about WhiteHorse, noting "WHF reported 3Q20 core net investment income (NII) of $0.38/share versus our $0.32 estimate and consensus' $0.29E. The bottom line was boosted by an interest recovery, but what encouraged us most was both growth and improvement in asset quality. $58.3M of funding activity was only partially offset by only $26.5M of repayments, driving ~8.8% linked-quarter growth in investments alongside mark appreciation."The 5-star analyst added, "Management seemed optimistic about the outlook for loan growth, saying that it was perhaps the best environment they had seen since 2012–2013, and they clearly have the capacity to put capital to work. The current gross leverage of 0.94x (and net 0.87x) sits below management's 1.00–1.25x target leverage, leaving ample room for growth in coming quarters amidst a strong investment pipeline."As a result, Kotowski gives the stock an Outperform (i.e. Buy) rating, and his $15 price target implies a robust 29% upside for the year ahead. (To watch Kotowski's track record, click here)Overall, WhiteHorse has a unanimous Strong Buy analyst consensus rating, with 3 buy-side reviews on record. The stock is currently priced at $11.65 and its $13.25 average price target suggests it has a one-year upside of 14%. (See WHF stock analysis on TipRanks)Capital Southwest Corporation (CSWC)Last but not least is Capital Southwest, another Texas-based company in the business development sector. CSWC focuses on lending and credit options for mid-market companies. Capital Southwest boasts a portfolio featuring $664 million invested into 69 companies, and has over $150 million in liquidity available.Revenues have been recovering since going negative in Q1, at the height of the corona crisis. Sequential gains in both Q1 and Q2 have brought quarterly revenues to $21 million, while earnings in Q3 showed a strong spike to 45 cents per share, the highest value in over two years.Rising earnings have allowed Capital Southwest to keep up its history of reliable dividend payments. The company raised its dividend going into 2020, and has maintained the 51-cent payment all year. The 10.5% yield is more than 4x higher than the average found among financial sector peer companies, bringing CSWC to the attention of dividend investors.Among CSWC's fans is JMP analyst Devin Ryan, who rates the stock a Buy and gives it a $17 price target. (To watch Ryan's track record, click here)"Overall, we think results for the quarter were strong and that Capital Southwest is one of the most attractive ways to gain exposure to lower-middle-market direct originations. We highlight improving credit quality, strong portfolio growth, a solid pipeline of deal flow, sustainable core/supplemental dividends and management's focus on expenses as reasons we think the stock is positioned to outperform," Ryan opined.All in all, CSWC has a Strong Buy rating from the analyst consensus, with 3 recent Buy reviews and 1 Hold. Shares have an average price target of $15.67, which is almost flat compared to the current trading price. The real return here is in the dividend. (See CSWC stock analysis at TipRanks) "Mobile" - Google News November 14, 2020 at 04:50PM The Best Black Friday Boost Mobile Deals (2020): Top Early Apple iPhone Deals & Phone Savings Rated by Consumer Articles - Yahoo Finance "Mobile" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
映画「仮面ライダーセイバー」に谷口賢志が出演「全員狩る…じゃなくて、成敗する」(コメントあり) - ナタリー Posted: 14 Nov 2020 05:25 PM PST 映画「仮面ライダーセイバー」に谷口賢志が出演「全員狩る…じゃなくて、成敗する」(コメントあり) - ナタリー ![]() 「 「劇場版 仮面ライダーゼロワン(仮題)」と2本立てで上映される本作。このたび「救急戦隊ゴーゴーファイブ」の巽ナガレ / ゴーブルー役や、「仮面ライダーアマゾンズ」の鷹山仁 / 仮面ライダーアマゾンアルファ役で知られる谷口が、バハト / 仮面ライダーファルシオン役で出演するとわかった。仮面ライダーファルシオンはオレンジ色のボディが特徴的な不死身の剣士で、ソードオブロゴスの剣士たちの前に立ちはだかる存在。なおバハトは劇場版だけでなく、今後のテレビシリーズにもつながる重要な役どころだという。 この発表にあたり谷口は「念願叶いニチアサ令和ライダーと戦えることになりました」「不死身の剣士・バハトとして、『俺の中の俺』にも耳を傾け、セイバーたちを全員狩る……じゃなくて、成敗するつもりで魂込めます」とコメントした。 「劇場版 仮面ライダーセイバー」「劇場版 仮面ライダーゼロワン」は12月18日に全国公開。 谷口賢志 コメント「劇場版 仮面ライダーセイバー」バハト/仮面ライダーファルシオン役で出演します。谷口賢志です。大変光栄な機会をいただき、平成は間に合いませんでしたが、念願叶いニチアサ令和ライダーと戦えることになりました。何かの細胞が躍ります。不死身の剣士・バハトとして、「俺の中の俺」にも耳を傾け、セイバーたちを全員狩る……じゃなくて、成敗するつもりで魂込めますので、応援よろしくお願いします。まずは映画館で会いましょう。 この記事の画像・動画(全5件) スーパーヒーロープロジェクト (c)石森プロ・テレビ朝日・ADK EM・東映 2020-11-15 00:30:00Z |
秋篠宮と親交の深いジャーナリストが緊急寄稿「眞子さま〈お気持ち〉公表で“国民の祝福”や“金銭問題”はどうなるのか?」 - 文春オンライン Posted: 14 Nov 2020 04:55 PM PST 秋篠宮と親交の深いジャーナリストが緊急寄稿「眞子さま〈お気持ち〉公表で"国民の祝福"や"金銭問題"はどうなるのか?」 - 文春オンライン 宮内庁は11月13日、結婚が延期されている秋篠宮家の長女・眞子さま(29)と小室圭さん(29)の結婚に関するおふたりの「お気持ち」を文書で公表した。 今回の「お気持ち」では、結婚は「必要な選択です」とした上で、「今後の予定等については、今の時点で具体的なものをお知らせすることは難しい状況です」と綴られている。 この「お気持ち」発表を受けて、20年以上にわたり秋篠宮さまと親交がある毎日新聞編集委員の江森敬治氏に2019年の記事の再掲載の依頼をしたところ、「お気持ち」発表の翌日、江森氏は以下の文章を編集部に寄せた。 眞子内親王たちの文書が公表されたのを受けて、「文春オンライン」編集部から、私が1年半前、19年4月に寄稿した文書を、急きょ再掲載したい旨、連絡を受けた。この文書は、眞子内親王の結婚問題について文春オンライン上でアンケートを実施。その結果についての私の感想をまとめたものだ。新しい状況下ではあるが、眞子内親王の結婚問題を理解する上で、少なからず参考になればと思った。 宮内庁が13日に公表した文書には、「今後の予定等については、今の時点で具体的なものをお知らせすることは難しい状況です」とある通り、残念ながら具体的な記述は見られない。結婚したいという2人の気持ちは分かるが、果たして現実問題として、今後、結婚までのプロセスが順調に進むのか。さらに、2人の結婚に不安を感じる多くの国民が、この文書で納得するであろうかと、私はいささか疑問に感じている。 納采の儀は行えないと、秋篠宮ははっきり説明した18年11月、秋篠宮は誕生日を前にした記者会見で、「これは、2人にも私は伝えましたが、やはり、今いろんなところで話題になっていること、これについてはきちんと整理をして問題をクリアするということ(が必要)になるかもしれません。そしてそれとともに、やはり多くの人がそのことを納得し喜んでくれる状況、そういう状況にならなければ、私たちは、いわゆる婚約に当たる納采の儀というのを行うことはできません」と、答えた。 小室家が、金銭トラブルを解決し、多くの国民が納得し喜んでくれる状況にならなければ、2人の正式な婚約に当たる納采の儀は行えないと、秋篠宮は、国民に対してはっきり説明したのだ。この言葉、今でも変わらず生きていると思う。しかし、眞子内親王たちは、この父親の思いを、どのように解決しようとしているのか、また、具体的な方法などは、今回の文書の中でまったく触れていない。 父親である秋篠宮は、筋を通す人だ。曲がったことの嫌いな父親が、果たして、2人に対してどのように忠告するのか。また、正直、結婚への思いはどんなものであるのか。秋篠宮の本心を聞いてみたい気がする。 以下、江森氏が2019年4月に緊急寄稿した記事を再公開する。(※記事中の年齢、日付、肩書などは掲載時のまま。初出2019年4月24日) ◆ 秋篠宮ご夫妻と眞子さまの話し合いは……迷走を深める眞子内親王と大学時代の同級生で法律事務所職員、小室圭氏との結婚問題。進展しない大きな原因は、小室氏の母親と元婚約者との間の400万円を超える金銭トラブルにあるのだが、こうした一連の責任を感じて小室氏が「結婚を遠慮したい」と申し出ることはなさそうだ。それどころか、米国に留学し、国際弁護士を目指していると伝えられ、結婚をする気満々のようにも見てとれる。秋篠宮夫妻も、結婚について眞子内親王と話し合いが思うように進んでいないようだ。 今の秋篠宮夫妻にとって、頼りとなるのは多くの国民からの支援の声だろう。 2020-11-14 21:00:00Z |
Donald Trump wins North Carolina - WTOP Posted: 14 Nov 2020 04:08 PM PST ![]() WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trump wins North Carolina. Copyright © 2020 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, written or redistributed. This content was republished with permission from CNN. Top stories - Google News November 13, 2020 at 12:57PM Donald Trump wins North Carolina - WTOP Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
「THE FIRST TAKE」の配信専門レーベル始動!第1弾楽曲はLiSA×Uruが歌う「再会」(動画あり) - ナタリー Posted: 14 Nov 2020 03:55 PM PST 「THE FIRST TAKE」の配信専門レーベル始動!第1弾楽曲はLiSA×Uruが歌う「再会」(動画あり) - ナタリー ![]() YouTubeチャンネル「THE FIRST TAKE」発の配信専門レーベル「THE FIRST TAKE MUSIC」が設立された。 「THE FIRST TAKE」は一発撮りしたアーティストのパフォーマンスを高画質で配信するチャンネル。今月で開設1周年を迎え、登録者は257万人を突破した。「THE FIRST TAKE MUSIC」のレーベルコンセプトは「THE FIRST TAKE」から生まれる新曲と「THE FIRST TAKE」で公開された新たな音源を"From THE FIRST TAKE"としてリリースすること。第1弾楽曲として また「THE FIRST TAKE STAGE」と題された"一発撮りオーディション"が開催されることも決定した。選考ポイントは「一発撮りのパフォーマンスを通して、自分の人生を、自分らしく表現できていること」で、優勝者には「THE FIRST TAKE」への出演と、「THE FIRST TAKE MUSIC」からの楽曲の配信リリースが約束される。応募の受付期間は12月15日17:00まで。「THE FIRST TAKE STAGE」応募フォームから一発撮りの歌唱動画を送ることでエントリーが可能となる。 この記事の画像・動画(全8件) 2020-11-14 15:00:00Z |
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