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- 2ショット写真「妻のように振る舞う愛人」近藤真彦が陥った“権力”への慢心 - 文春オンライン
- Mobile Police determine no foul play after body found at Lyons Park - NBC 15 WPMI
- Trump fires cyber security director - Sky News Australia
- In court, Giuliani argues to block Biden win in Pennsylvania - WFMZ Allentown
- 「青の祓魔師」のスマホ向けゲームが開発中止「目標とする品質に至らず」 - livedoor
- 22年大河 山本耕史も出演決定 -
- 加藤浩次のスッキリしない〝マッチ不倫スルー〟釈明に批判の声(東スポWeb) - Yahoo!ニュース
- 【11月18日付】本日発売の単行本リスト - コミックナタリー
- Biden must get ‘creative’ to regain U.S. respect in Pacific region, says ex-Fed official Richard Fisher - CNBC
- Vibes Announces Record Sales Momentum with Mobile-Centric Offering - PRNewswire
- Trump fires director of Homeland Security agency who had rejected President's election conspiracy theories - CNN
- Kroos: Spain showed Germany how to play -
- 'That is something I have to live with every day of my life': Columbus man shares story after 23-year prison sentence - 10TV
- Artis Senior Living encourages checking in on senior parents - ABC27
- China’s giant new trade agreement excludes U.S. - Marketplace
- We're excluded, it's not a good thing: Fisher on U.S.'s exclusion from Asia-Pacific trade agreement - CNBC Television
- 近藤真彦、KONDO RACINGのチーム監督としてのレース参加を見合わせ / モータースポーツ・F1関連 -
- 近藤真彦、KONDO RACINGのチーム監督としてのレース参加を見合わせ / モータースポーツ・F1関連 -
- 木村拓哉主演、映画『マスカレード・ホテル』続編製作決定 原作第3作『マスカレード・ナイト』 - ORICON NEWS
- 木村拓哉「マスカレード」続編主演、長澤と再タッグ - ニッカンスポーツ
- 三谷大河 2日目出演発表は中川大志、小泉孝太郎、杉本哲太ら5人 -
2ショット写真「妻のように振る舞う愛人」近藤真彦が陥った“権力”への慢心 - 文春オンライン Posted: 18 Nov 2020 12:06 AM PST 2ショット写真「妻のように振る舞う愛人」近藤真彦が陥った"権力"への慢心 - 文春オンライン 11月17日、所属するジャニーズ事務所より無期限の「芸能活動自粛処分」が発表されたマッチこと近藤真彦(56)。「週刊文春」11月19日号が報じた、25歳下の美人社長・A子さん(31)との「略奪5年不倫」を受けてのものだった。近藤は、A子さんとの不倫交際は「事実である」と認めた。 近藤が、上場企業の社長秘書を務めていた妻と結婚したのは1994年。2007年には男児も授かった。だが15年、A子さんと知り合い、当時同棲相手がいたA子さんを略奪する形でのめり込んでいったのである。 以前から不倫が露見することを恐れていたA子さんに、近藤はこう言い放っていた。「俺は(不倫記事を)揉み消せる権力を持っている」。 その慢心は、妻に不倫が露見する危機に瀕しても揺るがなかった。近藤とA子さんの関係を知っていた男性が明かす。 「奥さんの横で、寝言でA子さんの名前を呼んでしまったこともあるそうです。『あの時はやばかった』と苦笑いしていました」 そのうち、2人の行動は大胆になっていった。 「マッチがテレビ局幹部との食事会にA子さんを連れて行ったこともあった。彼女は悪びれもせず『旅行に行く時は、彼が私の友人の旅費も出してくれるんです』などと自慢げに吹聴。お開きの段には、マッチに『皆さんにタクシー代をあげて』と促すなど、妻のように振る舞っていた。ただ、話題がマッチの奥さんに及ぶと、途端に機嫌が悪くなった」(在京テレビ局関係者) 週刊文春の報道後、近藤の不倫問題をほぼ報じなかった在京テレビ局のワイドショーやスポーツ新聞。だが、ジャニーズ事務所から自粛処分が発表されるや、まるでジャニーズの"解禁"を待っていたかのように一斉に報じ始めたのである。 処分発表に至るまでのジャニーズ事務所やテレビ局の動き、妻が近藤に突きつけた一言、そして、発表直前に捉えた近藤真彦の姿。複数の新たな写真を含め、詳細は11月19日(木)発売の「週刊文春」報じている。 ![]() 文藝春秋が提供する有料記事は「Yahoo!ニュース」「週刊文春デジタル」「LINE NEWS」でお読みいただけます。 ※アカウントの登録や購入についてのご質問は、各サイトのお問い合わせ窓口にご連絡ください。 2020-11-18 07:04:55Z |
Mobile Police determine no foul play after body found at Lyons Park - NBC 15 WPMI Posted: 17 Nov 2020 10:44 PM PST [unable to retrieve full-text content] Mobile Police determine no foul play after body found at Lyons Park NBC 15 WPMI"Mobile" - Google News November 17, 2020 at 07:52PM Mobile Police determine no foul play after body found at Lyons Park - NBC 15 WPMI "Mobile" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Trump fires cyber security director - Sky News Australia Posted: 17 Nov 2020 09:08 PM PST President Donald Trump has sacked his cybersecurity director for claiming the recent election was the most secure in America's history. Chris Krebs tweeted a statement from his department on November 12, appearing to question the president's claims of voter fraud. The statement said "there is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised". In response Mr Trump tweeted "the recent statement by Chris Krebs on the security of the 2020 Election was highly inaccurate, in that there were massive improprieties and fraud including dead people voting, Poll Watchers not allowed into polling locations, "glitches" in the voting machines". The tweet went on to say, "therefore, effective immediately, Chris Krebs has been terminated as Director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency." Top stories - Google News November 17, 2020 at 04:59PM Trump fires cyber security director - Sky News Australia Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
In court, Giuliani argues to block Biden win in Pennsylvania - WFMZ Allentown Posted: 17 Nov 2020 09:08 PM PST ![]() WILLIAMSPORT, Pa. (AP) — Rudy Giuliani, President Donald Trump's personal attorney, returned to federal court Tuesday after a long hiatus to accuse Democrats in control of big cities of hatching a nationwide conspiracy to steal the election, even though no such evidence has emerged in the two weeks since Election Day. The court case is over the Trump campaign's federal lawsuit seeking to prevent Pennsylvania officials from certifying the vote results. Lawyers defending the Democratic secretary of state, Philadelphia and several counties said the Trump campaign's arguments lack any constitutional basis or were rendered irrelevant by a state Supreme Court decision Tuesday. They asked U.S. District Judge Matthew Brann to throw out the case, calling the allegations "at best, garden-variety irregularities" that would not warrant throwing out Pennsylvania's election results, which delivered a victory for President-elect Joe Biden. Giuliani, the former New York City mayor, baselessly asserted there was a wide-ranging scheme to steal the election from Trump in big cities in Pennsylvania and 10 other places. "The best description of this situation is widespread, nationwide voter fraud, of which this is a part. ... This is not an isolated case, this is a case that is repeated in at least 10 other jurisdictions," Giuliani said. The dozens of affidavits Trump's lawyers filed in the case, however, do not assert widespread fraud, but rather the potential for something fishy to occur because partisan poll watchers weren't given an opportunity to view the results. Tuesday's hearing focused on the Trump campaign's request for a temporary restraining order, as well as Democrats' request to have the case dismissed. Giuliani — who had not argued a case in federal court since 1992, according to online court filings — asked Brann to let him put on evidence to back up his claims. Trump's campaign has not been shy in previous weeks about publicizing what they say is evidence of election fraud. Brann has scheduled a hearing for Thursday to hear evidence — if he decides against dismissing the case. There is no evidence of widespread fraud in the 2020 election, and experts say Trump's various lawsuits have no chance of reversing the outcome in a single state, let alone the election. In fact, officials of both political parties have stated publicly that the election went well, and international observers confirmed there were no serious irregularities. The Trump campaign wants to prevent certification of results that give Biden Pennsylvania's 20 electoral votes. The Trump campaign's lawsuit is based on a complaint that Philadelphia and some Democratic-controlled counties in Pennsylvania let voters make corrections to mail-in ballots that were otherwise going to be disqualified for a technicality, like lacking a secrecy envelope or a signature. It is not clear how many ballots that could involve, although some opposing lawyers say it is far too few to overturn the election result. The Trump campaign's lawsuit says Republican-controlled counties did not allow voters to correct ballots and claims the inconsistent practice violated constitutional rights of due process and equal protection under the law and resulted in the "unlawful dilution or debasement" of properly cast votes. But Giuliani spent most of his time in court arguing that almost 700,000 ballots in Philadelphia and Allegheny County — home to Pittsburgh — went uninspected by Republican observers. Giuliani name-checked certain cities in states won by Biden — including Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Milwaukee and Detroit — and argued without basis that Democrats in control there prevented Trump campaign observers from seeing election workers process mail-in ballots so that they could falsify enough ballots to ensure Trump lost. In Philadelphia, Republican observers were kept so far away from election workers processing the ballots that they couldn't ensure the ballots were valid, Giuliani said. A judge at one point had ordered city officials to allow observers to within 6 feet of election workers, but Trump campaign lawyers contended that observers could get within 6 feet of only one row of tables, while other tables of election workers remained much farther away. During the hearing, Trump's campaign notched another loss: the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, in a 5-2 party-line decision, backed a Philadelphia judge's ruling that city officials had given Republican observers sufficient access to the vote counting, without allowing them within 6 feet. The Associated Press has declared Biden the winner of the presidential contest, but Trump has refused to concede and is blocking Biden's efforts toward a smoother transition of power. With Georgia the only uncalled state, Biden has collected at least 290 electoral votes — just enough that overturning Pennsylvania's result would not open an avenue to a second term for Trump. Biden's margin in Pennsylvania is now about 73,000 votes. The issues Trump's campaign and its allies have pointed to are typical in every election: problems with signatures, secrecy envelopes and postal marks on mail-in ballots, as well as the potential for a small number of ballots miscast or lost. Associated Press writers Alanna Durkin Richer in Boston and Marc Levy in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, contributed to this report. Top stories - Google News November 16, 2020 at 10:06PM In court, Giuliani argues to block Biden win in Pennsylvania - WFMZ Allentown Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
「青の祓魔師」のスマホ向けゲームが開発中止「目標とする品質に至らず」 - livedoor Posted: 17 Nov 2020 09:05 PM PST 「青の祓魔師」のスマホ向けゲームが開発中止「目標とする品質に至らず」 - livedoor ![]() ツイッターでは「スマートフォン向けアプリゲーム『青の祓魔師 DAMNED CHORD』ですが、目標とする品質に至らず、開発中止させていただくこととなりました」と経緯を説明し、「より面白いゲームを目指して、新プロジェクトを始動させていただきます」と発表。 「『青の祓魔師 DAMNED CHORD』にて事前登録いただいた皆様にはご迷惑おかけしますが、新プロジェクトにて改めて準備ができたタイミングで事前登録のご案内を差し上げます」とし、「配信をお待ちいただいている皆様にはご迷惑をおかけしますこと、心よりお詫び申し上げます」と謝罪した。新プロジェクトの最新情報は公式サイトで発表され、現在サイトでは「青の祓魔師×MMORPG スマートフォンゲーム新プロジェクト始動」と書かれている。 『青の祓魔師 DAMNED CHORD』は、2018年12月22日に開催された『ジャンプフェスタ』にて制作されることが発表。2019年にリリース予定で開発が進められていた。 2020-11-18 04:08:00Z |
Posted: 17 Nov 2020 08:35 PM PST 22年大河 山本耕史も出演決定 - 山本は「三浦義村と言う人物には全く印象はなく、逆にどんな三浦義村を作り上げて行くのが良いか、三谷さんの脚本が来るのを楽しみにしています。いつもそうですが、出来るだけ真っ白な状態で台本を読み、その時内側で感じた事を大切にしたいと思っています」と、決意表明。 三谷氏作の大河ドラマ『新選組!』(2004年)で土方歳三役を演じた際は、本人の"写真"が残っていたことから、「最初は、それほどでもなかったのですが、次第に自分でも土方さんに似て行く感じは、不思議な体験でした」と、影響を受けたそう。しかし、今回演じる三浦義村は写真などあるはずもなく、「どんな雰囲気にキャラクターを造形していくのか、楽しみではあります。歴史の事実より、三谷さんの脚本が全てだと思い、演じてきました。そうする事で必ず視聴者の皆さんが楽しんでくださる確信があります」と、三谷氏へ全幅の信頼を寄せる。 「また一からチームが組成される中で、自分の役割を果たします。良いエピソードを今後話せるように、フラットな自分でスタートラインに立ちたいと思います」と、撮影開始を心待ちにしている。 『鎌倉殿の13人』では、16日からの5日間で第一次出演者発表を行い、小栗演じる北条義時を中心とした最初の相関図を完成させる、としている。これまでに発表されたキャストは以下のとおり。 【北条家】 【源氏】 【平家】 【坂東武士】 ■概要 2020-11-18 03:03:00Z |
加藤浩次のスッキリしない〝マッチ不倫スルー〟釈明に批判の声(東スポWeb) - Yahoo!ニュース Posted: 17 Nov 2020 08:35 PM PST 加藤浩次のスッキリしない〝マッチ不倫スルー〟釈明に批判の声(東スポWeb) - Yahoo!ニュース [unable to retrieve full-text content]
2020-11-18 03:57:42Z |
【11月18日付】本日発売の単行本リスト - コミックナタリー Posted: 17 Nov 2020 07:35 PM PST 【11月18日付】本日発売の単行本リスト - コミックナタリー ![]() このページは株式会社ナターシャのコミックナタリー編集部が作成・配信しています。 青山剛昌 / 新井隆広 / 柳本光晴 / 松江名俊 / 八木教広 / 田口囁一 / オダトモヒト / ねこぐち の最新情報はリンク先をご覧ください。 コミックナタリーでは国内のマンガ・アニメに関する最新ニュースを毎日更新!毎日発売される単行本のリストや新刊情報、売上ランキング、マンガ家・声優・アニメ監督の話題まで、幅広い情報をお届けします。 2020-11-18 00:00:00Z |
Posted: 17 Nov 2020 07:08 PM PST ![]() President-elect Joe Biden's administration will have to get "creative" in its attempts to rebuild America's relationship with trade partners in the Asia-Pacific region, former Dallas Fed President Richard Fisher told CNBC on Tuesday. The comments from Fisher, also a former deputy U.S. trade representative, came days after China and 14 other countries in the region signed an agreement to form the world's largest free-trade bloc. The U.S. was not included in the deal, which Fisher said was "not a good thing." Analysts have said the signing of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership strengthens China's influence in the area. The U.S. had once been "viewed as the most important economy in the world. You couldn't do anything without us. Well, they've done something without us in the Pacific region," Fisher said on "Closing Bell," noting the participating countries represent almost one-third of the world's population. In addition to China, South Korea, Japan, Australia, Vietnam, and Thailand are among the RCEP signees. "These are growing centers. These are where supply chains are located or headquartered," added Fisher, who worked on the implementation of NAFTA and numerous other agreements as a trade negotiator from 1997-2001. He served as president of the Dallas Fed from 2005 to 2015. Fisher said Biden will have to work to overcome the approach to the Asia-Pacific region employed by President Donald Trump, who touted an "America First" agenda and launched a major trade war with China that resulted in each side placing billions of dollars of tariffs on the other's goods. "It's going to be very hard. I think the Biden administration is going to have to be very creative in coming up with a new way to figure out new relationships on other planes, not just tariff cuts, but show also that they are going to be rules based, which is what the Trump administration threw to the winds," Fisher said. While that approach is where Fisher would start, he said the process will be a protracted and challenging one to complete. "It's going to take a great deal of time to regain that respect in the Pacific. I'm really worried about it," added Fisher, who also pointed to the struggles of the Obama administration, in which Biden served as vice president, to get the Trans-Pacific Partnership approved by Congress. Trump was a fierce opponent of TPP and withdrew the U.S. from it days after taking office in 2017. Some analysts have suggested the economic benefits of the RCEP may be modest, but nonetheless, Fisher said the accord — and America's absence in it— carries important significance. "It gives these folks an advantage in terms of, not just so much tariff cuts, but going back to rules-based trade ... and building relationships that are very important, and supply chains and so on," Fisher said. "We're being cut out and the Biden administration is going to have to figure out a way to get its nose back under that tent." A representative for Biden's transition team did not immediately respond to CNBC's request for comment. However, Biden was asked Monday whether he believes the U.S. should work to join the newly signed RCEP. He told reporters was "reluctant" to say what the U.S. policy should be because "there's only one president at a time." "But here's what I can say. We make up 25% of the world's trading capacity, of the economy in the world," said Biden. "We need to be aligned with the other democracies, the other 25% or more, so that we can set the rules of the road instead of having China and others dictate outcomes because they are the only game in town." He also said priorities for his administration will be to "invest in American workers," so they are more competitive in the globalized economy. And for any trade deal he will negotiate, Biden said labor unions and environmental groups will "be at the table." He added, "I'm not looking for punitive trade deals. The idea that we are poking the finger in the eyes of our friends and embracing autocrats makes no sense to me." Top stories - Google News November 17, 2020 at 05:38PM Biden must get 'creative' to regain U.S. respect in Pacific region, says ex-Fed official Richard Fisher - CNBC Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Vibes Announces Record Sales Momentum with Mobile-Centric Offering - PRNewswire Posted: 17 Nov 2020 06:44 PM PST "COVID-19 has accelerated numerous consumer and business trends," said Vibes Chief Revenue Officer Richard Rivera. "Thankfully, many of the big bets we have made at Vibes--that enterprise brands would increase prioritization of mobile strategies to optimize personal consumer engagement and data--have been validated." Earlier this year, Vibes rolled out a new product designed to help retailers facilitate Buy Online Pickup at Curbside (BOPAC) and Buy Online Pickup In-Store (BOPIS) by communicating directly with shoppers via mobile messaging. In addition, Vibes has helped clients expand their loyalty programs through Automatic Loyalty Enrollment that adds a digital loyalty card into consumers' mobile wallet on Apple or IOS after being invited to join via email, SMS, app, online, or even in-store. Vibes' unique intelligence and personalization tools have helped clients increase their mobile audiences by 28% year-over-year, while overall client opt-outs rates are declining at a 9% rate. "Through a number of platform differentiators in intelligent engagement, as well as innovative new product rollouts, we've been able to steer our customers toward a mobile-centric business strategy and help them prove ROI in an incredibly challenging environment," said Rivera. "Going forward, our focus is to help clients better navigate consumer journeys through data-driven, highly personalized mobile engagement, and expanding our reach beyond the more than 20 countries we reach today." About Vibes SOURCE Vibes ![]() Related Links"Mobile" - Google News November 17, 2020 at 12:09PM Vibes Announces Record Sales Momentum with Mobile-Centric Offering - PRNewswire "Mobile" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Posted: 17 Nov 2020 06:08 PM PST ![]() Trump announced on Twitter he was firing Chris Krebs, the director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, and directly tied it to Krebs' statement that said there "is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised." "The recent statement by Chris Krebs on the security of the 2020 Election was highly inaccurate, in that there were massive improprieties and fraud," Trump said in a tweet before repeating multiple baseless conspriacy theories about the election. "Therefore, effective immediately, Chris Krebs has been terminated as Director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency." CNN reported that Krebs, who ran the cyber arm of the Department of Homeland Security, expected to be fired. A source close to Krebs told CNN he knew he might get in trouble for telling the truth, but realized his dismissal could come soon when media organizations that are friendly to the President started to attack him. He learned from Trump's tweet he had been fired, the source said, and responded on Twitter himself shortly afterward, saying, "Honored to serve. We did it right. Defend Today, Secure Tomrorow. #Protect2020." His dismissal underscores the lengths Trump is willing to go to punish those who don't adopt his conspiratorial view of the election. Since CNN and other outlets called the race for President-elect Joe Biden, Trump has refused to accept the results, instead pushing baseless conspiracies that his second term is being stolen. This includes falsely claiming during an election night address that he had already won reelection, that he had won states that were actually still up in the air at the time and that his opponents were perpetuating a fraud. In the lead-up to the election, Krebs had often quietly disputed the President's repeated false claims about mail-in ballots but went out of his way to not get drawn into criticizing his boss for spreading lies. But in the days that have followed, Krebs has adopted a more forceful approach regularly posting on Twitter -- often with blaring red siren emojis -- fact checks of the claims and conspiracy theories being pushed by Trump, his allies and supporters around the country. While his pushback at the President's falsehoods had frustrated some at DHS, Krebs was responsible for a widely praised revamp of the department's cybersecurity efforts and increasing coordination with state and local governments, as the first director of CISA. He served as one of the most key federal national security officials that oversaw an election that by all accounts went very smoothly. Foreign adversaries were not able to affect any of the votes, CISA said, and it was "the most secure election in American history," according to them and the wider group of public and private election officials. That was the statement for which the President decided to fire Krebs on Tuesday evening. News of his dismissal drew quick outrage from elected officials and election security experts. Sen. Angus King, an independent from Maine and co-chair of the Cyberspace Solarium Commission, said in a statement, "By firing Mr. Krebs for simply doing his job, President Trump is inflicting severe damage on all Americans -- who rely on CISA's defenses, even if they don't know it." "If there's any silver lining in this unjust decision, it's this: I hope that President-elect Biden will recognize Chris's contributions, and consult with him as the Biden administration charts the future of this critically important agency," King said. In one notably forceful rebuke, Rep. Adam Schiff, the Democratic chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, called Trump's decision "pathetic." "Instead of rewarding this great service, President Trump is retaliating against Director Krebs and other officials who did their duty. It's pathetic, but sadly predictable that upholding and protecting our democratic processes would be cause for firing," Schiff said. Former DHS general counsel John Mitnick, also blasted Krebs' firing as "outrageous but not surprising." "@realDonaldTrump has made a habit of firing those who are highly competent, have integrity and courage, and stand up for the #RuleOfLaw. To @CISAKrebs: it was an honor to serve with you @DHSgov, and you should wear this as a badge of honor," he tweeted. Ben Hovland, a Trump appointee who is chairman of the US Election Assistance Commission, praised Krebs during an interview with CNN's Erin Burnett on "OutFront" as a "great director" who "showed a lot of leadership, particularly in the election space." Asked about the President's false claims of massive voter fraud, Hovland explained, "When you talk to election officials across the country, they're confident in the security of this election. They're confident in the outcome of the election -- that this was a fair election and that Americans made their voices heard, and we've got to respect the will of the people and the public servants that helped run this election and make this all possible." Krebs' firing also prompted some notable pushback from Republicans. Ohio Sen. Rob Portman, a member of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, defended Krebs' work to CNN shortly after his dismissal. "I know Chris. I've worked well with him. I think he's a real professional," the Republican said. Asked if he wished Trump hadn't fired Krebs, Portman said: "Yeah, I think he was very good. I think what he was trying to do in an unprecedented way was to connect with every state in the country, and give them what they needed to protect and have a firewall in place to protect against cyber attacks." Krebs kept up the fact check of the President's conspiracy-mongering until the final hours of his tenure, tweeting earlier Tuesday that claims of manipulation of election systems "either have been unsubstantiated or are technically incoherent." He was quoting from a letter signed by 59 election specialists that also said that "anyone asserting that a US election was 'rigged' is making an extraordinary claim" and called them "alarming assertions." Firing Krebs, a US official previously told CNN, would "cross a red line" and set off alarm bells throughout the national security apparatus. Still, his dismissal comes after several of the Pentagon's most senior civilian officials were replaced with officials perceived as loyal to the President, and reports of Trump's increasing frustration with CIA Director Gina Haspel. This story has been updated with additional developments on Tuesday. Top stories - Google News November 17, 2020 at 05:03PM Trump fires director of Homeland Security agency who had rejected President's election conspiracy theories - CNN Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Kroos: Spain showed Germany how to play - Posted: 17 Nov 2020 05:42 PM PST ![]() The Real Madrid midfielder conceded his country were simply outclassed by superior opponents Toni Kroos admitted Spain showed Germany how to play with and without the ball on Tuesday in a historic 6-0 Nations League defeat. Luis Enrique's side scored three goals in either half and were dominant from start to finish as they ended the match with 70 per cent possession and took 23 shots compared to Germany's two. The defeat was Germany's worst ever competitive loss with the national team having not conceded six goals in a single match since 1958 against France. More accustomed to winning games in such fashion, Kroos conceded Spain were simply superior in every way and taught Germany an important lesson. Goal 50 Revealed: The best 50 players in the world "It hurt. Defensively, we did not get any access at all. Spain showed us how to defend, how to play with the ball and without the ball," Kroos told ARD. Germany forward Serge Gnabry echoed his team-mate, adding: "Nothing worked for us today, we just couldn't get access. Spain deservedly won even at this level. We tried to push each other. Spain simply did well, we did very badly. Now maybe we know where we stand. That makes us think. We still have a bit of time and have to make the best of it." Joachim Low's side had previously gone 12 games without defeat, with their last loss dating back to September 2019 when they fell 4-2 to the Netherlands. Germany have however showed some vulnerability in defence and had kept just one clean sheet in their last eight matches - conceding three goals against both Turkey and Switzerland in high-scoring draws. It was a night to forget for Bayern Munich goalkeeper Manuel Neuer, who saw his side fall apart in front of him and was left to pick the ball up from his own net six times. "Quite disappointing for all of us, not only for the defenders, but for each of us," Neuer said. "We blew the game together today, also the body language and communication was disappointing. We should have spoken more, especially after the first goal. It's very important to support each other." The result means Germany have finished second in their Nations League group behind Spain, who themselves only picked up 11 points in a competitive section. "Goal" - Google News November 17, 2020 at 02:58PM Kroos: Spain showed Germany how to play - "Goal" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Posted: 17 Nov 2020 05:31 PM PST 'That is something I have to live with every day of my life': Columbus man shares story after 23-year prison sentence - 10TV ![]() Gabe Artis is speaking out, hoping to make a positive impact after serving more than two decades in prison for involuntary manslaughter. COLUMBUS, Ohio — Not a day goes by where Gabe Artis doesn't wish he could turn back the hands of time. "That stupid decision is what caused me to do what I did and it cost a woman her life at the same time," said Artis, who is on parole after serving 23 years in prison for involuntary manslaughter. "It was about getting an easy buck, an easy way out." Artis recalls of the 1995 robbery where he drove his teenage nephew to a Columbus market to rob it. His nephew, Rico Cooper, panicked when the store clerk reached for the panic alarm. The clerk, Patricia Collins, was shot and killed "That is something I have to live with every day of my life," Artis said. "When I committed my crime, I wasn't thinking about anyone but myself." Artis, now 49, was asked by 10TV to share his story of regret and redemption as Columbus recently hit a new high for homicides in 2020. As of Nov. 17, the Columbus Division of Police currently has 146 homicides for the year, three higher compared to 2017. "Get away from the area or that individual, anything that will bring destruction to your life," Artis said as a message to today's youth. "Your buddies, you may run together, they may not get caught but you will and you will pay with your life or time." But not everyone is ready to receive Artis' message. 10TV spoke with Nancy Collins-Holmes, one of Patricia's three children. She said the family "all lost our lives by my mom being gone." And even though the Ohio Parole Board commended Artis for taking responsibility for his offending behavior and for showing remorse, Collins-Holmes says she doesn't agree with him having a platform to speak out. Artis says he understands. "No matter how many years of incarceration that I could do, even if I did life in prison, I could never replace a life," he said. One person believes Artis deserves redemption: Columbus Police Deputy Chief Richard Bash. The two first met in 2016 when Columbus police went to the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction and asked for a dozen inmates to share their stories about why they were in prison. The video played on a loop outside the juvenile courtrooms in Franklin County. The mission was the same then as it is now: stop the violence. "I wanted kids to get the straight scoop from someone who's been there," Bash said recalling the video project. "If it helps one or two young men or women to think twice about pulling that trigger and making that split-second decision, then our job is worth it." Along the way, Deputy Chief Bash said he saw something different while working with Artis. He saw humility, especially when the two talked about his crime. "It was important for him to talk to the family of that victim, to relay to them that he knows what his actions made them feel like and what they've missed," Bash says. "I don't know if there's a lot of men humble enough to come to that conclusion." This past summer, racial tensions hit an all-time high for Columbus police. Bash says it was difficult to be judged by a uniform and not the man underneath it. In the middle of the turmoil, Bash received a phone call from Artis. "I said – How you doing? And he said he felt like the most hated people, people wished him dead, and that really bothered me, that hurt my heart because I know the dude," Artis said. Bash said he couldn't believe it. "When I got the call after the riots, that warmed my heart, made me smile," Bash recalled. Artis said he believes these new beginnings begin with a trust that can conquer race, judgment and perhaps prison walls. Elizabeth Carr, one of Patricia Collins' granddaughters, said she believes if Artis' story can prevent one family from having to live through a homicide the way hers did, then she supports him speaking out. And she also says she would like to meet him in person someday. Artis would too. "It would be difficult for me to do, but I would have to do it because they deserve that," Artis said. 2020-11-17 23:23:00Z |
Artis Senior Living encourages checking in on senior parents - ABC27 Posted: 17 Nov 2020 05:31 PM PST Artis Senior Living encourages checking in on senior parents - ABC27 ![]() Perhaps you may not be familiar with plasma donations, but like blood donations, it remains very important, especially during a health pandemic. On Tuesday's Good Day PA, we learned more about the new program "Plasma Hero," and why it's recently become especially important in the fight against debilitating illnesses and conditions. 2020-11-17 18:00:00Z |
China’s giant new trade agreement excludes U.S. - Marketplace Posted: 17 Nov 2020 05:08 PM PST ![]() China and 14 other Asia-Pacific nations — including economic powerhouses Korea and Japan — signed a trade deal Sunday that covers a third of the global economy. The U.S. was not a part of it, and economists fear the agreement signals further loss of U.S. economic power and opportunity on the global stage. Long story short, a group of Asian countries came together and opened their markets to one another — and the U.S. is on the outside looking in. "I think it's a wake up call for the United States," said Wendy Cutler, vice president of the Asia Society Policy Institute. The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, or RCEP, is, as trade deals go, modest. But it further connects powerful economies like Japan, Korea and Australia to China. And that's actually huge, said Jennifer Hillman, senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations. "It is China getting solidified as the center of Asian investment with more goods, services and investment than ever, flowing through China," she said. "And I think the United States is going to have to respond to it." The U.S. has responded to Chinese influence over trading partners before. The Obama administration negotiated and signed the Trans-Pacific Partnership. That was a comprehensive trade deal with Asian countries that left China out. Trump torched that deal. "These countries were left out in the cold, and now they are moving towards a lesser agreement with China," said Francesco Sisci, a researcher at the People's University of China. Chad Bown, senior fellow with the Peterson Institute, said every time a major trade agreement leaves out the U.S., U.S. businesses pay a price. "Japan signed a free trade agreement with the European Union; the EU did one with Canada; the EU is doing one with South America," he said. "The United States has been falling behind, and this is just the latest example." He'd advise the Biden administration to revive, modify and rebrand the TPP. A tall order given everything else on the to-do list. As a nonprofit news organization, our future depends on listeners like you who believe in the power of public service journalism. Your investment in Marketplace helps us remain paywall-free and ensures everyone has access to trustworthy, unbiased news and information, regardless of their ability to pay. Donate today — in any amount — to become a Marketplace Investor. Now more than ever, your commitment makes a difference. Top stories - Google News November 17, 2020 at 02:12PM China's giant new trade agreement excludes U.S. - Marketplace Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Posted: 17 Nov 2020 04:08 PM PST Top stories - Google News November 17, 2020 at 02:06PM We're excluded, it's not a good thing: Fisher on U.S.'s exclusion from Asia-Pacific trade agreement - CNBC Television Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
近藤真彦、KONDO RACINGのチーム監督としてのレース参加を見合わせ / モータースポーツ・F1関連 - Posted: 17 Nov 2020 04:05 PM PST 近藤真彦、KONDO RACINGのチーム監督としてのレース参加を見合わせ / モータースポーツ・F1関連 - ![]() 近藤真彦は、今月12日発売の週刊文春で報じられた25歳年下の女性社長との不倫を認め、所属するジャニーズ事務所は11月16日(月)に近藤真彦が無期限で芸能活動を自粛することを発表。だが、レース活動については触れられていなかった。 KONDO RACINGは11月17日(火)に声明を発表。近藤真彦が今シーズンの残りのレースでチーム監督としての参加を見合わせる方向で調整していると語った。 「先日の週刊誌報道および本日の報道により、いつもKONDO RACINGを支えていただいている各社様にご心配とご迷惑をおかけしておりますこと、心よりお詫び申し上げます」 「この度の報道は皆さまに支えて頂いておりますKONDO RACING大補油として真摯に受け止め、今シーズンのKONDO RACINGが参戦しておりますスーパーGT最終戦およびスーパーフォーミュラ第5戦、第6戦、最終戦のサーキットにおけるチーム監督としての参加は見合わせる方向で調整に入らせていただきたいと思います」 「つきましては、KONDO Racingを応援、支えて頂いている皆様のご期待にそえる、信頼と揺るぎないチャレンジスピリッツを大切にしてチーム一同全力でモータースポーツ活動に取り組んでまいりますので、引き続きご支援ご協力の程お願い申し上げます」 すでに近藤真彦の不倫はチームにも影響を与えている。タイヤ・ホイール専門店「フジ」を経営する「フジ・コーポレーション」は11月17日付でCM契約を解除し、チームのスポンサーからも撤退している。 カテゴリー: F1 / F1関連 / スーパーフォーミュラ / SUPER GT 2020-11-17 23:10:00Z |
近藤真彦、KONDO RACINGのチーム監督としてのレース参加を見合わせ / モータースポーツ・F1関連 - Posted: 17 Nov 2020 03:35 PM PST 近藤真彦、KONDO RACINGのチーム監督としてのレース参加を見合わせ / モータースポーツ・F1関連 - ![]() 近藤真彦は、今月12日発売の週刊文春で報じられた25歳年下の女性社長との不倫を認め、所属するジャニーズ事務所は11月16日(月)に近藤真彦が無期限で芸能活動を自粛することを発表。だが、レース活動については触れられていなかった。 KONDO RACINGは11月17日(火)に声明を発表。近藤真彦が今シーズンの残りのレースでチーム監督としての参加を見合わせる方向で調整していると語った。 「先日の週刊誌報道および本日の報道により、いつもKONDO RACINGを支えていただいている各社様にご心配とご迷惑をおかけしておりますこと、心よりお詫び申し上げます」 「この度の報道は皆さまに支えて頂いておりますKONDO RACING大補油として真摯に受け止め、今シーズンのKONDO RACINGが参戦しておりますスーパーGT最終戦およびスーパーフォーミュラ第5戦、第6戦、最終戦のサーキットにおけるチーム監督としての参加は見合わせる方向で調整に入らせていただきたいと思います」 「つきましては、KONDO Racingを応援、支えて頂いている皆様のご期待にそえる、信頼と揺るぎないチャレンジスピリッツを大切にしてチーム一同全力でモータースポーツ活動に取り組んでまいりますので、引き続きご支援ご協力の程お願い申し上げます」 すでに近藤真彦の不倫はチームにも影響を与えている。タイヤ・ホイール専門店「フジ」を経営する「フジ・コーポレーション」は11月17日付でCM契約を解除し、チームのスポンサーからも撤退している。 カテゴリー: F1 / F1関連 / スーパーフォーミュラ / SUPER GT 2020-11-17 22:20:13Z |
木村拓哉主演、映画『マスカレード・ホテル』続編製作決定 原作第3作『マスカレード・ナイト』 - ORICON NEWS Posted: 17 Nov 2020 03:05 PM PST 木村拓哉主演、映画『マスカレード・ホテル』続編製作決定 原作第3作『マスカレード・ナイト』 - ORICON NEWS ![]() 俳優の木村拓哉(48)が主演を務め、長澤まさみ(33)が共演した映画『マスカレード・ホテル』(2019年)の続編『マスカレード・ナイト』の製作決定が18日、発表された。木村は「チーム・マスカレードの再会に感謝しつつも、コロナ禍での撮影なので現場で気を付けなければいけないこともたくさんありますし、気を引き締めて臨みたい」と喜びと決意を語る。クランクインは2021年1月初旬、公開は同年9月17日を予定している。 原作は、東野圭吾氏の作品の中でも人気の高い『マスカレード』シリーズ。第1作の『マスカレード・ホテル』は、木村、長澤のほか、小日向文世、菜々緒、生瀬勝久、松たか子、石橋凌、渡部篤郎など豪華キャストたちが繰り広げるストーリーが人気を集め、46.4億年のヒットを記録した。 『マスカレード・ナイト』は、累計発行部数445万部を突破したシリーズの3作目。前作に続き、ホテルマンとして潜入捜査をする警視庁捜査一課のエリート刑事・新田浩介を木村、ホテル・コルテシア東京の優秀なホテルマンでコンシェルジュとなった山岸尚美を長澤が演じる。刑事として「犯人逮捕を第一優先」に掲げ、利用客の仮面をはがそうする新田と、「お客さまが第一優先」のポリシーから、利用客の仮面を守ろうとする山岸の水と油ともいえる異色タッグが、再びスクリーンに蘇る。 本作の舞台は、大みそかのホテル・コルテシア東京。警視庁に「とある殺人事件の犯人がホテル・コルテシア東京の仮装で行うカウントダウンパーティー"マスカレード・ナイト"の会場に現れる」との密告状が届き、再び新田がホテルマンに扮し潜入捜査をすることに。仮装し、素顔を隠したパーティー参加者500人の中から犯人を見つけだすべく、素性の知れない仮面を被った「参加者=容疑者500人」を相手に犯人逮捕へと奔走する。 メガホンをとるのは、木村が主演した『HERO』シリーズの鈴木雅之監督。脚本は、『ライアーゲーム』シリーズの岡田道尚氏が、前作に続き担当する。 ■キャストコメント ・長澤まさみ(山岸尚美役) ■監督・原作者コメント ・鈴木雅之監督 ・東野圭吾氏 2020-11-17 20:00:19Z |
木村拓哉「マスカレード」続編主演、長澤と再タッグ - ニッカンスポーツ Posted: 17 Nov 2020 02:35 PM PST 木村拓哉「マスカレード」続編主演、長澤と再タッグ - ニッカンスポーツ 木村拓哉(48)が、映画「マスカレード・ナイト」(来年9月17日公開、鈴木雅之監督)に主演することが17日、分かった。昨年1月に公開され、興行収入46・4億円の大ヒットとなった主演映画「マスカレード・ホテル」の続編。前作に引き続き主演を務め、ヒロイン役の女優長澤まさみ(33)とタッグを組む。 「マスカレード・ナイト」は、東野圭吾氏の人気小説「マスカレード」シリーズの第3作。前作と同じホテル・コルテシア東京を舞台に、木村演じる刑事の新田浩介と、コンシェルジュとなった山岸尚美(長澤)が、ホテルの利用者を相手に再び難事件に挑む。前作と同様、ホテルマンに扮(ふん)して潜入捜査する木村が、仮装したパーティー参加者500人の中から、とある殺人事件の犯人を見つけ出すために奔走する。 撮影は来年1月初旬に始まる予定だ。木村は「チーム・マスカレードの再会に感謝しつつも、コロナ禍での撮影なので現場で気を付けなければいけないこともたくさんありますし、気を引き締めて臨みたいです」と意気込んだ。2度目の共演となる長澤については「すごく魅力的な方ですし、またご一緒できることがうれしいです。今回も彼女らしい解釈で山岸としてそこに存在してくれると思うので、セッションが楽しみです」と期待を寄せた。 長澤は「木村さんは、集中して作品と向き合える空気感を作ってくださるので、今から撮影が楽しみです」と話した。 2020-11-17 20:00:00Z |
三谷大河 2日目出演発表は中川大志、小泉孝太郎、杉本哲太ら5人 - Posted: 17 Nov 2020 12:33 AM PST 三谷大河 2日目出演発表は中川大志、小泉孝太郎、杉本哲太ら5人 - 中川大志 (C)デイリースポーツ NHKは17日、22年放送の大河ドラマ「鎌倉殿の13人」の新キャストを発表した。同ドラマは16日から5日連続で出演者をツイッターで発表していく。この日は中川大志、小泉孝太郎、南沙良、野添義弘、杉本哲太が発表された。 中川大志は若手御家人筆頭頭の畠山重忠役。「畠山重忠と名前を聞いてもあまりピンと来ず、馴染みのない武将だったので、初めて知ることばかりで、楽しく勉強しています」とコメント。大河出演は4回目だが「「大河ドラマであまり戦に参加したことのない僕は、ようやく戦えるのか!とワクワクしています」ともコメントしている。 小泉は平宗盛役。大河は4回目。大河初出演の南は源頼朝の娘・大姫役。野添は頼朝の従者である安達盛長役で大河は5回目。杉本は頼朝の叔父である源行家役で大河は8回目となる。 発表初日は小池栄子、片岡愛之助、松平健、佐藤二朗が発表された。 2020-11-17 07:25:00Z |
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