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- 『劇場版「鬼滅の刃」無限列車編』キャズム超えの真相「途中から始まる映画」が、なぜ一般層にリーチし得たのか(QJWeb クイック・ジャパン ウェブ) - Yahoo!ニュース
- 紅白司会者が決定 紅組は二階堂ふみ 白組は大泉洋 総合司会は内村光良&桑子真帆アナ - ORICON NEWS
- Viral video altered to make it look like Biden greeted Minnesota while in Florida - Press
- 英名優ショーン・コネリーさん、晩年は認知症 妻が明らかに - AFPBB News
- [오늘의 주요일정] 인천, 경기 부천·김포(2일, 월) - 머니투데이
- 이효리 "5년 뒤 만나자" 인사에 '임신 추측↑' - 이데일리
- 物理学者が3Dプリントした世界最小の船は、ヒトの髪の中を航行する - GIZMODO JAPAN
- 13 Going on 30 Actress Recreates Scene for Halloween - PEOPLE
- 菅田将暉が新曲「虹」を一発撮り「この緊張感でやるのは割と好き」 - livedoor
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『劇場版「鬼滅の刃」無限列車編』キャズム超えの真相「途中から始まる映画」が、なぜ一般層にリーチし得たのか(QJWeb クイック・ジャパン ウェブ) - Yahoo!ニュース Posted: 01 Nov 2020 07:45 PM PST 『劇場版「鬼滅の刃」無限列車編』キャズム超えの真相「途中から始まる映画」が、なぜ一般層にリーチし得たのか(QJWeb クイック・ジャパン ウェブ) - Yahoo!ニュース ![]() 作りとしては、コアなファン向け現在大ヒット中の『劇場版「鬼滅の刃」無限列車編』は異例の存在だ。そもそも新型コロナウイルス感染症の流行という情勢そのものが過去に例のない事態なのだが、異例なのはそれだけに留まらない。今回は、その異例さを確認し、仮説を立てることで、これからのアニメのあり方を考えてみたい。 改めて説明するとマンガ『鬼滅の刃』は『週刊少年ジャンプ』の連載作で、2019年4月からテレビアニメ全26話が放送された。鬼に家族を殺された少年・竈門炭治郎が、鬼殺隊という組織に入り、努力を重ねながら鬼と戦っていくというストーリーだ。テレビアニメは1巻から6巻(正確には7巻冒頭の第53話)までを描いており、今回の『無限列車編』はそのつづきにあたる、7巻から8巻の途中までを映画化したものだ。また、原作自体は2020年5月に連載を終了し、すでに22巻まで発売されている。 『無限列車編』で異例な点は大きくふたつある。 ひとつは本作が「途中から始まって途中で終わる」映画という点だ。当然のことだが、映画のセールスにおいて、その作品だけで完結していないということはネガティブ要因である。特に今回は炭治郎がなぜ鬼殺隊にいるのかというそもそもの部分がなく、そういう"見通しの悪さ"は、一見さんのハードルを高くする。もちろんこれが「コアなファン向けの作品」であれば問題ない。設定を理解している人だけが観に来るからだ。もし、いわゆる一般層までリーチしようと思ったら、劇場版『名探偵コナン』のようにアバンタイトルの部分で基本設定を説明するなどのフォローが必要となる。 今回の『無限列車編』にそういうフォローはない。その点で、作りとしては「コアなファン向けの作品」になっている。おそらくそのつもりで制作していたのであろう。にもかかわらず幅広い観客が劇場を訪れた。そこがまず「異例」なのである。 ■配信サービスと単行本の果たした役割 では、そこで何が起こっているのか。まず広く指摘されているとおり、『鬼滅の刃』のテレビシリーズはさまざまな配信サービスで観ることができる。そのためテレビシリーズを観て、その延長線上で劇場版を観に来た人が多かったということが考えられる。また品薄とはいえ単行本もまとめ買いもしやすい分量で、こちらもアクセスのための心理的ハードルは低かっただろう。この配信サービスと単行本の果たした役割を、『鬼滅の刃』が広がっていくメカニズムのなかでもう少し具体的に想像してみたい。 『鬼滅の刃』の人気は、アニメ化されたことで大きくブーストされた。2019年4月の段階でシリーズ累計発行部数は約350万部。これがアニメ化を経て、2019年12月の18巻のときには約2500万部以上に達したという。紙の単行本がこれほどまでに多く売れたのは電子書籍を購入できない子供が購入したからとも言われているが、この"子供への浸透"が「異例」の事態を支える大きな原動力になったのではないか。 一般的に深夜アニメは小学生のアクセスはあまり多くなく(ただし配信サービスの普及で近年変わりつつあるが)、中学生以上になると録画などで観始めるケースが多い。この状況から考えると、中学生以上の深夜アニメを録画で観る層がまずアニメ『鬼滅の刃』を"発見"し、その情報が下級生や弟など下の世代へと伝わっていったのではないかと考えられる。一方で現在の全日帯のテレビアニメは、小学校3~6年生が観たくなるような作品は手薄く、ジャンプ作品のアニメ化も基本は深夜アニメが中心である。そこに、少し上の世代を経由して『鬼滅の刃』の情報が入ってきたため、本来的な少年ジャンプのターゲットとうまくマッチし、その結果が単行本を買うという行動につながったと想像できる。上の世代から教えられたという「少し背伸びした感じ」と『鬼滅の刃』のダークでハードな雰囲気がうまく噛み合ったこともあるだろう。 こうした子供たちの広がりが想定できる一方、親たちはどうなのか。映画館には親子連れの姿も多く見られた。現在の小中学生の親は、団塊ジュニア世代からポスト団塊ジュニア世代で、この世代は『週刊少年ジャンプ』が売り上げを伸ばしていく80年代後半から90年代半ばに子供時代を過ごしており、ジャンプ漫画から"卒業"していたとしても、親和性は高い世代だ。こうして次は子供を経由して、大人も『鬼滅の刃』と出会うことになる。単行本を買うほどではないが、ちょっと試しに観てみようという層にとって配信サービスは非常に気軽にアクセスできる媒体なのだ。この層には、主題歌「紅蓮華」を歌ったLiSAが『紅白歌合戦』に出場したというニュースも、視聴動機の一因になっただろう。 以上は仮説にしか過ぎない。実際はもっと複合的な状況の重なり合いによって成り立っているだろう。だが「お兄さん・お姉さんの世代が好きなものは下の世代も好む」「子供と親で同じコンテンツを楽しむ例が増えている」といったよく指摘されるポイントを念頭に置いた上で、『鬼滅の刃』を取り囲む状況を見ると、以上のようなストーリーを考えることはじゅうぶんできる。そして、このようなキャズムの超え方をしている予兆を見逃さず、400館という「コアなファン向け作品」ではあり得ないような、大規模な映画館での公開に踏み切ったことで、「途中から始まる映画」がヒットしたのではないだろうか。 2020-11-02 01:56:27Z | ||||||
紅白司会者が決定 紅組は二階堂ふみ 白組は大泉洋 総合司会は内村光良&桑子真帆アナ - ORICON NEWS Posted: 01 Nov 2020 07:45 PM PST 紅白司会者が決定 紅組は二階堂ふみ 白組は大泉洋 総合司会は内村光良&桑子真帆アナ - ORICON NEWS ![]() NHKは2日、大みそかの『第71回紅白歌合戦』(後7:30〜後11:45※中断ニュースあり)の総合司会に内村光良(ウッチャンナンチャン)と同局の桑子真帆アナウンサー、紅組は女優の二階堂ふみ、白組は俳優の大泉洋に決まったことを発表した。 内村は、第49回紅白歌合戦で、音楽企画ユニット・ポケットビスケッツのメンバーとして出場。総合司会は4年連続、4回目。桑子アナは、68回、69回に引き続き3回目となる。 二階堂は、紅白歌合戦で紅組の司会を務めるのは初。これまで、NHKでは、大河ドラマ『平清盛』、『軍師官兵衛』、『西郷どん』などに出演。そして、今年3月から放送されている連続テレビ小説『エール』で、主人公の妻でヒロインの古山音(こやま・おと)役を演じ、"日本の朝の顔"となった。 一方、大泉も紅白歌合戦で白組司会を務めるのは初。これまでに、NHK大河ドラマ『龍馬伝』、『真田丸』、さらに朝の連続テレビ小説『まれ』ではヒロインの父親役を演じた。また、2018年からは、音楽番組『SONGS』の責任者に就任。自身のエピソードやユーモアを交えた独自の目線で、ベテランから若手アーティストまで数多くのアーティストの素顔や魅力に迫ってきた。 2020-11-02 03:03:58Z | ||||||
Posted: 01 Nov 2020 06:47 PM PST ![]() It's an awkward moment when a presidential candidate greets the audience at a rally and names the wrong state. Fortunately for Democratic nominee Joe Biden, that didn't happen to him this week, despite a widely shared video that appears to show him saying "Hello, Minnesota" to a crowd in Florida. It turns out he was, indeed, in Minnesota. The video that was shared had been altered to change the text on a sign and the podium to refer to Tampa, Florida, instead of Minnesota. What you need to know about this edited video and the falsehoods spreading around it: CLAIM: Video shows Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden mistakenly saying "Hello, Minnesota" at a campaign event in Tampa, Florida. AP'S ASSESSMENT: False. The sign behind Biden in this video has been edited to add the words "Tampa, Florida" and remove the words "TEXT MN to 30330." The podium has also been edited to add "FL" instead of "MN." Original video from this event confirms that Biden was in Minnesota and addressed the correct state in his greeting. THE FACTS: An altered video circulating widely on social media appears to show Biden making a cringeworthy mistake: addressing Minnesotans during a campaign stop across the country in Tampa, Florida. "Hello, Minnesota!" Biden says after taking the stage. Behind him, a sign appears to read, "Tampa, Florida" and "Battle for the Soul of the Nation." Biden continues, "Jessica, thank you for being here, for sharing your story." Then, the 16-second clip ends. The video had more than 900,000 views on Twitter on Sunday and was spreading quickly the weekend before the U.S. presidential election. However, the words on the sign and the podium in this video have been manipulated. Several sources prove that Biden did not address the wrong state in his greeting and he was indeed in Minnesota. An original version of the video on C-SPAN shows it was taken during an Oct. 30 campaign stop in St. Paul. The sign did not read "Tampa, Florida," but instead said "TEXT MN to 30330." The podium did not read "TEXT FL to 30330," but instead said "TEXT MN to 30330." Several Associated Press images from the event provide additional proof that the sign and podium said "TEXT MN to 30330" and did not include mention of Florida. There are other contextual clues as well. The video shows Biden wearing a thick coat for Minnesota's cold climate. At a recent appearance in the warmer Tampa, Florida, on Oct. 29, Biden only wore a suit jacket. Biden's reference to someone named Jessica in his greeting was to Jessica Intermill, a Minnesotan with rheumatoid arthritis who spoke about health care at the St. Paul event before Biden took the stage. The Biden campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment. "viral" - Google News November 01, 2020 at 04:28PM Viral video altered to make it look like Biden greeted Minnesota while in Florida - Press "viral" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||||||
英名優ショーン・コネリーさん、晩年は認知症 妻が明らかに - AFPBB News Posted: 01 Nov 2020 06:45 PM PST 英名優ショーン・コネリーさん、晩年は認知症 妻が明らかに - AFPBB News ![]() 【11月2日 AFP】先日90歳で死去した英スコットランド出身の名優ショーン・コネリー(Sean Connery)さんが晩年、認知症を患っていたことが分かった。妻のミシュリーヌ・ルクブルン(Micheline Roquebrune)さん(91)が1日、明らかにした。 人気スパイ映画「007」シリーズの初代ジェームズ・ボンド(James Bond)役で知られるコネリーさんは、バハマの自宅で死去。多くの人が死を悼んだ。 ルクブルンさんが英大衆日曜紙メール・オン・サンデー(Mail on Sunday)に語ったところによると、コネリーさんは家族に見守られながら就寝中に安らかに亡くなった。 「彼は認知症で、その犠牲になった。彼は無用な騒ぎを起こすことなく静かにこの世を去るという、最後の願いをかなえた」 「彼はこのところ、自分の考えを表現することができなかった」 (ルクブルンさん) 広報担当者によると、コネリーさんの葬儀は近親者のみで行い、後日お別れの会が行われる。(c)AFP 2020-11-01 23:50:00Z | ||||||
[오늘의 주요일정] 인천, 경기 부천·김포(2일, 월) - 머니투데이 Posted: 01 Nov 2020 06:22 PM PST
-박남춘 시장 09:00 도서 주민과의 현장소통을 위한 덕적 방문(자월도 외) -최장혁 행정부시장 -박인서 균형발전정무부시장 ◇인천시의회 ◇부천시 -신낭현 부시장 ◇김포시 저작권자 © 뉴스1코리아, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지> 기사 및 더 읽기 ( [오늘의 주요일정] 인천, 경기 부천·김포(2일, 월) - 머니투데이 ) 엔터테인먼트 | ||||||
이효리 "5년 뒤 만나자" 인사에 '임신 추측↑' - 이데일리 Posted: 01 Nov 2020 06:22 PM PST
지난달 29일 그룹 핑클의 팬 커뮤니티 핑클 갤러리는 이효리가 보낸 감사 인사 영상을 인스타그램에 게재했다. 영삭에서 이효리는 자신을 '핑클의 리더'라고 소개하며 "지금은 천옥이로 활동하고 있고, 오늘이 마지막 촬영이다"라며 "앞으로 5년 후에 인사드리겠다. 그때까지 저 잊지 말아달라"고 밝혔다. 그는 이어 "린다, 천옥으로 활동하는 동안 많이 서포트, 응원해주셔서 정말 감사하다. 5년 후에 만나자"라고 전했다. 이효리는 최근 MBC '놀면 뭐하니?'를 통해 싹쓰리, 환불원정대로 활동하며 많은 사랑을 받았다. 또 제시의 '눈누난나' 뮤직비디오에 출연하고 음악 방송 무대에도 오르며 활발하게 활동했다.이에 누리꾼들은 이효리가 "5년 뒤에 만나자"고 언급하자 "5년은 너무 길다"는 반응을 보이면서도 "본격적으로 임신 준비하냐", "혹시 임신한 것이 아니냐"고 추측했다.
그러면서 "어떤 사람은 쉽게 되지만, 어떤 분들에게는 힘든 일이다. 임신을 준비하는 분들 중에 생각보다 힘든 분들이 많다는 걸 이번에 알았다. 온 국민이 이렇게 응원을 해주신다면 노력해봐야겠다"고 전해 이목을 모으기도 했다. 기사 및 더 읽기 ( 이효리 "5년 뒤 만나자" 인사에 '임신 추측↑' - 이데일리 ) 엔터테인먼트 | ||||||
物理学者が3Dプリントした世界最小の船は、ヒトの髪の中を航行する - GIZMODO JAPAN Posted: 01 Nov 2020 06:13 PM PST ![]() なぜ船型で作ったのか……という答えが重要! オランダ・ライデン大学の研究者チームが、3Dプリントで30マイクロメートルの船を制作し話題となりました。いわゆる3Dプリンターの性能チェックのために作られるベンチーなんですが、このサイズの船だと髪の毛の中に浮かべることができるのだとか…! この3Dプリントの船はマイクロスイマー(バクテリアや精子などの水中を移動することのできる顕微鏡でしか見えないサイズの生物・物体)の研究の一環で作られたもので、プラチナを過酸化水素に反応させることで、推進力を得るとのこと。 この船を紹介した米Gizmodoの記事に掲載された研究者のDaniela Kraftへのインタビューによると、レーザーの焦点で固まる液滴の中にレーザーを当てて動かすことで船型に作り出したのだとか。 しかし、なぜ今回の研究で船型を選んだのかという質問に対してこのように回答しています。
楽しいのは大事! ちなみにこのチームの研究論文は「Catalytically propelled 3D printed colloidal microswimmers」というタイトルで、科学雑誌「Soft Matter」に掲載されているとのことです。 からの記事と詳細 ビジネス | ||||||
13 Going on 30 Actress Recreates Scene for Halloween - PEOPLE Posted: 01 Nov 2020 05:48 PM PST ![]() this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. "Actress" - Google News November 01, 2020 at 03:16PM 13 Going on 30 Actress Recreates Scene for Halloween - PEOPLE "Actress" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||||||
菅田将暉が新曲「虹」を一発撮り「この緊張感でやるのは割と好き」 - livedoor Posted: 01 Nov 2020 05:14 PM PST 菅田将暉が新曲「虹」を一発撮り「この緊張感でやるのは割と好き」 - livedoor ![]() 『THE FIRST TAKE』は、アーティストの一発撮りのパフォーマンス映像を投稿するYouTubeチャンネル。約1年でチャンネル登録者数240万人、動画総再生数4億3600万回を突破(いずれも10月28日時点)している。今回は『THE FIRST TAKE』とのコラボでボーカル&ピアノのプレミアムコンテンツを制作して一発撮り。この映像をYouTubeチャンネルではなく、菅田のシングル「虹」の初回生産限定盤の付属DVDで公開されることになった。 昨年11月に『THE FIRST TAKE』のYouTubeチャンネルが開設されて以来、YouTube以外のメディアで動画を公開するのも、パッケージ化されるのも初の試み。「一発撮りを切り取る」コンセプトが生み出した絶妙な緊張感をまとったパフォーマンス映像となった。 菅田は「ふだんのライブだと気づいたら楽しくて終わってしまうんですが、今日は少し冷静に、でもちゃんと高揚しながら歌えました。そして、この一発本番というのは、俳優としては日常だったりするので、『用意…スタート!』と声がかかったこの緊張感でやるのは、割と好きですね」と手応えをにじませた。 なお、CDシングルに先駆け、10日に表題曲「虹」を先行配信することも決定した。 2020-11-01 23:00:00Z | ||||||
Several killed as Typhoon Goni batters Philippines - FRANCE 24 English Posted: 01 Nov 2020 05:08 PM PST ![]() Issued on: A powerful super typhoon slammed into the eastern Philippines with ferocious winds Sunday, killing at least seven people and causing volcanic mudflows to bury houses before weakening as it blew toward Manila, where the capital's main airport was shut down, officials said. Advertising Typhoon Goni hit the island province of Catanduanes at dawn with sustained winds of 225 kilometers (140 miles) per hour and gusts of 280 kph (174 mph). It was barreling west toward densely populated regions, including Manila, and rain-soaked provinces still recovering from a typhoon that hit a week ago and left at least 22 people dead. Gov. Al Francis Bichara said at least four people were killed in his hard-hit province of Albay, including a father and son who were in a rural community that was hit by mudflows and boulders swept down from Mayon Volcano by heavy rains. Villagers fled to safety as the typhoon approached, but the two apparently stayed put, he said. "The child was found 15 kilometers (9 miles) away," Bichara told DZMM radio, adding that the child was swept away by mudflows and floodwaters. Three other villagers, including one pinned down by a tree, were killed in Albay, the Office of Civil Defense said. Ricardo Jalad, who heads the government's disaster-response agency, said the typhoon's destructive force was capable of causing major damage. "There are so many people who are really in vulnerable areas," he said. The Philippine weather agency reinforced those concerns, saying that within 12 hours after the typhoon blasted into shore, people would experience "catastrophic, violent winds and intense to torrential rainfall." Residents were warned of likely landslides, massive flooding, storm surges of up to 5 meters (16 feet) and powerful winds that can blow away shanties. But as in past storms, some refused to heed the warnings. In Quezon province, villager Diane Joco scrambled with her husband, parents, siblings and cousin out of their flimsy houses on stilts on the shore of Calauag town, but stayed close by in a neighbor's sturdier house near the coast to guard their own homes. "We should be nearby to be able to repair any damage to our house quickly, otherwise it will fall apart and be blown away. We have no other house," Joco said by phone. She suddenly yelled as she spoke, saying that a part of the tin roof of her neighbor's house was nearly ripped off by a frightening gust. 'Our fears are doubled' One of the most powerful typhoons in the world this year, Goni has evoked memories of Typhoon Haiyan, which left more than 7,300 people dead or missing, flattened entire villages, swept ships inland and displaced more than 5 million in the central Philippines in November 2013. Goni weakened before nightfall, with sustained winds of 165 kph (102 mph) and gusts of up to 230 kph (143 mph), but remained dangerously strong, forecasters said. Jalad, the disaster-response official, said nearly a million people were preemptively moved into emergency shelters. Forecasters said the typhoon's eye may pass about 70 kilometers (43 miles) south of metropolitan Manila, the sprawling capital region of more than 13 million people, around nightfall on Sunday. Manila's main airport was ordered shut down for 24 hours from Sunday to Monday, and airlines canceled dozens of international and domestic flights. The military and national police, along with the coast guard, were put on full alert. In a Manila gymnasium that was turned into an emergency shelter, displaced residents worried about COVID-19 outbreaks. The Philippines has had more than 383,000 cases of the virus, the second-most in Southeast Asia behind Indonesia. "We are scared — our fears are doubled," said Jaqueline Almocera, a 44-year-old street vendor who took cover at the shelter. "The people here are mixed, unlike when you're at home, safe and we don't go out. Here you interact with other evacuees." Hundreds of COVID-19 patients were moved to hospitals and hotels from tent quarantine centers as the typhoon blew closer to the country, Jalad said. The Philippines is lashed by about 20 typhoons and storms each year. It's also located on the so-called Pacific "Ring of Fire," where earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are common, making it one of the world's most disaster-prone countries. (AP) Top stories - Google News November 01, 2020 at 07:00AM Several killed as Typhoon Goni batters Philippines - FRANCE 24 English Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||||||
US Election 2020: Nuns attend Donald Trump's rally in Michigan - Daily Mail Posted: 01 Nov 2020 05:08 PM PST Nuns for Trump! Sisters beam at President Trump's rally in Michigan as he says it felt 'like God touched my shoulder' when he took antibody cocktail for COVID-19
Thousands of President Trump's most earnest supporters arrived to his campaign stop in Michigan on Friday, but it was five nuns that snagged his attention. While speaking to the crowd that rallied at Oakland International Airport in Waterford Township about his bout of COVID-19, Trump directly addressed The Dominican Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary from Hartland. 'Sisters, I wasn't feeling too good,' he told the women, who arrived in religious habits and sat among others who carried 'Make America Great Again' signs and donned MAGA paraphernalia. 'And they gave me something called Regeneron,' Trump added. 'The next morning, sister, I woke up and it was like God touched my shoulder.' Scroll down for video ![]() Five nuns from the The Dominican Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary of Hartland, Michigan, on Friday attended President Trump's campaign rally in Waterford Township ![]() While speaking about his COVID-19 diagnosis, Trump told the group of nuns that 'The next morning, sister, I woke up and it was like God touched my shoulder ![]() Dominican sisters of Hartland listen as U.S. President Donald Trump holds a campaign rally at Oakland County International Airport in Waterford Township, Michigan, on October 30 ![]() A total of five Dominican Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary of Hartland, Michigan, arrived to the campaign stop on Friday Earlier this month, Trump revealed that he had tested positive for COVID-19 and soon after an outbreak overtook the White House. He was transported via Marine One to Walter Reed Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland, and spent three days receiving medical treatment. Throughout his stay, he and doctors presented an optimistic prognosis that was derailed when Mark Meadows, White House Chief of Staff, told reporters that his 'vitals were concerning.' Doctors administered various treatments to Trump, including a dose of an antibody cocktail from the company Regeneron. The drug was recently sidelined from vaccine trials over 'potential safety concerns.' Trump has since returned to the White House, and has attempted to level his COVID-19 recovery as justification for previously flouting CDC guidelines and minimizing the pandemic. He called catching the virus a 'blessing from God.' ![]() President Trump (pictured) told his crowd of supporters that 'it was like God touched my shoulder' after receiving an antibody cocktail treatment for COVID-19 while hospitalized in Maryland ![]() The Dominican Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary of Hartland, Michigan, speak amongst themselves while attending President Trump's rally in Waterford Township ![]() Supporters of U.S. President Donald Trump cheer as Air Force One arrives to a campaign rally at Oakland County International Airport on Friday in Waterford Township, Michigan ![]() The Dominican Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary of Hartland, Michigan find their seats for the Make American Great Again rally on Friday The Dominican Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary traveled 20 miles to champion Trump, but it's not the first time nuns have showed support. The habit began last Saturday when nuns with the Children of Mary Newark, Ohio, showed up wearing MAGA face masks and holding a Bible to his Circleville event. During the rally, Trump also railed against Fox News Channel and made fun of Fox host Laura Ingraham for wearing a mask. Ingraham was in a VIP spot because she is filming a special with the president for her show Friday. 'The crowds are much bigger, there's more enthusiasm, but Fox is the big difference,' Trump said comparing his 2016 run to this one. 'Somewhere along the line we lost Fox, but that's OK.' ![]() Dominican Sisters of Hartland, Michigan, watch as US President Donald Trump arrives to speak at a 'Make America Great Again' rally at Oakland County International Airport ![]() This is the second group of nuns to attend Trump's campaign stops in just one week, after others showed up to his Circleville, Ohio, stop last Saturday The president was angered recently when he saw that Fox News Channel, which leans more conservative, had been airing campaign events headlined by his rival, Democrat Joe Biden and one of Biden's top surrogates, former President Barack Obama. The president had prefaced his statement with, 'We still have a few great ones at Fox.' The network carried Trump's full Michigan rally live - the first of 17 rallies he'll hold in four days - despite Biden holding an event in Iowa that started shortly after. ![]() One of the nuns in Circleville, Ohio, held up a Bible while another held rosary beads. At times, they could be seen praying Biden's was then played. Fox anchor Bill Hemmer said the network aired both 'to give you a gauge of how two candidates are running very different campaigns.' For one, Trump's isn't abiding by basic COVID restrictions, packing people in and not enforcing mask-wearing. When Trump looked out into the Michigan crowd to scout Ingraham, he was surprised to see was wearing one. 'I can't recognize you. Is that a mask? No way, are you wearing a mask?' he shouted to Ingraham. 'I've never seen her in a mask.' 'Look at you, Laura, he went on. 'She's being very politically correct. Whoa! Whoa!' Trump added. At Trump's recent flurry of rallies, of majority of attendees have been unmasked, as the president has mocked Democratic nominee Joe Biden for his mask-wearing. Housing and Urban Development Department Secretary Ben Carson, a retired neurosurgeon, and his wife Candy were in the crowd. They didn't wear masks. ![]() President Donald Trump addressed a crowd at Oakland County International Airport, in Waterford Township, Michigan on Friday, where he complained about Fox News Channel and made fun of Fox News' Laura Ingraham for wearing a mask ![]() President Donald Trump railed against Fox News Channel at the Oakland County International Airport in Waterford Township, Michigan on Friday. He also made fun of Fox News host Laura Ingraham, who was in the crowd, for wearing a mask ![]() ![]() Masked Fox star: Laura Ingraham was mocked by the president for wearing a mask as she stood in a VIP area of the Michigan rally. Her mask appears to have come from the Clear company at an airport. ![]() Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson (left), a retired neurosurgeon, and his wife Candy (right) were in Trump's Michigan crowd, not wearing masks. The Carsons were born and brought up in Detroit ![]() President Donald Trump tosses a ballcap into the crowd during his first rally Friday in Michigan. He'll head to Wisconsin and then Minnesota for two more events through the day ![]() Off to Wisconsin: Air Force One takes off for the next stage of Trump's latest mid-western swing ![]() Not a lot of masks: As has become customary at Trump rallies, there was no social distancing and - with the exception of some of those directly behind him and Laura Ingraham - little sign of mask wearing ![]() Arrival: Trump was ready for colder temperatures than his last rally in Florida ![]() Fox News Channel host Laura Ingraham upgraded her mask, wearing one with the official presidential seal, at Trump's second rally Friday in Green Bay, Wisconsin ![]() Ingraham wore the new blue mask, with a blue scarf and suede tan coat as she wrapped up against the cold ![]() President Donald Trump gives thumbs up as he steps off Air Force One upon arrival Friday, October 30, 2020, at Andrews Air Force Base, Md., as he returns from campaign rallies in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Minnesot Ingraham was photographed in a mask with a presidential seal at Trump's second rally of the day, in Green Day, Wisconsin. Trump has been using a clip of Ingraham's show in the video reel that he's played at each rally, where she goes after Biden. His Michigan stop - located halfway between Detroit and Flint - was the first of the day, with just four days left until votes are finished being cast in the 2020 presidential race. Trump will travel to Wisconsin, which he won over Hillary Clinton, next. He'll end his day in Minnesota, where his event was capped to 250 attendees due to COVID-19 restrictions. Trump is hoping Minnesota, another part of the Democrats' so-called 'blue wall,' will flip his way this time. In Michigan he, again, went after the state's Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, whl was targeted by right-wing militia members in a kidnapping plot. Trump has continued to bash her coronavirus restrictions anyway, falsely claiming Democratic governors are keeping precautions in place to hurt the president politically. During Friday's rally he got a raucous 'lock her up! chant. 'Not me!' he said looking at the members of the media at the venue. 'They blame me everytime that happens.' He also told the Michigan crowd he was sure he'd win Minnesota because of Rep. Ilhan Omar, a favorite target of Trump's and one of just two Muslim women in Congress. She represents one-fourth of the House Democrats 'squad' of progressive freshmen lawmakers. Top stories - Google News October 31, 2020 at 06:55AM US Election 2020: Nuns attend Donald Trump's rally in Michigan - Daily Mail Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||||||
Amaysim to sell mobile business to Optus for AU$250 million before winding up - ZDNet Posted: 01 Nov 2020 04:44 PM PST ![]() Mobile virtual network operator Amaysim announced on Monday morning it was selling its mobile business to its long-time network wholesaler, Optus. The Singaporean-owned telco will pay Amaysim AU$250 million to gain its customers. Following the AU$115 million sale of its energy business last year, Amaysim said after the deal is completed, which expected to occur in January, it will set up a transitional service to Optus for three months, distribute up to AU$225 million to shareholders, de-list, and wind up its business. The deal needs to be approved by Amaysim shareholders, with the virtual operator adding not all of its staff would be transferred to Optus. "Following the strategic review and divestment of the Click Energy business, Amaysim received unsolicited expressions of interest in relation to the mobile business. Amaysim had also commenced a tender for its wholesale mobile contract around the same time," the company told the ASX. "An important consideration in this context was that a sale of the Mobile business to a strategic acquirer and the entry into a long-term wholesale contract are in effect mutually exclusive outcomes." The winding up of the company is slated for June 2021. Earlier in the year, Amaysim purchased OVO Mobile's 77,000-strong customer base for a maximum payment of AU$15.8 million. At the time, Amaysim said the deal took its total customer base to 1.17 million. At the same time, Optus announced it would be launching its parent's Singtel digital-only brand in Australia, dubbed Gomo. "Gomo has resulted from in-depth research of what consumers want -- and what they don't want -- and placed it all in the context of an economically challenging period," Optus said. "It also leverages learnings from Singtel's successful Gomo apps in Singapore, the Philippines, Indonesia, and Thailand, and is set to provide a beautifully simple experience." Related Coverage"Mobile" - Google News November 01, 2020 at 02:11PM Amaysim to sell mobile business to Optus for AU$250 million before winding up - ZDNet "Mobile" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||||||
Mourinho takes swipe at Madrid after Bale scores Tottenham winner - Posted: 01 Nov 2020 04:42 PM PST ![]() The Spurs manager couldn't help but make a cheeky comment about his Wales star, who was often criticised for his performances in Spain Jose Mourinho praised Gareth Bale's "personality" after his winning goal against Brighton and said he is looking forward to hearing how those in Madrid react to his match-winning display for Tottenham. Bale's first Tottenham goal since re-joining Spurs on loan from La Liga champions Madrid in September sealed a 2-1 victory over Brighton on Sunday to move them up to second in the Premier League, two points behind leaders Liverpool. Harry Kane had earlier scored his 149th top-flight goal from the penalty spot to move level with Les Ferdinand in 10th position on the all-time Premier League goals list, before Tariq Lamptey drew Graham Potter's side level shortly before the hour mark. Bale sealed maximum points in the 73rd minute, though, heading home from eight yards just three minutes after replacing Erik Lamela in London. Spurs head coach Mourinho was delighted with the Wales international's all-round contribution and could not resist a dig at his parent club, whose boss Zinedine Zidane had a public falling out with Bale. "For a week or so now, he's been improving," Mourinho told a media conference. "It's not just from watching him, the data supports that as well. We knew, Gareth knew. We share ideas and feelings. "He deserves that [the goal]. When I have five minutes I'm going on Safari to look at the Madrid websites to see what they say about him. "He showed great personality and had a great impact, scoring a very important goal for us. He also joined Harry in a very experienced way to play the last 15 minutes for us. "They were very clever, very intelligent, especially at holding the ball up and bringing it into zones where they couldn't hurt us. "He knows that we care about him and he cares about the club. I think he's a perfect fit. He's very calm, very intelligent. I'm very pleased for him to score the winning goal." — Tottenham Hotspur (@SpursOfficial) November 1, 2020 Bale has started just one game and made three substitute appearances since his return to north London as he slowly works his way back to full fitness. Mourinho revealed he would start Thursday's Europa League game against Ludogorets, although he said the club will not rush him. "He doesn't have 90 minutes in his legs yet," he added. "We are using the Europa League to get him minutes and when we can in the Premier League. "He is, of course, getting better and better and better. He will start again on Thursday but he will not play 90 minutes. I will use him in the right way." Lamptey's goal was given after referee Graham Scott undertook a lengthy pitch-side video review to assess if there had been a foul on Pierre-Emile Hojbjerg in the build-up. Mourinho would not be drawn on whether he thought it was a foul, but believes referees should have to explain their decisions after a match. "There are decisions that I think they should explain and not leave us in front of you [journalists] explaining things we don't have any explanations to," he said. "I prefer not to talk about it. I see Scott as a good referee. He went to the screen and he saw what we saw on the bench. He should explain it but I know that is not going to happen." "Goal" - Google News November 01, 2020 at 04:13PM Mourinho takes swipe at Madrid after Bale scores Tottenham winner - "Goal" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||||||
[K리그 결산] 공고해진 전북·울산 양강 구도 그리고 우승감별사 포항 - 뉴스1 Posted: 01 Nov 2020 04:22 PM PST
2020년 K리그도 결국 '현대家' 라이벌 전북현대와 울산현대의 싸움이었다. 2019년과 마찬가지로 시즌 시작부터 두 팀이 앞서거니 뒤서거니 반복했고 결국 시즌 최종전에서야 우승팀이 확정될 정도로 치열한 경쟁을 펼쳤다. 마지막에 웃은 쪽은 또 다시 전북이 됐으나 울산이 시즌 내내 보여준 강함 역시 인상적이었다. 이제 K리그는 확실한 양강 구도가 구축된 모양새다. 그리고, 자신들만의 확실한 색깔을 구축해 나가고 있는 포항스틸러스의 존재감도 상당히 커졌다. 전북이 2020년 K리그 정상에 오르며 한국 프로축구사를 새로 썼다. 지금껏 어떤 팀도 성공하지 못한 리그 4연패와 함께 통산 최다우승(8회) 클럽으로 우뚝 섰다. 전북은 지난 1일 오후 전주월드컵경기장에서 열린 대구FC와의 '하나원큐 K리그1 2020' 최종 27라운드 홈 경기에서 2-0으로 승리했다. 최종전적 19승3무5패 승점 60점이 된 전북은 이날 광주를 3-0으로 꺾은 2위 울산(17승6무4패 승점 57)을 제치고 2020시즌 우승을 확정했다. 지난 2017년부터 2019년까지 내리 정상에 오르면서 과거 성남일화(1993~1995, 2001~2003)에 이어 3연패에 성공한 두 번째 팀이 된 전북은 이번 우승으로 전인미답 4연패 고지까지 올랐다. 동시에 역시 성남(7회)을 제치고 최다우승 클럽 지위까지 차지했다. 반면 2005년 우승 후 15년 만에 정상 탈환에 도전했던 울산은 또 2위에 그쳤다. 지난해에는 최종 라운드에서 무너졌고, 올해는 26라운드 전북과의 맞대결에서 패한 것이 치명타였다. 울산 입장에서는 또 한이 맺힐 시즌이다.
2020시즌을 앞두고 울산은 지난해의 아픔을 씻기 위해 전력 보강에 집중했다. 정승현, 조현우, 윤빛가람, 고명진, 김기희, 원두재 등 전현직 국가대표들로 스쿼드를 채워나가던 울산은 '블루 드래곤' 이청용까지 품에 안으면서 화룡점정을 찍었다. 일찌감치 기대감을 키웠던 울산은 예상대로 강했다. 시즌 초반 전북과 팽팽한 선두권 싸움을 벌이던 울산은 7월12일 1위 자리에 오른 뒤 10월 중순까지 단 1번도 순위표 꼭대기에서 내려오지 않았다. 그런데 또 뒷심 부족에 땅을 쳤다. 여기에 추가로 또 포항의 발목잡기를 뿌리치지 못한 영향도 크다. 지난해 최종전에서 울산을 대파, 그들의 트로피를 빼앗아 전북에게 건넸던 포항이 올해도 비슷한 역할을 했다. 10월 중순까지 줄곧 선두를 달리던 울산은 10월18일 '동해안더비' 라이벌 포항에게 0-4로 대패하면서 전북과 승점 동률을 허용했다. 그리고 일주일 뒤인 10월25일 홈에서 열린 전북과의 맞대결에서 0-1로 패해 추월을 허용했다. 포항전 여파가 분명 있었다. 흥미롭게도 포항은, 울산을 꺾기 전에 전북에게도 일격을 날렸다. 포항은 10월3일 전주월드컵경기장에서 펼쳐진 전북과의 원정경기에서 1-0으로 승리했다. 그날 패배로 울산과 팽팽한 레이스를 펼치던 전북은 3점차 밀린 2위로 떨어졌다. 많은 이들이 올해는 울산 쪽으로 기울어졌다고 평가했을 때다.
결과적으로 먼저 맞은 팀이 좀 더 빨리 수습해 정상까지 질주했으나, 전북도 울산도 중요한 순간 포항에게 나란히 패했다. 어느덧 확실한 다크호스로 자리매김한 포항이다. 2019시즌 전북과 울산의 승점은 79점이었고 4위 포항은 3위 FC서울과 함께 56점이었다. 경기수가 더 많았던 것을 감안하더라도 23점은 큰 격차였다. 올해는 전북 60점, 울산 57점, 포항 50점으로 격차를 많이 좁혔다. 최다득점(56골) 1위, 자신들만의 확실한 색깔을 갖춘 포항이 점점 결과물까지 챙기는 분위기다. 내년에도 긍정적으로 발전할 수 있다면 판은 더 흥미로워질 공산이 적잖다. 적어도 지금 흐름상 양강 구도를 흔들 수 있는 가장 유력한 후보는 포항이다. 기사 및 더 읽기 ( [K리그 결산] 공고해진 전북·울산 양강 구도 그리고 우승감별사 포항 - 뉴스1 ) 엔터테인먼트 | ||||||
'미우새' 박하선 “류수영 썸 탈 때 뽀뽀 시도 거절하니 더 반해” - 세계일보 Posted: 01 Nov 2020 04:22 PM PST 배우 박하선이 남편 류수영과의 연애 시절 스토리를 공개했다. 지난 1일 방송된 SBS 예능 '미운 우리 새끼'(이하 미우새)에서는 드라마 '며느라기' 및 '산후조리원'으로 복귀를 예고한 배우 박하선이 스페셜 MC로 출격해 입담을 뽐냈다. 이날 방송에서 모(母)벤져스는 박하선에게 "남편분이 너무 착하시게 생겼다"고 덕담을 던졌고 박하선은 "인생을 살면서 뭔가에 미쳐있을 때가 있다. 그땐 놓치기 싫었던 것 같다"라고 남편 류수영에 대해 언급했다. 박하선은 류수영과의 연애 시절 스토리를 공개했다. 박하선은 "사귀기 전이었는데 소위 썸이라고 하지 않나. 그 당시에 사귀지 않는데 그네 태워주다가 갑자기 무릎을 꿇고 뽀뽀하려고 했다"고 당시를 회상했다. 이에 신동엽이 "전문용어로 개수작이라고 한다"고 장난을 쳤고, 박하선이 "아니 드라마에선 그런다. 뽀뽀하고 시작하고"라고 말했다. 박하선은 "귀를 잡고 밀었나? 얼굴을 밀었다. 그때 결혼을 되게 하고 싶었다고 한다. 무슨 소린가 싶었다. 남자들은 그러냐"고 질문했다. 그러면서 "자기가 그러면 다 뽀뽀를 해줬나 보더라"면서 "사귀기 전 뽀뽀를 안 해준 사람은 내가 처음이었던 것 같다. 그래서 유치하게 '이 여자다' 생각을 했나 보더라"고 웃었다. 한윤종 기자 [ⓒ 세계일보 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지] 엔터테인먼트 | ||||||
河北春秋(11/2):清少納言の『枕草子』は、好きな星としてす… - 株式会社河北新報社 Posted: 01 Nov 2020 04:13 PM PST ![]() 清少納言の『枕草子』は、好きな星としてすばるや七夕のひこ星に加え「よばひぼし」を挙げる。星空をさっと横切って飛ぶ流れ星のことだ。落ち星、逃げ星、願い星とも呼ばれ、古くから親しまれてきた▼正体は主に、太陽系付近を回る彗星(すいせい)が軌道上に散らす数ミリ程度のちりだ。普段は高速で宇宙空間を流れ、地球の大気に飛び込むと燃えて光る。ちりの濃い部分が地球の軌道とぶつかれば雨のような流星群となる▼古川黎明高(大崎市)の自然科学部員らは6年前から、全国的に珍しい手法で観測に挑んだ。光を波長ごとに分ける機器を手作りしてカメラに付け、画像から発光に関する元素を調べた。撮影は難しかったが、約55万枚のうち55枚で画像データを得られた▼生徒と顧問の2人によるチームが今年、宇宙航空研究開発機構(JAXA)と共同研究の契約を結び、観測機材などを提供した。地球に接近する探査機「はやぶさ2」が12月6日、小惑星りゅうぐうの岩石試料入りカプセルをオーストラリアの砂漠に落とす様子を撮影してもらう▼カプセルは流星と同様、大気圏突入時に発光する。波長を分析して突入速度や表面温度の変化を調べ、JAXAの活動に生かすという。宇宙への関心と挑戦の気持ちが、高校生らと研究者を結び付けた。(2020.11.2) からの記事と詳細 ビジネス | ||||||
テレコ、ラジオ、カセットのデータ化をこれ1台で!しかも乾電池でも動くぞ! - &GP Posted: 01 Nov 2020 04:13 PM PST ![]() いまや音楽はサブスクやデータで聞くことがメインとなっていますが、ひと昔前はMDで、さらにさかのぼればカセットテープでした。CD全盛期の頃、借りてきたCDをテープにダビングし、オリジナルのマイベストテープを作った経験はありませんか? また、睡眠時間を確保するため、深夜ラジオを録音して楽しんでいた人もいるのでは? そうした思い出の詰まったテープを捨てられずに残している人も多いことでしょう。 そんな人に朗報となる新製品が、サンワダイレクトのラジオ付きカセット変換プレーヤー「400-MEDI037」(5436円/税別)です。手持ちのカセットテープの音源を簡単にデジタル化し、保存できますよ。 からの記事と詳細 ビジネス | ||||||
Video: Paris Artis scores highlight-reel head kick KO at CFFC 87 - MMA Fighting Posted: 01 Nov 2020 04:10 PM PST Video: Paris Artis scores highlight-reel head kick KO at CFFC 87 - MMA Fighting ![]() Paris Artis could find himself on the short list of the best head kick knockouts of 2020. The unbeaten lightweight improved to 4-0 with a powerful high kick that flattened Ryan Rizco late in the first round of their bout at Cage Fury FC 87 in Philadelphia on Friday. After tagging Rizco with a right hand, Artis loaded up his leg and caught Ryan Rizco coming in. The head kick sent an unconscious Rizco plummeting to the mat and the referee rushing in for the save. That's four finishes in four wins for the 26-year-old Artis, who has only seen one opponent make it out of the first round. Watch the highlight-reel finish above. 2020-11-01 22:00:00Z |
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