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- YouTubeで通信障害、「動画が視聴できない」声続出 公式アカウントは「修正中」【復旧済み】 - ITmedia
- Mobile store manager hospitalized after jumping on hood of suspected shoplifter's car - NBC 15 WPMI
- PS5発売 事前予約で完売、異例の品薄続く 転売横行に消費者不満も - SankeiBiz
- 公式がPS5、開封してみました! SIE、「PS5パッケージ開封の解説」動画を公開 - GAME Watch
- The Latest: Lincoln Project taking on GOP-linked law firms - Beaumont Enterprise
- Goal setting leads to self-fulfillment – The Simpsonian - The Simpsonian
- Goal 50 2020: The best 50 players in the world -
- 정바비, ‘성범죄 의혹’ 부인…"고발 내용, 전혀 사실 아냐" - 조선일보
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- The Latest: Biden: I won’t take legal action over transition - KSAT San Antonio
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- プレイステーション5、知ってると得する「AV関連機能」15の秘密 - AV Watch
- 山下智久 退所決断“きっかけ”ハリウッド映画は制作費200億円超大作!来年9月に全米公開予定(スポニチアネックス) - Yahoo!ニュース
YouTubeで通信障害、「動画が視聴できない」声続出 公式アカウントは「修正中」【復旧済み】 - ITmedia Posted: 11 Nov 2020 07:17 PM PST YouTubeで通信障害、「動画が視聴できない」声続出 公式アカウントは「修正中」【復旧済み】 - ITmedia 動画共有サービス「YouTube」で、11月12日午前9時ごろから障害が発生している。公式Twitterアカウントによれば、既に問題は認識しており、現在は修正作業に取り組んでいるという。復旧時期のめどについては、詳細が分かり次第報告するとしている。 編集部で確認したところ、PCのWebブラウザやスマートフォンアプリ(iOS/Android)でYouTubeにアクセスすると、エラーが発生し、動画を視聴できなかった。 Twitterでは全世界で「#YouTubeDOWN」がトレンド入り。日本でも「YouTube再生」が11日9時半ごろからトレンド入りしており「動画が視聴できなくて困る」といった声が相次いでいる。 12日午前11時過ぎに復旧YouTubeの公式Twitterアカウントは、12日午前11時13分に全てのデバイスで問題を修正したと発表した。 関連記事関連リンク2020-11-12 01:17:00Z | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Mobile store manager hospitalized after jumping on hood of suspected shoplifter's car - NBC 15 WPMI Posted: 11 Nov 2020 06:44 PM PST [unable to retrieve full-text content] Mobile store manager hospitalized after jumping on hood of suspected shoplifter's car NBC 15 WPMI"Mobile" - Google News November 11, 2020 at 02:18PM Mobile store manager hospitalized after jumping on hood of suspected shoplifter's car - NBC 15 WPMI "Mobile" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
PS5発売 事前予約で完売、異例の品薄続く 転売横行に消費者不満も - SankeiBiz Posted: 11 Nov 2020 06:13 PM PST ![]() ソニー・インタラクティブエンタテインメント(SIE)が12日に発売した新型家庭用ゲーム機「プレイステーション(PS)5」は、一部の店舗で予約の抽選倍率が100倍になるなど、事前予約で完売し、発売当日に小売店での店頭販売が実施されないほどの異例の品薄となっている。性能の高さが売りのPS5に対し、史上最多の売り上げを期待する声もある。ただ、定価の2倍以上での転売も横行しており、ソニーは対応を誤れば、お祭りムードに水を差しかねない。 ソニーはPS5の初年度の販売目標としてPS4の初年度実績の760万台超えを掲げる。楽天証券経済研究所の今中能夫チーフアナリストは「PS5は税込みで5万円台だが、十数万円のゲーム用パソコンと同等の性能」と指摘、「海外のゲームユーザーの関心が高く、当面は製造した分だけ売れる」と分析する。今中氏は「6年で2億台は堅い」と7年弱で約1億台を売り上げたPS4のほぼ倍の売れ行きを予想する。 世界のゲーム市場は欧米が大半を占める。ソニーも欧米優先の姿勢を強めており、PS5の国内流通には時間がかかりそうだ。 こうした状況に、ソニーや量販店が実施した予約抽選には転売目的の応募も殺到。ある量販店では倍率が100倍にまで膨れ上がった。その結果、フリーマーケットアプリやネットオークションではPS5が十数万円で取引されており、品薄に拍車が掛かっている。 米国での抽選では実際にゲームを遊んだ履歴がある人が優先されるなどの転売対策がとられた。日本での対策について、ソニーは明らかにしていない。 ソニーは5日、公式ウェブサイトで「発売日に関してはご予約分にて完売となっております」とコメントした。動画投稿サイト「ユーチューブ」の有名配信者を起用し、期待感をあおるような宣伝を繰り返していただけに、ゲームファンの落胆は大きく「もう少しユーザーのことを考えて発売してほしかった」などと批判が殺到している。 PS5は製造コストが価格を上回る「逆ざや」とみられる。ソニーはゲーム機本体の価格を抑えて普及させ、月額課金サービスやゲームソフトの売り上げで稼ぐ中長期の戦略を描く。転売によって本体の流通が阻害されれば、収益モデルが根底から崩れる。企業倫理に詳しい慶応大の梅津光弘准教授は「転売の規制は難しい。企業は転売されることを前提に、流通を管理しなければ、消費者は離れていく」と話した。(高木克聡) からの記事と詳細 ビジネス | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
公式がPS5、開封してみました! SIE、「PS5パッケージ開封の解説」動画を公開 - GAME Watch Posted: 11 Nov 2020 06:13 PM PST ![]() ソニー・インタラクティブエンタテインメント(SIE)は、11月12日発売予定の「プレイステーション 5」において、「パッケージ開封の解説」動画を公開した。 動画では、SIEグローバル商品企画部の橋本智志氏による、ディスクドライブ搭載モデルの「プレイステーション 5」の開封の模様が確認できる。「Dualsenseワイヤレスコントローラー」や、ウルトラハイスピードに対応するHDMIケーブルなどの同梱物の紹介にはじまり、PS5本体を縦置きにするためのベースの取り付け方や、セットアップの仕方までが、一つ一つ丁寧に解説されている。 なお、緩衝材には、さとうきびパルプと竹パルプを混合した、非木材のパルプモールドが使用されているとのこと。また、ケーブルの結束バンドも紙製のものが使用されるなど、先代のPS4と比較して、プラスチックの梱包材の点数を約半分に減らすことができた、と環境配慮についても紹介されている。 【PlayStation?5 パッケージ開封の解説】
©2020 Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved. からの記事と詳細 ビジネス | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Latest: Lincoln Project taking on GOP-linked law firms - Beaumont Enterprise Posted: 11 Nov 2020 06:08 PM PST ![]() 5:45 p.m. The Lincoln Project has announced plans to launch an advertising campaign against two law firms over their role representing President Donald Trump and the Republican Party in their voter fraud-related lawsuits. On Twitter on Tuesday, the anti-Trump political action committee run by former Republican insiders also urged people to find employees of Jones Day and Porter Wright Morris & Arthur through their social media accounts and "ask them how they can work for an organization trying to overturn the will of the American people." The group suggested it would also pressure clients to drop the firms. By the end of the day, Porter Wright had deleted its Twitter account, which was being inundated with attacks. A message seeking comment was left with Porter Wright. Jones Day responded that it is not representing the president, his campaign "or any affiliated party in any litigation alleging voter fraud," but the Pennsylvania GOP, in litigation brought by private parties and the state's Democratic Party. That litigation resulted in the order that extended the deadline for returning mail-in ballots that was set by Pennsylvania state lawmakers. There is no evidence of widespread fraud in the 2020 election. ___ HERE'S WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT PRESIDENT-ELECT JOE BIDEN'S TRANSITION TO THE WHITE HOUSE: President-elect Joe Biden is championing the Obama administration's signature health law as it goes before the Supreme Court in a case that could overturn it. Read more: — GOP tries again to get high court to ax health care law — What's ascertainment? The green light to launch transition — Candidate concessions have been colorful, funny — or absent — GOP backs Trump as he fights election results, transition — Much at stake as Supreme Court weighs future of 'Obamacare' ___ HERE'S WHAT ELSE YOU NEED TO KNOW: 5:25 p.m. The Biden campaign's lawyer is dismissing President Donald Trump's legal challenges to Joe Biden's victory as "theatrics" that are intended "to instill in the minds of some portion of the populace that the election was illegitimate." Bob Bauer said Tuesday on a call with reporters that the Trump campaign is trying to "throw obstacles in the path of the government." But he said the transition was continuing regardless of any issues playing out in the courts. "In the meantime," he says, "there'll be theater, but it'll be playing to increasingly light crowds, until it empties out completely and Joe Biden and Kamala Harris take their oath of office." Biden was declared the winner of the election on Saturday, but Trump is refusing to concede. Biden's chief counsel, Dana Remus, said the presidential transition process would not be derailed by the General Services Administration's refusal to name Biden the official winner. Remus says Trump and his allies "are trying everything to interfere with the inevitable." But she says, "We are pushing forward, and we are confident that the inevitable is a very successful administration." ___ 4 p.m. The national intelligence director's office says it can't begin engaging with President-elect Joe Biden's team until a federal agency starts the process of transition, which the Trump administration is delaying. The office, which oversees all U.S. intelligence agencies, said it must follow the Presidential Transition Act, which requires the General Services Administration to first ascertain the winner of the election Trump is contesting. Intelligence agencies have given general intelligence briefings -- minus information on covert operations and sources and methods -- to presidential nominees since 1952. Biden started receiving them soon after he became the Democratic presidential nominee. It's unclear if he is still getting them. Some presidents have allowed their successors to receive the President's Daily Brief, containing the nation's most sensitive intelligence information. President Donald Trump would have to authorize Biden to receive that brief. A Biden transition spokesperson declined to comment on the briefings. ___ 3:25 p.m. President-elect Joe Biden has released the names of his agency review teams, the groups of transition staffers that are typically afforded access to key agencies in the current administration to help smooth the transfer of power. The president's transition team released the names of hundreds of people on the teams. They'll collect and review information ranging from budgetary and staffing decisions, pending regulations and other work in progress from current staff at the federal departments. It remains unclear, however, how much engagement the Biden transition staffers will have with their counterparts at the various government agencies because President Donald Trump's administration has yet to formally recognize Biden as the president-elect. A formal recognition from the General Services Administration is needed to allow Biden transition staff access to federal workers and much of the information they'll need. More than half of the staff on the teams are women, and approximately 40% "represent communities historically underrepresented in the federal government, including people of color, people who identify as LGBTQ+, and people with disabilities." ___ 3:10 p.m. President Donald Trump has created a new leadership PAC as he continues to refuse to concede the election to to President-elect Joe Biden. Paperwork for the Save America political action committee was filed with the Federal Election Commission on Monday evening. Campaign emails soliciting money for the president's "OFFICIAL ELECTION DEFENSE FUND!" now direct to a website that shows contributions will now be split among Save America, the Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee. And 60% of each contribution will go to Save America, up to $5,000. The committee will allow Trump to maintain his political influence even after he leaves office by raising and distributing money for candidates, along with funding travel, polling and other campaign costs. Trump has not ruled out running again in 2024 after losing his reelection bid. ___ 3:05 p.m. President-elect Joe Biden says President Donald Trump's failure to recognize his victory is an "embarrassment." It marked the sharpest critique yet from the incoming president at the incumbent, as Trump's team has refused to formally begin preparations for the transition. Taking questions from reporters Tuesday for the first time since his victory, Biden predicted that "it will not help the president's legacy." Biden says regardless of the Trump administration's actions, his planning to assume power on Jan. 20 is continuing as scheduled. ___ 3:03 p.m. President-elect Joe Biden says he hopes Democrats pick up two Senate seats in January's runoff elections but doesn't fear getting his Cabinet picks through the chamber if it stays in Republican hands. Biden said in Wilmington, Delaware, on Tuesday that he is "not a pessimist" and takes Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell "at his word" in saying that he would work with him on getting nominees in position. Biden said he hoped the two Democrats competing in January Senate runoffs in Georgia would be able to shift the chamber back toward Democratic control. If the Senate were to be evenly divided, it would be up to Vice President-elect Kamala Harris to break a tie. Biden also said he hopes to be able to announce some of his Cabinet picks before Thanksgiving. ___ 3 p.m. Joe Biden says his transition team will not be taking legal action to try to force the Trump administration to officially acknowledge him as the president-elect. Biden told reporters Tuesday that "I don't see a need for legal action, quite frankly." Much of the formal transition work doesn't begin until the administrator of the General Services Administration ascertains the "apparent successful candidate" in the election, and that has not happened yet amid legal challenges by President Donald Trump to election results in some states. The GSA's failure to designate Biden the official winner bars the Democrat and his team from receiving federal funds for his transition and from getting access to the agencies they'll need to work with to smooth the transition of power. He also is not receiving a daily classified briefing on security threats typically afforded to the president-elect. Biden said that the briefing "would be useful, but it's not necessary," and that his transition team didn't need the federal funds to continue their work. He says, "We don't see anything slowing us down." ___ 2:50 p.m. President-elect Joe Biden says "nothing going to stop" his administration's moving forward despite President Donald Trump's refusal to concede the race. Biden said in Wilmington, Delaware, on Tuesday that his transition is "well underway" and that he is reviewing potential Cabinet picks and other positions. Biden said some Republicans' denial of his victory "is not at much consequence in our plan and what we're able to do between now and Jan. 20." Asked by a reporter what he would say to Trump, Biden said, "Mr. President, looking forward to speaking with you." ___ 2:47 p.m. President-elect Joe Biden says the Republican-backed challenge to the Affordable Care Act in the Supreme Court is "cruel and needlessly divisive." But he's promising that, regardless of the outcome of that lawsuit, he will enact reforms to expand coverage when he's in office in January. During remarks Tuesday in Wilmington, Delaware, Biden warned that if the lawsuit is successful, millions of Americans would lose health care coverage during the coronavirus pandemic. He characterized the lawsuit as an "effort to bypass the will of the American people, the verdict of the courts in the past, the judgments of Congress," noting that the ACA had weathered previous court challenges and legislative efforts to dismantle it. But Biden has also acknowledged issues with the ACA, which was the Obama administration's signature legislative achievement, and pledged to fix it. On Tuesday, Biden said his transition team was working to "flesh out the details" on a plan to get Americans universal health care and lower health care costs "as soon as humanly possible." ___ 2:45 p.m. Vice President-elect Kamala Harris says that each vote for President-elect Joe Biden was in support of the Affordable Care Act he helped craft during the Obama administration. During remarks Tuesday in Wilmington, Delaware, Harris said that Biden "won the election decisively," and that "every vote for Joe Biden was a statement that health care in America should be a right, not a privilege." Harris also noted that, if the Affordable Care Act is dismantled, "communities of color would be hit particularly hard ... because they are at a greater risk for preexisting conditions," as well as complications from the coronavirus. Harris spoke ahead of remarks from Biden and following oral arguments in the U.S. Supreme Court. Earlier Tuesday, justices heard oral arguments from opponents of the health care program, arguing the 10-year-old statute was rendered unconstitutional in its entirety when Congress dialed down to zero a penalty on those remaining uninsured. ___ 2:15 p.m. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is brushing aside results of last week's presidential election showing that President Donald Trump lost his bid for a second term. Pompeo told reporters Tuesday with a grin that the "transition" to a second Trump term would be "smooth," but later said the State Department was prepared for any eventuality. Trump has refused to concede to President-elect Joe Biden. Pompeo ignored results showing that Biden had won the election, and he also dismissed as "ridiculous" questions about whether the U.S. had lost credibility as a judge of other countries' election because of Trump's unproven claims of fraud at the polls. "There will be a smooth transition to second Trump administration, " Pompeo said with a chuckle, before reverting to a more nuanced response. "We're ready. The world is watching what's taking place here. We're going to count all the votes." He said the "world should have every confidence" that the State Department is "successful today" and that it will be "successful with the president who's in office on Jan. 20 a minute after noon." ___ 12:55 p.m. President-elect Joe Biden has spoken to British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, leaders of three of the United States' most important European allies. Johnson's support for Brexit and warm relationship with President Donald Trump have made many Democrats wary, but he was nonetheless among the first European leaders to congratulate Biden in a phone call. Johnson's office said the two men "discussed the close and longstanding relationship" between the two countries and promised to strengthen those bonds in areas including trade and security. In the 25-minute call, they also promised to work on "shared priorities, from tackling climate change, to promoting democracy, and building back better from the coronavirus pandemic," Downing St. said. "Build back better" is a slogan that Biden and the British government have in common. Johnson invited Biden to attend the COP26 climate change summit in Glasgow next November and said he looked forward to seeing him at a G-7 summit that the U.K. is due to host in 2021. The French president's office released a video of Macron in his office, offering congratulations to Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris during a call on Tuesday afternoon. ___ 11:50 a.m. Vice President-elect Kamala Harris' husband, Doug Emhoff, will leave his job as a partner with a high-profile law firm to focus on his role in the new Biden administration. A campaign spokeswoman said Tuesday that Emhoff will sever ties with DLA Piper by Inauguration Day. Emhoff took a leave of absence from the firm in August, when Harris was named Joe Biden's running mate. Biden and Harris will be inaugurated Jan. 20. While Emhoff is not a lobbyist, the firm has lobbied the federal government on behalf of a range of corporate clients. Ethics experts say that connection could have presented an appearance of conflicts of interest as the Biden administration tries to restore trust and ethics in government following President Donald Trump's norm-shattering presidency. Emhoff is working with the transition team to determine the issues he will take on as the vice presidential spouse. He is the first man to hold that role, as Harris is the nation's first female vice president. ___ 11:20 a.m. U.S. defense officials said James Anderson, the top policy adviser at the Pentagon, submitted his resignation Tuesday, a day after President Donald Trump fired Defense Secretary Mark Esper. Anderson has been the acting undersecretary for policy since June. Previously he served as the deputy undersecretary since his confirmation for that job in August 2018. Trump's firing of Esper comes as he has refused to concede his election loss to Democrat Joe Biden. Defense officials spoke about Anderson's resignation on condition of anonymity to discuss personnel matters. A wide range of policy staff positions in the Pentagon have been filled with people on an acting basis over the past year or more, as a number of staff have left or have not been confirmed. Chris Miller, who was tapped to serve as the Pentagon chief on Monday after Esper was fired, was in his second day in the building, meeting with top staff. — AP writer Lolita C. Baldor Top stories - Google News November 10, 2020 at 03:10PM The Latest: Lincoln Project taking on GOP-linked law firms - Beaumont Enterprise Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Goal setting leads to self-fulfillment – The Simpsonian - The Simpsonian Posted: 11 Nov 2020 05:42 PM PST ![]() The object of a person's ambition or effort; an aim or desired result. College students are busy. It's a given fact, but that doesn't mean you should forget the importance of setting goals and rewarding yourself. Goal setting should be a normal routine in daily lives for many reasons. I believe the most crucial reason for goal setting is to feel a sense of accomplishment. According to the University of Central Florida, mastering this skill comes with many benefits. Without a clear definition of what success means to you, how will you ever know what you achieve? Maybe it's conceited. Maybe it should be a boost of confidence. The only person who can tell you what you are capable of is you, and nothing is more rewarding than experiencing that first hand. Motivation is an indispensable element in life. Expecting to experience motivation will be difficult if you fall out of reach to many things. It could be something as simple as setting a daily goal by doing your laundry. As soon as you accomplish that goal, it will give you the motivation to set more. It's effortless to mentally introduce goals into your lifestyle, but journaling and writing them down hold you accountable. This could be on sticky notes on your bathroom mirror, a separate journal you leave open on your desk, or even in your planner. Speaking of your planner, did you know you set goals every day in it? It might look something like "COMM 275 homework" or "email professor about registration." Whether you believe it or not, those are all goals. You won't always attain your goals every single day, but putting them into words makes a good start; they crossed your mind, and that's the point. My planner follows me everywhere, and I write down everything. I write down everything because it is extremely gratifying to cross something out, saying, 'I did that.' Short term goals lead to long term goals. They serve as a progress report for life, your semester academic status, or your mental health. Looking back two years ago, I never would have been able to accomplish the things I do in a day. As much as achieving is fulfilling, it could also be dissatisfying. Children, students, and adults experience stagnation daily. Not everyone is capable of crushing 17 goals every day, or even one for that matter. There are some days where I accomplish none, and that's okay because I know I have some for tomorrow that I can go get. Goal setting is good for reminding yourself to relax as much as to be proactive throughout your day. From experience, I find it difficult to relax when I have a paper due in two weeks because I could definitely be working on it and end up guilt-tripping myself into attempting this paper I have no motivation for. Before you even ask, yes, I set reminders to cut myself some slack and give myself a break. It's easy to forget that as much as you want to goal set, not all of them are attainable day in and day out. Remember to give yourself breaks, remind yourself of all you've managed to accomplish that day, and do your best not to beat yourself up. My intention was to encourage you to remind yourself daily how proud you are of how far you've come and to maybe invest in a planner. A pack of sticky notes would do fine if you aren't a commitment person. Taking 16 credit hours, playing a sport, co-chair of this organization, member of that organization, social media coordinator for this, Dean's List, volunteer at this shelter, all while a global pandemic turns our lives around. Family and business professionals ask us how we do it. We say it's because we have ambition, but ambition stems from motivation, follows goal setting. "Goal" - Google News November 11, 2020 at 05:07PM Goal setting leads to self-fulfillment – The Simpsonian - The Simpsonian "Goal" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Goal 50 2020: The best 50 players in the world - Posted: 11 Nov 2020 05:42 PM PST Goal After a global vote involving 44 editions, Goal proudly presents its list of the best 25 male and best 25 female footballers on the planet for 2019-20 "Goal" - Google News November 10, 2020 at 04:00AM Goal 50 2020: The best 50 players in the world - "Goal" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
정바비, ‘성범죄 의혹’ 부인…"고발 내용, 전혀 사실 아냐" - 조선일보 Posted: 11 Nov 2020 05:22 PM PST [unable to retrieve full-text content] 엔터테인먼트 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
'라디오스타' 정인 "조정치 등 쓰다듬다 둘째 생겨" - 이데일리 Posted: 11 Nov 2020 05:22 PM PST [이데일리 스타in 김현식 기자] 가수 정인이 둘째 탄생 비화를 밝혔다.
이날 그는 "제가 복을 주는 거에 꽂혀 있던 때가 있다"며 "사람들 만나면 속으로 '저 사람한테 복이 쏟아진다'는 상상을 하곤 했다"고 말했다. 이어 "그 시기 육아를 하느라 힘들어서 누워있는 조정치의 등을 쓰다듬으면서 '조정치에게 복이 쏟아진다'는 상상을 속으로 했다"고 덧붙였다.정인은 "그때 조정치가 갑자기 제 팔을 딱 잡았고, 갑자기 갑자기 그렇게 (둘째가 생기게) 된 것"이라고 했다. 이어 "정말로 제 스킨십이 성스러웠다. 그런 쪽이 아니라 홀리한 거였는데…"라며 수줍어 했다. 이에 진행자 김구라는 "조정치 씨가 등이 민감한가 보다"라고 말해 웃음을 자아냈다. 안영미는 "(정인) 언니가 자극을 했네"라며 거들었고, 차태현은 "여러분 조정치 씨 만나면 절대 등 만지지 마요"라고 말해 웃음을 유발했다.'뮤지션 부부' 정인과 조정치는 2013년 결혼해 슬하에 두 자녀를 두고 있다. 기사 및 더 읽기 ( '라디오스타' 정인 "조정치 등 쓰다듬다 둘째 생겨" - 이데일리 ) 엔터테인먼트 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
홍남기 "관계부처 합동 美 신정부경제협력 TF구성" - 머니투데이 Posted: 11 Nov 2020 05:22 PM PST ![]() 엔터테인먼트 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Artis REIT: Break-Up Will Deliver Value, But Who Will Wield The Hammer? - Seeking Alpha Posted: 11 Nov 2020 05:22 PM PST Artis REIT: Break-Up Will Deliver Value, But Who Will Wield The Hammer? - Seeking Alpha
Artis REIT (OTCPK:ARESF) (TSX:AX/UN) 3Q20 results demonstrated stability in each of its business segments that should increase investor confidence in the company's IFRS asset value ($15.35/unit). The key challenge for the company is to implement corporate actions to deliver that value to investors. The Special Committee of Independent Trustees concluded its Strategic Review in May without announcing a transaction, however, "some ongoing dialogue continues". Unitholder pressure is likely to result in a sale or break-up. Topics:
(all amounts in the article in Canadian dollars) History Of Strategic InitiativesArtis management and board have been under pressure for several years due to:
Artis has launched a series of initiatives in response to the pressure:
Artis 3Q20 conference call disclosed some new information about the strategic review undertaken over the past year.
Artis mentioned that the Retail Spinoff had been unanimously approved by the Board which implies consent from the two Trustees that Sandpiper wants to retain. Sandpiper Proxy Campaign And Artis ResponseOn 10/1/20, Sandpiper Group issued a press release announcing that it had requisitioned a Special Meeting of unitholders to replace 5 of the 7 current Trustees. In addition to Sandpiper CEO Samir Manji, the other 4 nominees appear highly qualified. Sandpiper stated that it wanted the Retail assets sold at fair value to a strategic acquirer rather than distributed in a spinoff that would be undervalued in the market. Sandpiper released a presentation highlighting what it claimed were conflicts on interest between Artis and businesses controlled by family members of CEO Armin Martens. Key Points:
Sandpiper subsequently announced that its nominees had the support of Artis' largest unitholder with a 13.1% stake, then announced pledges of support from 35% of the outstanding units (enough to reject approval of the proposed Retail spinoff). Artis responded with a press release to "Set The Record Straight" which made these points that confirmed many of Sandpiper's allegations, but tried to diminish their importance:
Artis published a presentation on 11/5 with useful new information:
Preferred Holder Firm Capital Opposes Retail SpinoffThe Retail spin would require approval from 2/3 of both common and preferred unitholders, each voting as a class. On 10/1/20, preferred holder Firm Capital Private Equity (FC) issued a press release explaining its opposition to the spinoff because it would reduce the equity cushion below the preferred units making them more risky. FC argued that the structure of the Retail spinoff should entitle preferred holders to redemption at par value ($25 for each of the outstanding Series A, E, and I units). On 11/2/20, FC issued a press release signalling its support for Sandpiper and published a website with copies of its correspondence with Artis and its advisors. 3Q20 Operating ResultsArtis 3Q20 results (press release, MD&A, conference call transcript, presentation) demonstrated that property-level performance is stabilizing after the COVID impact. Highlights:
The MD&A includes some enhanced disclosures that could be helpful to analysts and investors in valuing each of Artis segments, however, the primary driver of the unit price will be the high level discount resulting from the diversified business model. The disclosures provide more confidence that performance is stable enough for value to be realized through strategic actions that reduce or eliminate the discount. Break-UpArtis spent $4.6mm in 2019-20 on what appears to have been a robust strategic review. If management and trustees want to avoid being replaced by Sandpiper nominees who might repeat much of the same work, then they should share the conclusions of that review and how the company will use them to deliver value to unitholders in coming years. CEO Armin Martens is not the best spokesperson for this communication due to:
If management and Board want to avoid being replaced, then it would be helpful if they could comment on these topics:
The actions that Artis has taken over the past 18 months have been positive, but CEO Armin Martens has always come across as a reluctant convert responding to pressure from Sandpiper (page 15 from Sandpiper presentation). If Sandpiper were represented directly on the Board, then unitholders could be more confident that inertia, lack of expertise, and conflicts of interest would not impede value realization. I believe the most likely outcome is a negotiated settlement prior to the Special Meeting with most of Sandpiper's nominees added to the Board and most of Sandpiper's agenda implemented. This would follow precedents:
![]() Investment ConsiderationsArtis' Special Committee concluded that a sale would deliver the highest value to unitholders and I believe that a price around IFRS NAV ($15.35) would be reasonable. Potential softness in valuation of Retail and Office assets is likely to be balanced by a premium for the development potential of Industrial assets. As long as Artis remains a diversified public REIT fair value in an economic recovery is likely to be a 20% discount to NAV (80% of $15.35 = $12.28). Firm Capital's efforts highlight the rights of preferred holders that might be triggered by potential corporate actions. Redemption at $25 par value would deliver significant gains to Series A/E holders, however, in the absence of a deal, they have downside price risk when coupons will probably reset lower in 2022/23. Investors punished Artis in 2018 for reducing its dividend rate, but dividends simply transfer value rather than creating value. Any change in the dividend does not affect the underlying value of the company and its assets so this article does not offer any detailed commentary about past present or future dividends. The distribution (currently C$0.54/year) gradually returns a portion of the full NAV which we can now acquire in the market at a discount. The distribution is amply covered by AFFO and strong rent collection so it is very unlikely to be cut. Artis's 3Q20 earnings announcement promised a 3% distribution increase and Sandpiper promises that its nominees will support a 10% increase. Disclosures & NotesThe author is a unitholder of Artis REIT. The author does not make any recommendation regarding any investment in any company mentioned in this article. Investors are encouraged to check all of the key facts cited here from SEDAR filings and other sources prior to making any investment decisions. Sandpiper females are larger than males, fight for territory, and can be polyandrous. It might be relevant. Disclosure: I am/we are long ARESF. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it. I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article. 2020-11-11 20:36:00Z | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4種類のダイバリエーションがある「GeForce GTX 1650」の違いを検証 - PC Watch Posted: 11 Nov 2020 05:13 PM PST しばらく前のことになるが、同じ「GeForce GTX 1650」カードを謳いつつも、コードネームの異なるGPU、具体的にはTU106、TU116を搭載するビデオカードが流通した。 本来のGeForce GTX 1650はTU117だ。そして搭載するメモリによってGDDR5版、GDDR6版があった。加えて、TU106は本来GeForce RTX 2060/2070グレード、TU116は本来GeForce GTX 1650 SUPERや1660グレードである。4つの仕様の違いが価格に反映されるのはあるとして、性能的にはどうなのだろうか。調査してみた。 4種のGeForce GTX 1650。どこが違う!?まずは製品の説明となるが、"TU106を搭載するGeForce GTX 1650カード"というのは玄人志向の「GF-GTX1650D6-E4GB/DF2」、"TU116を搭載するGeForce GTX 1650カード"というのはGIGABYTE「GeForce GTX 1650 D6 OC 4G (rev. 2.0)」だ。 対して、一般的なTU117版GeForce GTX 1650として、ZOTACの2製品、「ZOTAC GAMING GeForce GTX 1650 OC GDDR6」、「ZOTAC GAMING GeForce GTX 1650 OC」がある。つまりTU117のスタンダードなGeForce GTX 1650にも2つのバージョンがあるわけで、それぞれGDDR6版とGDDR5版だ。 GDDR6は、GDDR5の後継としてより高クロックの動作を可能としているが、ゲーミングエントリーのビデオカードではまだ採用製品が少ない。とはいえ現在、コスト面で1つ古いGDDR5にメリットがあるかと言えば微妙だ。ZOTACの2製品に関して言えば外観的に同じで価格帯もほぼ同じである。 それでは各GPUをGPU-Zにかけ仕様を確認してみよう。
まず、コアコードネームは異なるが、共通のスペックとしてCUDAコア数は896基、そしてメモリバス幅は128bitだ。メモリ容量が4GBである点も挙げられるだろう。また、GDDR6メモリを搭載する3モデルでは、GPUクロックが1,410MHzと揃っている。 ブーストクロックは製品によってさまざまだが、そもそもTU116/106のGeForce GTX 1650のリファレンスがないから、これがリファレンス仕様のブーストクロックなのかOS仕様のブーストクロックなのかは判別つかない。おそらくは各社の自由裁量といったところだろう。一方、TU117のGDDR5版のみ、定格もブーストクロックも高めに設定されている。これはおそらくメモリ帯域を補うためだろう。 そしてNVENCは要注意事項といえるかもしれない。TU116/106は最新の第7世代、TU117は1つ古い第6世代だ。2つの世代で異なるのは、H.265 HEVCにおけるBフレームのサポート。第7世代はサポートしているが、第6世代ではサポートされない。 このほか、先の写真でも指摘したとおり、補助電源という違いもある。TU106、TU116版のGeForce GTX 1650には6ピンのPCI Express補助電源コネクタが搭載されている。一方、TU117版に補助電源コネクタはない。電力に制限のあるPC、省電力を求めるPCにはTU117のほうが向いている。 性能の違いをベンチマークで検証それでは、4枚のビデオカードをベンチマークにかけ、性能差があるのかどうかを調査したい。1つ、「OC仕様」という問題があるが、基本的にブーストクロック側のみで、そのブーストクロックも実クロックというわけではなく目安なので、同じブーストクロック表記でもクーラーが異なれば実クロックは異なると考えれば目をつぶってよいだろう。今回はすべて製品定格、ファクトリーオーバークロック状態でテストを行なう。 また、今回はコアが異なるとはいえすべてGeForce GTX 1650であるため僅差になることが予想される。そこで、まずビルトインベンチマークを利用すること(FRAPSやOCATなどの計測ではブレが大きいため)、各テストでは、安定したスコアを得られるSandraのみ3回としほかは5回取得し平均を算出するといった方法をとることにした。 検証環境CPU:Core i9-9900Kメモリ:DDR4-2666(8GB×2枚) マザーボード:ASUSTeK ROG Strix B360-I Gaming(Intel B360) SSD:Intel Optane SSD 800p(NVMe、118GB) OS:Windows 10 Pro 64bit版 3DMarkを見ると、GDDR5版TU117が若干低いスコアだが、GDDR6版TU117とTU116/106の3製品はほぼ横並びの結果が得られた。いちおう、GDDR6搭載版の3製品に絞れば、TU106版がわずかに低いスコアという傾向があるように見える。 ゲームベンチマークはTom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands、Far Cry 5、STREET FIGHTER V、Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siegeを計測した。前2つのテストは60fps前後が目安、後ろ2つのテストは100fps超を狙うタイトルだ。 全体を俯瞰して見ると、まずやはりGDDR5版TU117が1つ低めのフレームレートであることがわかる。GDDR6版TU117、TU116/106にフォーカスすると、どうやらTU116版がもっともフレームレートが高く、わずかだが次点でGDDR6版TU117、そしてTU106はそれらに対して若干だが低いフレームレートである。 CUDAの性能を比較するテストとしてGeekbench 5を利用してみた。結果は先のゲームベンチマークと同じ傾向だ。 ここまでの結果、まずGDDR5版TU117は明らかにGDDR6搭載版よりも性能で劣るのがわかる。大きな要因はメモリ帯域幅だろう。GPUクロックはむしろほかよりも高いからだ。性能を引き出すためには、GDDR6が必要である。 次に、TU106はGDDR6版TU117やTU116に対して若干、スコア、フレームレートが低い傾向だ。あらためてスペックを確認したい。CUDAコア数はどれも同じだ。そしてGDDR6搭載版について言えばGPUクロックも横並びである。メモリもバス幅、クロックともGDDR6搭載版は同じだ。一つ仮定できるのがブーストクロック。TU106をOCしたら変わるだろうか。 TU106を搭載する玄人志向「GF-GTX1650D6-E4GB/DF2」をOCし、定格クロック+30MHz(ブーストクロック:1,635MHz)とし、製品定格のTU106、ブーストクロックが1,635MHzだったTU116と比較したのが次のグラフだ。 ゲームベンチマークではTom Clancy's Rainbow Six SiegeのみOC時、スコアが落ちているが、これは計測中にパッチなどが当たった影響ではないかと思われる。上3つのデータのとおり、TU106をOCした場合、わずかにフレームレートが上昇したように見える。ただし、TU116には届いていない。つまり、ブーストクロックを抑えられているのがTU106の不振の原因ではないということだ。 では何が本当の原因なのだろうか。いろいろと試した結果、ここだろうと目星がついたのがメモリだ。スペック上では同等であるはずのメモリだが、Sandraのグラフィックスメモリーテストを実行してみたところ、TU116やGDDR6版TU117よりも20GB/s程度遅いという結果が出た。バス幅やクロックに違いがないとすれば、内部でなにかしらレイテンシが伸びるような状況になっているのではないかと推測できる。断定はできないが、TU106のメモリバス幅は本来256bitであり、TU106版GTX 1650はその半分に制限したものだ。この仕様変更、本来利用可能なものがDisable化されたことでボトルネックが生じた可能性は否定できないだろう。 続いて消費電力を見ていきたい。消費電力テストでは、3DMarkのストレステスト実行中(15分)の最大値とアイドル時(ベンチマーク終了後15分)の最小値を計測してみた。 アイドル時に関しては、TU117版が35台、TU106が37.3W、TU116が36.8Wだった。TU117とそのほかでわかれた格好だが、ストレートにダイサイズが小さいほど消費電力も小さいと言えるのかどうかは断言できない。せいぜい1.7W差なので搭載するファンや電源回路の変換効率の違いで生まれた可能性もある。 高負荷時は明確な差がついた。もっとも電力値が小さかったのはGDDR5版のTU117。次にGDDR6版TU117、そしてTU116、TU106という順だ。TU106はほかよりも頭1つ飛び抜けて高い。電力値が最小だったGDDR5版TU117とTU106版では25W超の差がある。いちおうTU106は今回唯一、デュアルファンのモデルなので、その分だけ消費電力が大きかった可能性もある。ただしそこを加味してもワットパフォーマンスでは、GDDR6版TU117やTU116がベターと言えるのではないだろうか。 参考までに、PCMark 10のDigital Content Creationのスコアも示しておこう。確かにGPUごとの差はついているが、ここまでベンチマークほどストレートではなく、TU106やGDDR5版TU117が健闘しているテストもある。それでも安定して高スコアなのはTU116およびGDDR6版TU117だろうか。 NVENCの違いをチェック。HEVCのBフレーム対応は必要!?NVENCに関する違いも確認しておこう。まず、各GPUのNVENCに性能的違いがあるのか、Sandraのビデオトランスコーディングテストで調査した。VC1からH.264へ、H.264からH.264へという2つのテストがあるが、どちらも、どのGPUでも誤差の範囲と言える数値である。NVENCのエンコーディング性能では違いがないと言える。 一方、TU116/106は第7世代NVENEC、TU117は第6世代NVENECである。ここで異なるのがH.265 HEVCのBフレームをサポートしているかどうかだ。サポートしているのは第7世代NVENCで、第6世代NVENCではサポートされていない。これはNVIDIAのNVENCの比較表で確認できる。 とはいえ実際、使える使えないを確認してみたい。今回はAvidemuxを使い、各GPUでどのような挙動になるのかを調べてみた。 Avidemuxを起動し映像を読み込ませ、左ペインのVideo Output欄プルダウンから「Nbidia HEVC」を選ぶ。これがH.265 HEVCの指定だ。続いてその下の「構成」をクリックすることでオプションを指定できる。最下段にある「Maximum Consecutive B-Frames」がBフレームの指定箇所になる。ここに適当な数値を入れ、ファイルを出力させてみた。 TU116/106に関しては問題なくエンコード処理が進行する。一方、TU117では直後にエラーメッセージが表示された。「Cannot set up encoder. The configuration supplied to the encoder may be incompatible or the encorder may depend on futures unavailable on this system.」といった内容だ。H.265 HEVCのBフレームをサポートしていないためにエンコーダーのセットアップでエラーが出ているというわけだ。 つまり、H.265 HEVCのBフレームを扱わなければどのGPUも同じ程度の性能だ。一方、これを利用したいという方なら、TU106/116版GeForce GTX 1650カードがもっとも低コストなソリューションと言える。 価格、性能、NVENC、電力の違いを知って賢く選ぼう今回の調査を踏まえ、4製品の特徴をまとめておこう。 TU106版GeForce GTX 1650 玄人志向「GF-GTX1650D6-E4GB/DF2」・安価 TU116版GeForce GTX 1650 GIGABYTE「GeForce GTX 1650 D6 OC 4G (rev. 2.0)」・性能ではトップ TU117のGDDR6版GeForce GTX 1650 ZOTAC「ZOTAC GAMING GeForce GTX 1650 OC GDDR6」・性能は僅差で2番手 TU117のGDDR5版GeForce GTX 1650 ZOTAC「ZOTAC GAMING GeForce GTX 1650 OC」・補助電源が不要 同じGeForce GTX 1650でありながら、4つの製品はそれぞれ特徴のある製品だった。価格、性能、NVENC、電力のすべてを満たすことはないが、1製品あたり2つ程度満たしてくれる。このように同じGPU名で異なるコードネームが混在するというのは稀にあるものの多くはない。今は3種、メモリを含めれば4種から選べるというなかなか楽しい状況にある。GeForce GTX 1650を求める方は、自分のPCにとって何が必要なのか、よく検討してみると自作PCがより楽しめるだろう。 からの記事と詳細 ビジネス | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 11 Nov 2020 05:13 PM PST ![]() 1. チップ自体の性能差はほぼなし、しかし高負荷処理でAirとProの差が出る理由一般的にPCでは、製品のランクによって使うCPUの種類が異なる。クロック周波数が違うのはもちろんだが、仕様に含まれる細かな機能や、グラフィック機能の要であるGPUが異なることも多い。 そのため、これまでPCを選ぶ際には「CPUの型番が何なのか」を確認することが重要だった。 だがどうやら、アップルのMac向け独自半導体「M1」では、採用する3つのMacでは、全く同じ「M1」が使われているようだ。 これは、4機種ある「iPhone 12」シリーズで、結果的にほぼ同じ「A14 Bionic」が使われていたことに近い。 同じ半導体を量産して複数のモデルを作ってコスト効率を高めるのは、アップルの基本戦略だが、PCとしては「異例」ではある。 では、3つの製品に性能的な差は出ないのか? おそらく、シンプルな処理ならほとんど差はない、というのが取材から見えてきた状況だ。 ただし、「複数のCPU・GPUコアを使い」「高い負荷をかけ続ける」アプリでは、違いが出る可能性が高い。 MacBook Airは冷却ファンを持たない「ファンレス」設計だが、他の2機種はファン付き。ファン付きの2モデルは、Airより負荷の高い、ゲームや動画編集などのニーズが高いと判断されてのものではないだろうか。 2. Macの「M1」とiPhoneの「A14」は流用ではなかった。Macに特化した設計思想アップルは、iPhoneやiPadで10年に渡ってオリジナルプロセッサー「Aシリーズ」を使ってきた。現在最新のものは、iPhone 12シリーズとiPad Air(第8世代)に使われている「A14 Bionic」だ。 アップルは自社製半導体を複数の製品で使う。そのため、AppleシリコンMacも「A14のバリエーションが使われるのでは」と予想されていた。 だが、どうやらM1は「完全にMacのために作られたプロセッサー」になるようだ。 CPUコアやGPUコアは、A14で使われている技術をベースにする。だが、次のような点が異なっている。 CPUコアの動作クロックはA14より高くなる あわせてGPUの性能も向上 スマホ・タブレット向けでは不要だった「仮想化技術」にも対応 Thunderbolt 3/USB 4のインターフェースもM1に内蔵 つまり、本体内のチップ搭載点数をできるだけ減らし、「Macを作るために必要なもの」をM1に集積した構造になっている。 からの記事と詳細 ビジネス | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Latest: Biden: I won’t take legal action over transition - KSAT San Antonio Posted: 11 Nov 2020 05:08 PM PST ![]() WASHINGTON – The Latest on President-elect Joe Biden (all times local): 5:45 p.m. The Lincoln Project has announced plans to launch an advertising campaign against two law firms over their role representing President Donald Trump and the Republican Party in their voter fraud-related lawsuits. On Twitter on Tuesday, the anti-Trump political action committee run by former Republican insiders also urged people to find employees of Jones Day and Porter Wright Morris & Arthur through their social media accounts and "ask them how they can work for an organization trying to overturn the will of the American people." The group suggested it would also pressure clients to drop the firms. By the end of the day, Porter Wright had deleted its Twitter account, which was being inundated with attacks. A message seeking comment was left with Porter Wright. Jones Day responded that it is not representing the president, his campaign "or any affiliated party in any litigation alleging voter fraud," but the Pennsylvania GOP, in litigation brought by private parties and the state's Democratic Party. That litigation resulted in the order that extended the deadline for returning mail-in ballots that was set by Pennsylvania state lawmakers. There is no evidence of widespread fraud in the 2020 election. ___ HERE'S WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT PRESIDENT-ELECT JOE BIDEN'S TRANSITION TO THE WHITE HOUSE: President-elect Joe Biden is championing the Obama administration's signature health law as it goes before the Supreme Court in a case that could overturn it. Read more: — GOP tries again to get high court to ax health care law — What's ascertainment? The green light to launch transition — Candidate concessions have been colorful, funny — or absent — GOP backs Trump as he fights election results, transition — Much at stake as Supreme Court weighs future of 'Obamacare' ___ HERE'S WHAT ELSE YOU NEED TO KNOW: 5:25 p.m. The Biden campaign's lawyer is dismissing President Donald Trump's legal challenges to Joe Biden's victory as "theatrics" that are intended "to instill in the minds of some portion of the populace that the election was illegitimate." Bob Bauer said Tuesday on a call with reporters that the Trump campaign is trying to "throw obstacles in the path of the government." But he said the transition was continuing regardless of any issues playing out in the courts. "In the meantime," he says, "there'll be theater, but it'll be playing to increasingly light crowds, until it empties out completely and Joe Biden and Kamala Harris take their oath of office." Biden was declared the winner of the election on Saturday, but Trump is refusing to concede. Biden's chief counsel, Dana Remus, said the presidential transition process would not be derailed by the General Services Administration's refusal to name Biden the official winner. Remus says Trump and his allies "are trying everything to interfere with the inevitable." But she says, "We are pushing forward, and we are confident that the inevitable is a very successful administration." ___ 4 p.m. The national intelligence director's office says it can't begin engaging with President-elect Joe Biden's team until a federal agency starts the process of transition, which the Trump administration is delaying. The office, which oversees all U.S. intelligence agencies, said it must follow the Presidential Transition Act, which requires the General Services Administration to first ascertain the winner of the election Trump is contesting. Intelligence agencies have given general intelligence briefings -- minus information on covert operations and sources and methods -- to presidential nominees since 1952. Biden started receiving them soon after he became the Democratic presidential nominee. It's unclear if he is still getting them. Some presidents have allowed their successors to receive the President's Daily Brief, containing the nation's most sensitive intelligence information. President Donald Trump would have to authorize Biden to receive that brief. A Biden transition spokesperson declined to comment on the briefings. ___ 3:25 p.m. President-elect Joe Biden has released the names of his agency review teams, the groups of transition staffers that are typically afforded access to key agencies in the current administration to help smooth the transfer of power. The president's transition team released the names of hundreds of people on the teams. They'll collect and review information ranging from budgetary and staffing decisions, pending regulations and other work in progress from current staff at the federal departments. It remains unclear, however, how much engagement the Biden transition staffers will have with their counterparts at the various government agencies because President Donald Trump's administration has yet to formally recognize Biden as the president-elect. A formal recognition from the General Services Administration is needed to allow Biden transition staff access to federal workers and much of the information they'll need. More than half of the staff on the teams are women, and approximately 40% "represent communities historically underrepresented in the federal government, including people of color, people who identify as LGBTQ+, and people with disabilities." ___ 3:10 p.m. President Donald Trump has created a new leadership PAC as he continues to refuse to concede the election to to President-elect Joe Biden. Paperwork for the Save America political action committee was filed with the Federal Election Commission on Monday evening. Campaign emails soliciting money for the president's "OFFICIAL ELECTION DEFENSE FUND!" now direct to a website that shows contributions will now be split among Save America, the Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee. And 60% of each contribution will go to Save America, up to $5,000. The committee will allow Trump to maintain his political influence even after he leaves office by raising and distributing money for candidates, along with funding travel, polling and other campaign costs. Trump has not ruled out running again in 2024 after losing his reelection bid. ___ 3:05 p.m. President-elect Joe Biden says President Donald Trump's failure to recognize his victory is an "embarrassment." It marked the sharpest critique yet from the incoming president at the incumbent, as Trump's team has refused to formally begin preparations for the transition. Taking questions from reporters Tuesday for the first time since his victory, Biden predicted that "it will not help the president's legacy." Biden says regardless of the Trump administration's actions, his planning to assume power on Jan. 20 is continuing as scheduled. ___ 3:03 p.m. President-elect Joe Biden says he hopes Democrats pick up two Senate seats in January's runoff elections but doesn't fear getting his Cabinet picks through the chamber if it stays in Republican hands. Biden said in Wilmington, Delaware, on Tuesday that he is "not a pessimist" and takes Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell "at his word" in saying that he would work with him on getting nominees in position. Biden said he hoped the two Democrats competing in January Senate runoffs in Georgia would be able to shift the chamber back toward Democratic control. If the Senate were to be evenly divided, it would be up to Vice President-elect Kamala Harris to break a tie. Biden also said he hopes to be able to announce some of his Cabinet picks before Thanksgiving. ___ 3 p.m. Joe Biden says his transition team will not be taking legal action to try to force the Trump administration to officially acknowledge him as the president-elect. Biden told reporters Tuesday that "I don't see a need for legal action, quite frankly." Much of the formal transition work doesn't begin until the administrator of the General Services Administration ascertains the "apparent successful candidate" in the election, and that has not happened yet amid legal challenges by President Donald Trump to election results in some states. The GSA's failure to designate Biden the official winner bars the Democrat and his team from receiving federal funds for his transition and from getting access to the agencies they'll need to work with to smooth the transition of power. He also is not receiving a daily classified briefing on security threats typically afforded to the president-elect. Biden said that the briefing "would be useful, but it's not necessary," and that his transition team didn't need the federal funds to continue their work. He says, "We don't see anything slowing us down." ___ 2:50 p.m. President-elect Joe Biden says "nothing going to stop" his administration's moving forward despite President Donald Trump's refusal to concede the race. Biden said in Wilmington, Delaware, on Tuesday that his transition is "well underway" and that he is reviewing potential Cabinet picks and other positions. Biden said some Republicans' denial of his victory "is not at much consequence in our plan and what we're able to do between now and Jan. 20." Asked by a reporter what he would say to Trump, Biden said, "Mr. President, looking forward to speaking with you." ___ 2:47 p.m. President-elect Joe Biden says the Republican-backed challenge to the Affordable Care Act in the Supreme Court is "cruel and needlessly divisive." But he's promising that, regardless of the outcome of that lawsuit, he will enact reforms to expand coverage when he's in office in January. During remarks Tuesday in Wilmington, Delaware, Biden warned that if the lawsuit is successful, millions of Americans would lose health care coverage during the coronavirus pandemic. He characterized the lawsuit as an "effort to bypass the will of the American people, the verdict of the courts in the past, the judgments of Congress," noting that the ACA had weathered previous court challenges and legislative efforts to dismantle it. But Biden has also acknowledged issues with the ACA, which was the Obama administration's signature legislative achievement, and pledged to fix it. On Tuesday, Biden said his transition team was working to "flesh out the details" on a plan to get Americans universal health care and lower health care costs "as soon as humanly possible." ___ 2:45 p.m. Vice President-elect Kamala Harris says that each vote for President-elect Joe Biden was in support of the Affordable Care Act he helped craft during the Obama administration. During remarks Tuesday in Wilmington, Delaware, Harris said that Biden "won the election decisively," and that "every vote for Joe Biden was a statement that health care in America should be a right, not a privilege." Harris also noted that, if the Affordable Care Act is dismantled, "communities of color would be hit particularly hard ... because they are at a greater risk for preexisting conditions," as well as complications from the coronavirus. Harris spoke ahead of remarks from Biden and following oral arguments in the U.S. Supreme Court. Earlier Tuesday, justices heard oral arguments from opponents of the health care program, arguing the 10-year-old statute was rendered unconstitutional in its entirety when Congress dialed down to zero a penalty on those remaining uninsured. ___ 2:15 p.m. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is brushing aside results of last week's presidential election showing that President Donald Trump lost his bid for a second term. Pompeo told reporters Tuesday with a grin that the "transition" to a second Trump term would be "smooth," but later said the State Department was prepared for any eventuality. Trump has refused to concede to President-elect Joe Biden. Pompeo ignored results showing that Biden had won the election, and he also dismissed as "ridiculous" questions about whether the U.S. had lost credibility as a judge of other countries' election because of Trump's unproven claims of fraud at the polls. "There will be a smooth transition to second Trump administration, " Pompeo said with a chuckle, before reverting to a more nuanced response. "We're ready. The world is watching what's taking place here. We're going to count all the votes." He said the "world should have every confidence" that the State Department is "successful today" and that it will be "successful with the president who's in office on Jan. 20 a minute after noon." ___ 12:55 p.m. President-elect Joe Biden has spoken to British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, leaders of three of the United States' most important European allies. Johnson's support for Brexit and warm relationship with President Donald Trump have made many Democrats wary, but he was nonetheless among the first European leaders to congratulate Biden in a phone call. Johnson's office said the two men "discussed the close and longstanding relationship" between the two countries and promised to strengthen those bonds in areas including trade and security. In the 25-minute call, they also promised to work on "shared priorities, from tackling climate change, to promoting democracy, and building back better from the coronavirus pandemic," Downing St. said. "Build back better" is a slogan that Biden and the British government have in common. Johnson invited Biden to attend the COP26 climate change summit in Glasgow next November and said he looked forward to seeing him at a G-7 summit that the U.K. is due to host in 2021. The French president's office released a video of Macron in his office, offering congratulations to Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris during a call on Tuesday afternoon. ___ 11:50 a.m. Vice President-elect Kamala Harris' husband, Doug Emhoff, will leave his job as a partner with a high-profile law firm to focus on his role in the new Biden administration. A campaign spokeswoman said Tuesday that Emhoff will sever ties with DLA Piper by Inauguration Day. Emhoff took a leave of absence from the firm in August, when Harris was named Joe Biden's running mate. Biden and Harris will be inaugurated Jan. 20. While Emhoff is not a lobbyist, the firm has lobbied the federal government on behalf of a range of corporate clients. Ethics experts say that connection could have presented an appearance of conflicts of interest as the Biden administration tries to restore trust and ethics in government following President Donald Trump's norm-shattering presidency. Emhoff is working with the transition team to determine the issues he will take on as the vice presidential spouse. He is the first man to hold that role, as Harris is the nation's first female vice president. ___ 11:20 a.m. U.S. defense officials said James Anderson, the top policy adviser at the Pentagon, submitted his resignation Tuesday, a day after President Donald Trump fired Defense Secretary Mark Esper. Anderson has been the acting undersecretary for policy since June. Previously he served as the deputy undersecretary since his confirmation for that job in August 2018. Trump's firing of Esper comes as he has refused to concede his election loss to Democrat Joe Biden. Defense officials spoke about Anderson's resignation on condition of anonymity to discuss personnel matters. A wide range of policy staff positions in the Pentagon have been filled with people on an acting basis over the past year or more, as a number of staff have left or have not been confirmed. Chris Miller, who was tapped to serve as the Pentagon chief on Monday after Esper was fired, was in his second day in the building, meeting with top staff. — AP writer Lolita C. Baldor Top stories - Google News November 10, 2020 at 08:27AM The Latest: Biden: I won't take legal action over transition - KSAT San Antonio Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
山下智久が米豪華ドラマ出演濃厚 有名監督メガホン(日刊スポーツ) - Yahoo!ニュース Posted: 11 Nov 2020 04:16 PM PST 山下智久が米豪華ドラマ出演濃厚 有名監督メガホン(日刊スポーツ) - Yahoo!ニュース ![]() 先月末にジャニーズ事務所を退所していたことが発表された山下智久(35)が、来年配信予定の米国ドラマへの出演が濃厚であることが11日、分かった。 複数の関係者によると、同ドラマはアカデミー賞ノミネート作品に主演経験もある米の人気俳優を主演に据えた作品で、日本のマスコミや裏社会が題材。ハリウッドの有名監督がメガホンをとり、米大手配信サービスの作品として公開される見込みという。当初は今年9月ごろに日本での撮影を終える予定だったが、新型コロナウイルス感染拡大を受け、撮影を中断していたという。今月後半から撮影再開予定との情報もある。山下は同作品に重要役で出演する方向で最終調整中という。 山下は以前から海外志向が強く、英語を独学で身に着けていた。動画サービスHuluで今年6月から配信している世界配信の全編英語ドラマ「THE HEAD」に出演するなど、実績を積んでいた。ウィル・スミス(58)はじめ海外の俳優やタレントとも親交があり、海外芸能関係者は「成功する可能性は十分にある」と話す。 関係者によると、山下は先月27日に別の海外作品のオファーを受け、その後ジャニーズ事務所に退所の希望を伝えたという。急転直下で退所が決まり、先月末をもって退所、現在は海外に滞在し撮影に臨んでいるという。 退所を発表した今月10日、山下はファンクラブサイトで「子供の頃からの夢に向かい、新たな一歩を踏み出していきたいと思います」と伝えていた。その上で「ジャニー(喜多川)さんの言う本物に、少しでも近づけるよう、僕なりにこの先も精いっぱい努力し、前に進み続けていきたいと思います」と誓っていた。今回の米国ドラマ出演は、海外で結果を残して「本物」になるための、さらなるステップとなりそうだ。 2020-11-11 23:57:01Z | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Travis Japan七五三掛龍也、“同期”SixTONES松村北斗の親友役で「ライアー×ライアー」出演決定 - モデルプレス Posted: 11 Nov 2020 04:16 PM PST Travis Japan七五三掛龍也、"同期"SixTONES松村北斗の親友役で「ライアー×ライアー」出演決定 - モデルプレス Travis Japan/ジャニーズJr.の七五三掛龍也が、SixTONESの松村北斗と女優の森七菜がW主演を務める映画『ライアー×ライアー』(2021年初春公開)に出演することが決定した。 原作は、累計発行部数170万部を突破し、2012年度「このマンガがすごい!オンナ編」にランクイン、2015年には第39回講談社漫画賞・少女部門にもノミネートされた金田一蓮十郎の人気コミック『ライアー×ライアー』(講談社「KCデザート」刊)。「私×義理の弟×JK姿の私」という不思議な三角関係にヒヤヒヤしながらも、爆笑&胸キュンしてしまう新感覚のラブストーリーを映画化。 そして、今回第3弾キャストとして七五三掛のほか、相田翔子、板橋駿谷、竹井亮介が出演することが発表された。 七五三掛龍也、"同期"松村北斗の親友役で出演七五三掛が演じるのは、高槻透の友人・桂孝昭。口数の少ない透にとって、高校時代から気さくに話せる唯一の親友だ。七五三掛が所属するTravis Japanは、マイケル・ジャクソンなど有名アーティストを担当した世界的振付師トラビス・ペインによって選抜されたジャニーズJr.の人気グループで、今年8月に初のソロコンサートを成功させ、注目度急上昇中。七五三掛にとって、『劇場版 BAD BOYS J -最後に守るもの-』(13)以来、今作が2作品目の映画出演。友人の透を演じる松村とはジャニーズ事務所の入所が同期のため、今回の共演でどのような掛け合いを見せてくれるのか注目だ。 相田翔子・板橋駿谷・竹井亮介も出演また、湊と透の両親、高槻家の母親・ひとみを相田、父親・紀行を竹井が演じる。相田は『東京喰種 トーキョーグール』(17)以来の久しぶりの映画出演、竹井は「スナックサンド」のCMですでに森との親子共演を果たしている。再婚し、義理の姉弟となった湊と透の2人を優しく見守る両親を演じる。そして、NHK連続テレビ小説『なつぞら』で番長・門倉努役を好演し話題になり、俳優・ラッパーと幅広く活躍する板橋が今作にも出演。歴史への情熱が凄まじい、湊の所属するサークル「歴史文化研究会」の部長・川西純太を演じる。今作でみせる、"番長・門倉"を凌ぐ、その強烈なインパクトに目が離せない。(modelpress編集部) 七五三掛龍也コメント映画出演の話を頂いてすぐ原作漫画を読みました。どのキャラクターにも個性、魅力があり何回も読み直すくらいファンになってしまいました。桂は、友達思いで穏やかな、嘘も言えないくらい良い人と言う印象でした。透の親友でもあり湊とも仲良しな役柄だったので撮影以外でも出来るだけコミュニケーションをとるようにしてその関係性をそのままお芝居に持っていけるよう意識して頑張りました。透役の北斗とは同じ事務所の同期なのでその点コミュニケーションをとりやすく何度か助けられました!原作でもみんなから愛されるようなキャラクターですが、映画を通して更に愛されるようなキャラクターになっていければと思っています。【Not Sponsored 記事】 モデルプレスアプリならもっとたくさんの写真を見ることができます![]() ![]() 2020-11-11 22:00:00Z | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
プレイステーション5、知ってると得する「AV関連機能」15の秘密 - AV Watch Posted: 11 Nov 2020 04:13 PM PST PlayStation 5関連、発売直前最後の記事は、「AV関連機能」だ。 既に実機レポートはお送りしているが、発売前で全てのサービスが提供されていなかった関係もあって、PlayStation Network(PSN)に絡むストア機能や、有料サービス「PlayStation Plus」の機能、そして、オーディオビジュアル系の機能をまとめた「メディア」については、映像などの公開が認められていなかった。 しかし、発売を迎えた今、こうした部分も公開が可能になった。 そこでここでは、まだあまり紹介されていないPS5のAV関連機能を中心に、15個の秘密を明かしていこうと思う。 秘密その2:「Apple TV」が登場PS5からの新要素として、アップルの映像配信を利用するアプリが登場した。アップル経由で購入・レンタルした映像作品の視聴が可能なほか、サブスクリプション・サービスである「Apple TV+」も利用できる。 秘密その3:メディアリモコンで操作すると……PS5の周辺機器として「メディアリモコン」が用意されている。この種のリモコンはPS2の時代からあったものなのだが、ディスク再生などのときに「ちょっと使う」くらいのものだった。実のところ、純正のコントローラーよりも優れたところがそれほど多いわけではなかった。 だが、PS5のメディアリモコンにはちょっとした秘密がある。 実は、メディアリモコンで操作すると、PS5側は自動的に「メディア」を表示するのだ。逆にコントローラーであるDualSenseを操作すると「ゲーム」側を表示する。 要は、コントロールする機器がどちらであるかによって「操作したい内容のコンテキスト」を判断し、ゲームとメディアを使い分けるようになっているのである。 同様に、映像ディスクを本体に挿入した場合にも、「操作したいのはメディア側である」と判断し、「メディア」に切り替わる。 秘密その4:「テレビ&ビデオ」でおすすめコンテンツが見れる「テレビ&ビデオ」という項目があるのだが、ここから各サービスが提供する「あなたへのおすすめ」コンテンツの一覧を見られる。もちろんここでコンテンツを選ぶと、(契約済みなど)視聴権利がある場合、そのコンテンツへと直接ジャンプする。 秘密その5:動画再生中も「コントロールセンター」は動き続けている動画再生中などに「PSボタン」を押すとコントロールセンターが表示される。ゲームへ切り替えたい場合や、新着メッセージを見たい時などに便利。 しかもここでも、映像は「流れっぱなし」なので、ちょっとした「ながら」作業的にメッセージのチェックなどができる。ただし、それができるメディアアプリ(Apple TVなど)と、できないアプリ(Netflixなど)の両方がある。 秘密その6:「メディアアプリ」は別扱いコントロールセンターには最近使ったゲームなどをすぐに切り替える「アプリ切り替え」という機能がある。ここには今アクティブなアプリ、最近プレイしたゲームのほか、「最近使ったメディアアプリ」も、2つまで表示される。なので、使うサービスが決まっている人は、コントロールセンターからサクサク呼び出せるわけだ。 秘密その7:VR関連アプリも「メディア」に出てくるPlayStation VRは「PS4互換機能を介してのサポート」なのだが、VRでの映像配信などのサービス・アプリについては、メディア側に「VRと体験アプリ」というコーナーが用意され、そこにまとめられている。 秘密その8:音楽再生は「Spotify」で音楽は基本的に、Spotify経由で聴く。そのためにはSpotifyアプリのダウンロードが必要。もちろんフリープランでも使える。 プレミアムプランの利用者の場合デバイス連携にも対応しており、スマホやタブレット、PCで再生している曲を「PS5から再生」するといったこともできる。 そもそもSIEは、PS4の後期以降にSpotifyと提携し、SpotifyをPlayStation上で使う音楽サービスと位置付けている。そのため、PS4時代同様、ゲームをしながらSpotifyで音楽が聴ける。 一方、PS4時代にはメニューの呼び出しが結構面倒だったが、コントロールセンター内に「ミュージック」という項目ができ、すぐにアクセスできるので楽に音楽が聴けるようになった。 秘密その9:USBメモリーに入れた音楽が聴ける一見すると、USBメモリーに保存したMP3ファイルなどの音楽再生はできないように見える。だが、コントロールセンターの「ミュージック」にちゃんと機能が実装されている。 USBメモリーに「MUSIC」というフォルダを作り、ここに音楽ファイルを入れれば、ゲームをしながら「持っている音楽データ」を聴くことは可能だ。 秘密その10:ゲームの「動画キャプチャ」は標準がWebM形式PS5はゲームプレイ中の動画を記録できるが、その時には、データ容量を削減できる「WebM」形式と、より一般的な形式である「MP4」形式から選択できる。 秘密その11:実は「コントローラーのマイク」がすごいPS5のコントローラーであるDualSenseにはマイクが内蔵されている。ゲーム中に音声チャットを使うためだ。この音質がいい。ネットを通じたチャットは発売前に行なうことができないため試せていないが、記録したビデオを聴く限り、マイクからの音声の質が非常にいい。 DualSenseは「マイクを搭載する環境」としてはかなり劣悪だ。カチカチと音を立てるボタンが近くにあり、さらにはゲームの音も聞こえる。それらが混ざるようでは音声は聞きにくくなる。 しかし、「声以外」は気にならないように工夫されており、コントローラー内蔵のマイクだけでちゃんと会話ができそうだ。あまりにも自然なので気がつかない(実は最初に録音を聴いたときはそうだった)のだが、冷静に考えるとなかなか凝った工夫だ。 秘密その12:ゲームのビデオに「自分の声」が入ることも……PS5のゲームビデオ録画には、「パーティー(ボイスチャット)の音声を含める」「マイクの音声を含める」というオプションがある。盛り上がりを記録するのにはいい機能だ。必要なら設定をオンにしてもいい。 一方、PSNには、ゲームの中である課題をクリアするともらえる「トロフィー」という機能がある。PS4同様、PS5ではトロフィー取得時に、自動的にそのタイミングで動画を記録するよう設定しておける。これも、ゲームの「記憶」を残すためのものといえる。 実はここでも「マイクの音声を含める」は有効。なので、トロフィー取得時の動画に、自分が爆笑したり喜んだりしている音も記録される可能性があるわけだ……。自分でシェアしない限り他人に聞かれる訳でもないので、これはこれで面白い要素だと思う。 ただし、「シェアするつもりがあって絶対他人には自分の声を聞かせたくない」なら、「マイクの音声を含める」はオフにしておくように。 秘密その13:音声入力と読み上げ機能はかなり優秀PS5では文字の音声入力と「読み上げ」(ボイストランスクリプション)に対応している。 チャットなどの入力にはソフトウェアキーボードだけでなく音声入力も使えるが、この精度がかなり高い。ここで効いてくるのがコントローラーのマイク。マイクの品質がいいということは、それだけ精度高く認識できるということでもある。ヘッドセットを装着したり、声を張り上げたりしなくても、自然に入力できる。 また、「アクセシビリティ」にある「ボイストランスクリプション」をオンにしておくと、他プレーヤーのチャット音声を文字に変換したり、自分が入力したテキストを他のプレーヤーに読み上げてくれる。 秘密その14:PS5のストアはメニューと一体化しているPS5用のゲームを購入するための「PlayStation Store」。従来はストアアプリが存在するような構造になっていたが、PS5ではメニューにそのままストアが統合されている。 これは、ストアへのアクセスを容易することと、ゲームからのストアへの移行をスムーズにすることが目的と思われる。 秘密その15:PlayStation Plusに加入していると「ゲームのヒントビデオ」が見られるコントロールセンターからは、プレイしているゲームの詳細がカード形式で表示される。そこには、その章の進行度合いや残りの"秘密"などが表示されるのだが、攻略ビデオが表示されることもある。 ただしこれは、有料会員制サービスである「PlayStation Plus」に入っている場合。ビデオは拡大して見ることもできれば、ゲーム中に横に出しておくことも可能。 PlayStation Plus加入者向けには、名作PS4タイトルを追加料金なしで楽しめる「PS PLUSコレクション」も用意されていて、金額的(850円/1カ月プラン)にはかなりお得なサービスになっている。 からの記事と詳細 ビジネス | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
山下智久 退所決断“きっかけ”ハリウッド映画は制作費200億円超大作!来年9月に全米公開予定(スポニチアネックス) - Yahoo!ニュース Posted: 11 Nov 2020 02:46 PM PST 山下智久 退所決断"きっかけ"ハリウッド映画は制作費200億円超大作!来年9月に全米公開予定(スポニチアネックス) - Yahoo!ニュース [unable to retrieve full-text content]
2020-11-11 21:03:58Z |
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