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- 伊藤健太郎の事務所、文春に抗議 法的措置も - ニッカンスポーツ
- US election 2020: How Donald Trump could exploit an uncertain result - New Statesman
- 'Fed up' Arteta admits Saliba could leave Arsenal - Goal
- [현장IS] 故 박지선 발인, 유가족 뜻에 따라 2시간 앞당겨 엄수 - 중앙일보
- 팽현숙, 김흥국에 "아저씨 극단적 생각할까봐 걱정했다" 눈물('아이콘택트') - 조선일보
- 희극인 故박지선, 애도 속 발인 엄수 - 연합뉴스
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- NBC News Projects Joe Biden Will Win Michigan | NBC News - NBC News
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- 2020 Election Results Live: Winner Not Yet Projected In Presidential Race l ABC News - ABC News
- Joe Biden is the apparent winner in Wisconsin, a state Trump won in 2016 - CNBC
- US election live: Trump and Biden set sights on White House - Powys County Times
- Viral post claiming Wisconsin had more votes than registered voters not supported by data - WTMJ-TV
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- Arsenal manager Arteta responds to Elneny talk as contract extension rumours emerge -
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伊藤健太郎の事務所、文春に抗議 法的措置も - ニッカンスポーツ Posted: 04 Nov 2020 07:24 PM PST 伊藤健太郎の事務所、文春に抗議 法的措置も - ニッカンスポーツ 自動車運転処罰法違反(過失傷害)と道路交通法違反(ひき逃げ)の疑いで逮捕された俳優伊藤健太郎(23)の所属事務所「イマージュエンターテインメント」が、「週刊文春」(文藝春秋社)の報道に「事実に反している部分が多数」あるとして、法的措置をとることも示唆した。 同事務所は5日、公式ホームページに「令和2年11月5日発売予定の週刊文春の記事に関して」と題した文書を掲載し、「令和2年11月5日発売予定の週刊文春において、弊社所属の伊藤健太郎に関する記事が掲載されますが、掲載内容について確認を取りましたところ、事実に反している部分が多数あり、週刊文春に対しては記事内容について厳重に抗議を行いました」と報告。「今後は、週刊文春の対応を踏まえ、法的措置を含め適正な対応を行う予定でありますことをご報告いたします」とした。 2020-11-05 01:30:58Z | ||
US election 2020: How Donald Trump could exploit an uncertain result - New Statesman Posted: 04 Nov 2020 07:11 PM PST As the US heads into the middle of the day on Wednesday, 4 November, Americans still do not know who will be their next president. The votes continue to be counted and the election may well come down to the results in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, none of which were able to start counting the vast majority of their early and mail-in ballots ahead of election day. President Donald Trump claimed victory on Tuesday night – which, to be clear, was at best premature and at worst a lie meant to mislead the American people. He then spent much of Wednesday tweeting about a stolen election. "How come every time they count Mail-In ballot dumps they are so devastating in their percentage and power of destruction?," tweeted the incumbent president, after months of falsely claiming that mail-in voting was fraudulent, which may have dissuaded his own supporters from using this method (unlike Democrats, who used mail-in voting because we are in a pandemic). "They are finding Biden votes all over the place – in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan. So bad for our Country!" he later added, referring to the continued counting of legally cast votes, which is taking place after election day in Pennsylvania because its Republican-controlled legislature did not allow votes to be counted ahead of time. If the election is won for former vice-president Joe Biden in the Rust Belt, Trump has a few options. The first would be to wait for all votes to be counted to see whether he has enough support to win the all-critical electoral college vote, even though he is losing the popular vote (as he did in 2016). And then, if he does not have enough, he could concede defeat for the good of the country. However, given that the president is already claiming that the election is suspicious, we might conclude that such a concession is unlikely. Trump announced in the early hours of Wednesday morning that he would take this election to the Supreme Court. [See also: How Trump's loss of the popular vote could signal a longer term gain] It is as yet unclear how he would do that however. Bush vs Gore, the 2000 Supreme Court case that determined which votes could be counted in Florida and so, Democrats believe, effectively handed the election to George W Bush, was about a specific issue in a specific state. Republicans all over the country have already tried to take the counting of ballots to court for this election, sometimes unsuccessfully (such as in Harris County, Texas, where the Texas Supreme Court and a federal court ruled that curb-side voting from vehicles outside polling stations was permissible) and sometimes successfully (the Supreme Court overruled a ballot acceptance extension granted by a federal court in Wisconsin last month). On election night, Republicans in Pennsylvania announced that they would try to get corrected ballots – ballots with an error that voters were then given the chance to resubmit – thrown out. And the Trump campaign has said that it is requesting a recount in Wisconsin. It is also unclear the extent to which Trump's party would be willing to join him in this endeavour. For the most part prominent Republicans have so far said that votes must be counted. "Taking days to count legally cast votes is NOT fraud. And court challenges to votes cast after the legal voting deadline is NOT suppression," tweeted Florida senator Marco Rubio. The tweet made a false equivalence, since people aren't trying to vote after the legal voting deadline and are indeed hoping that votes cast legally are counted. But that he broke with Trump on votes being counted after election day is something. Even Fox News, the TV station that was at times during Trump's first term so closely aligned with the president, said on election night that we need to count the votes. And so it must be said that there is another route through which Trump could try to cling to the White House, which is by riling up his 66 million supporters so thoroughly that they do not accept the result of the election. [See also: Darkness has fallen on American democracy] For example, it was announced that Edison Research, which some news organisations, like the New York Times use to call results, had an error in its data on Arizona. The New York Times had not actually called the state; Fox and the Associated Press, considered the gold standard of election calling, had. Trump campaign personalities like Eric Trump, the president's adult son, jumped in to say that Fox News made a mistake in calling the Arizona race for Biden; neither Fox nor the Associated Press, which also called the state for Biden, used Edison Research, but that did not stop claims of stolen elections. Trump, in an attempt to stay in the White House, is telling his supporters that there is widespread fraud, of which there is no evidence. In a sense, it doesn't matter if the courts accept his case or if others in his party believe him. Even if Trump is eventually forced to – to borrow from Lawrence Douglas, author of Will He Go – submit to, if not concede, defeat, the belief that this election was his and he deserved a second term will linger. Trump may leave the White House; Trumpism, unchecked by our institutions, uncontained by the president's political party, will live on. Top stories - Google News November 04, 2020 at 12:18PM US election 2020: How Donald Trump could exploit an uncertain result - New Statesman Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||
'Fed up' Arteta admits Saliba could leave Arsenal - Goal Posted: 04 Nov 2020 06:43 PM PST The Gunners defender has yet to make a senior appearance since his £25m move from Saint-Etienne and could depart in January Mikel Arteta says William Saliba could leave Arsenal in January and admits he is as unhappy as the defender about his current situation in north London. The Gunners' boss was responding to reports from France that Saliba is 'fed up' with his lack of football in north London. The £25 million ($32m) signing from Saint-Etienne joined in 2019 before returning to his former club and spending the 2019-20 campaign on loan in France. Saliba was expected to play a key role this season, however, with many believing he and Gabriel Magalhaes, who arrived from Lille in the summer, would go on to form a new-look centre-back partnership under Arteta. But the 19-year-old has yet to make a senior appearance, despite Arsenal suffering a catalogue of injuries at centre-back, and has not even been registered to play in the Europa League group stages. It had looked like he would return to Saint-Etienne for another loan spell, only for the deal to fall through on deadline day, and Arteta admits the situation is far from ideal. "I am fed up with the situation because as you could see we tried to find a way in the last few days [of the transfer window] to give him some football. "I explained that he needed that transition year when we decided to buy him and send him on loan to Saint-Etienne, for many reasons that didn't happen, he didn't have that transition year and he needs to go through that. "At the moment, with the amount of central defenders that we have in the team we had to leave him out of the squad which is painful because we have some injuries and we could have used him, but it's part of this profession." When asked whether a loan move in January was a possibility, the Arsenal boss added: "Yes. "We certainly tried in the last few days of the transfer window to find the right club and we had it, but at the end of the day we could not make it. "We will review his situation in the next few weeks, sit down with him as well and see what is the best thing to do. But it will depend on him and other players' situations as well." "Goal" - Google News November 04, 2020 at 06:30AM 'Fed up' Arteta admits Saliba could leave Arsenal - Goal "Goal" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||
[현장IS] 故 박지선 발인, 유가족 뜻에 따라 2시간 앞당겨 엄수 - 중앙일보 Posted: 04 Nov 2020 06:24 PM PST ![]() 박지선 ![]() 개그우먼 故 박지선과 그의 모친의 빈소가 2일 양천구 이대목동병원 장례식장에 마련됐다. 박지선은 2일 오후 1시 44분께 서울 마포구에 위치한 자택에서 모친과 함께 숨진 채 발견됐다. 경찰은 정확한 사망 경위를 조사 중이다. 사진=사진공동취재단 고인의 빈소엔 동료들의 조문과 애도가 이어졌다. 개그맨 원로 전유성과 대한민국 방송 코미디언협회장 엄용수를 비롯해 개그맨 유재석·최양락·팽현숙·송은이·지석진·김영철·안영미·김숙·김신영·조세호·박성광·김지민·이상준·배우 박정민·박보영·서현·홍석천·가수 마이티 마우스 쇼리와 상추·펜타곤 등이 조문했다. 배우 유준상은 직접 조화를 보내 그녀의 죽음을 애도했다. 박지선은 지난 2007년 KBS 공채 22기 코미디언으로 데뷔했다. 데뷔 직후인 2007년 KBS 연예대상으로 신인상을 수상하는 영예를 안았다. 2008년에도 우수상을 받았고, 2010년에는 최우수상을 수상했다. '개그콘서트' 출신 개그우먼 가운데 최초로 신인상과 우수상, 최우수상을 모두 받았다. 황소영 기자 ※ 우울감 등 말하기 어려운 고민이 있거나 주변에 이런 어려움을 겪는 가족·지인이 있을 경우 자살 예방 핫라인 ☎1577-0199, 희망의 전화 ☎129, 생명의 전화 ☎1588-9191, 청소년 전화 ☎1388 등에서 24시간 전문가의 상담을 받을 수 있습니다. 기사 및 더 읽기 ( [현장IS] 故 박지선 발인, 유가족 뜻에 따라 2시간 앞당겨 엄수 - 중앙일보 ) 엔터테인먼트 | ||
팽현숙, 김흥국에 "아저씨 극단적 생각할까봐 걱정했다" 눈물('아이콘택트') - 조선일보 Posted: 04 Nov 2020 06:24 PM PST [unable to retrieve full-text content] 엔터테인먼트 | ||
Posted: 04 Nov 2020 06:24 PM PST KBS 들렀다가 인천가족공원으로![]() [SBS 캡처. 재판매 및 DB 금지] (서울=연합뉴스) 김정진 기자 = 생전 무해한 웃음을 선사했던 희극인 박지선(36)이 세상과 작별하고 영면에 들어갔다. 양천구 이대목동병원에서 5일 오전 9시에 치러진 고인과 모친의 발인식에는 유족과 동료 개그맨 등이 참석했다. 발인식은 당초 이날 오전 11시로 예정돼있었으나 유족의 뜻에 따라 2시간 앞당겨진 것으로 알려졌다. 고인이 잠든 관은 영결식장 밖을 빠져나와 고인이 몸담았던 KBS 건물 등을 거쳐 인천가족공원으로 향했다. 고인이 세상을 떠난 2일부터 4일장이 치러지는 동안 빈소에는 동료 연예인들의 발길이 이어졌다. 송은이, 유재석, 박성광, 오나미, 김민경 등 개그맨 선·후배 외에도 배우 박정민, 박보영, 이윤지, 가수 이적, 샤이니 키 등이 빈소를 찾아 애도를 표했다. 사회관계망서비스(SNS)에서도 추모 물결은 계속됐다. ![]() [박성광 인스타그램 캡처. 재판매 및 DB 금지] 고인의 동기로 '개그콘서트'에서 남다른 호흡을 보여줬던 박성광은 이날 자신의 인스타그램에 "사진처럼 환한 웃음을 가진 멋쟁이 희극인 박지선을 기억하겠다"면서 "나중에 만나서 같이 또 개그 하자"고 애틋한 마음을 드러냈다. 김원효, 오지헌, 김고은, 박하선, 백진희, 윤세아, 엄지원, 윤종신, 장성규, 박슬기, 허지웅 등이 고인을 기리는 내용의 글을 게시했다. 박지선은 지난 2일 오후 1시 44분께 서울 마포구에 위치한 고인의 자택에서 어머니와 함께 숨진 채 발견됐다. 경찰은 유족의 뜻에 따라 부검을 진행하지 않았다. 고인의 모친이 작성한 것으로 추정되는 유서에는 딸이 앓고 있던 질환과 관련된 내용이 언급된 것으로 알려졌다. 생전 고등학생 때부터 피부병을 앓고 있었다고 밝힌 박지선은 최근 증세가 악화하면서 방송 등의 일정을 소화하기 어려운 상황이었던 것으로 전해졌다. ※ 우울감 등 말하기 어려운 고민이 있거나 주변에 이런 어려움을 겪는 가족·지인이 있을 경우 자살 예방 핫라인 ☎1577-0199, 희망의 전화 ☎129, 생명의 전화 ☎1588-9191, 청소년 전화 ☎1388 등에서 24시간 전문가의 상담을 받을 수 있습니다. <저작권자(c) 연합뉴스, 무단 전재-재배포 금지> 2020/11/05 10:23 송고 기사 및 더 읽기 ( 희극인 故박지선, 애도 속 발인 엄수 - 연합뉴스 ) 엔터테인먼트 | ||
デカくて、キレイで、自由自在。LGのモニターで実現できる快適リモートワーク空間 - ギズモード・ジャパン Posted: 04 Nov 2020 06:15 PM PST モニターひとつで、仕事の効率は変わるんです。 この春からさまざまな業界でリモートワークが推奨され、PC周辺機器が一時的に不足気味になりましたよね。その時、ひとまず!のつもりで、用意した機器に力不足を感じて始めている人、いませんかー! 僕はかれこれ18年ほど自宅でリモートワークしていますが、もともと「自宅で仕事をするぞ!」となった時にある程度のガイドラインはイメージしていました。それが、「作業スペースはなるべく妥協しない」でした。 リモワ歴18年のコダワリ=作業スペースの確保作業スペースと言っても、PC上の作業スペース。つまり、モニターです。 高解像度モニターで作業領域が広くなれば、ウインドウを切り替えたり、見失ったウインドウを探し出したりといった「切り替えロス」をカットできます。また、モニターを快適な位置・高さ・距離に調整できれば、目や身体への負荷も減らせます。自ずと作業に拘束される時間も減り、自分の自由な時間へと還元できるのです。 このモニター選びこそが、リモートワーク効率化・快適化への最適解。…は、ちょっと言い過ぎかもしれませんが、気分的にはそのくらい、リモワの効率・快適度はモニター性能に左右されると感じています。 ではどのモニターがいいの?となりますよね。 ![]() 最近は高解像度モニターもサイズ・予算に応じてさまざまな選択肢がありますけど、今回試したLG エレクトロニクスの4Kモニター「32UN880-B」は、効率化・快適化を狙うならドンピシャな1台でした。 31.5インチ4K、圧倒的な広さと解像度と省スペースさを両立![]() 「32UN880-B」は31.5インチ4K解像度(3840x2160)のIPSモニターです。 僕がこれまで使ったモニターって、27インチまで。理由としては、デカすぎると置く場所に困るのでは?という判断でした。しかし、「32UN880-B」は、ベゼルもスリムで、アームスタンドによって(めちゃくちゃ良いので後述しますね!)、一般的なモニターのようにデスクの上にドーン!鎮座ー!ってなりません。本当にスッキリと設置できます。 また、31.5というインチサイズも、実作業で快適でした。 4Kモニターをそのままの解像度で使おうとすると、「画面広いけど文字が小さすぎて文字読めねえ!」になってしまうので、基本はスケーリング(150%:WQHD相当/200%:フルHD相当の拡大)表示ですよね。このスケーリングサイズは下げた方が画面が広く使えますけど、ここで影響してくるのが画面サイズ。 同じ4K解像度でも、画面サイズが大きければ、文字やアイコン、インターフェースも大きく表示されます。これはスケーリング後でも同じことが言えるので、画面の大きな31.5インチなら、スケーリングを低めの設定にしても、アイコンや文字の視認性が落ちにくいんです。つまり、画面がデカイ分、デスクトップが広く使えるってわけですね。 画面が大きいわりに比較的明るめ(輝度:標準値350cd/m2)なのもいいですねー。日中でも快適に画面を見られる明るさですし、写真や映像を楽しむにも鮮やかでGood。また、ハリウッドが定めたデジタル映像向けの色域であるDCI-P3のカバー率も95% (標準値)、HDR10にも当然対応しているので、明暗差が多い映像も得意です。 薄型ながら5W+5Wのスピーカーも備わっているので、動画鑑賞にも良いサイズ、良いスペックにまとまっています。 アームスタンドでスイートスポットへ調整できる![]() このモニタの特徴であり、僕のお気に入り機能がこれです。 常にデスクに座っている(座っていられる)リモートワークでは、最適な場所に設置しなければ、疲れ目や肩こりの原因になります。ディスプレイが大きくなると、最適な位置・角度・距離への調節が難問となってくるのですが、「32UN880-B」はこの問題を解決しています。 デスクの上に乗せる「足」ではなく、しっかりと固定できる可動式のアームスタンドが標準付属するんです。 取り付けはCクランプ方式とグロメット方式が選べて、基本はネジを回して挟むだけでOK。ディスプレイはワンタッチ式で取り付けられるので、セットアップも手軽です(天板の厚みによってはドライバーでのクランプ調整が必要です)。 ![]() アームはスイベル(左右)各280度、チルト角(上下)各25度、高さ調整130mm。これだけ動けば、どんなロケーションでも、位置・角度・距離調整で困ることはないでしょう。ピボットにも対応しているので、コンテンツをどーんと縦長に表示する使い方もウェルカム。 ![]() 参考までに、ギズモードを開くとこう。 さすがに4Kで31.5インチともなると迫力と情報量が違います。Webサイト巡回で効果的なのはもちろん。SNSのタイムラインを垂れ流しておくディスプレイなどにも最適ですね(もったいない使い方かもしれませんが!)。 ![]() 高さとチルトを調整することで、スタンディングで使えるのもお気に入り。 同じ姿勢だと、足腰への負担もたまります。適度に立ち仕事に切り替えられるスタンディングデスクは、現代のリモートワークに必須な気がしますね。意識的に立たないと、絶対に座ったままになって、やがて疲労が蓄積して、身体の痛みに悩まされます。ソースは僕です。 こうして、別途ディスプレイアームなどを買い足す手間もコストもなく、自分の見やすいスイートスポットへと簡単に調整できるのは「32UN880-B」ならではの利点です。 豊富な入力端子&現代的なUSB Type-C対応![]() ディスプレイ選びにおいては入力系統も事前チェック必須ですよね。 「32UN880-B」はHDMI×2ポート、DisplayPortという定番に加えて、USB Type-C入力にも対応しています。最近のThunderbolt 3を備えたラップトップ(今回撮影で使用したLG gramもそう)なら、USBType-Cケーブル1本で映像・給電・データ転送までできちゃうわけで、最高オブ最高なやつ。 ![]() USBType-Cでの給電は60W。ほとんどのラップトップで、使用しながらバッテリーに充電できる出力です。 モニタ背面のUSBType-A(USB3.0)×2も利用できるので、実質ハブ要らず。外付けHDDを接続したり、キーボードやマウスのレシーバーを接続したりと、普段取り外さないものを背面から配線できるのは、めちゃくちゃ便利でした。ほんとUSB Type-Cしかケーブル使わないで、フルッフルに便利な環境ができあがっちゃう。 もちろんUSBType-Cケーブル(Thunderbolt 3対応)もモニターに付属するので、別途用意しなくてもOKですよ。買うと結構高いんですよね。 広い画面を効率良く使える、ソフトウェア力ここまで言ってきたように、ハードウェア的には完璧なのですが、専用のソフトウェア「OnScreen Control」を使うと、さらに便利になるので、こちらも紹介させてください。 ![]() まず、デスクトップが広大だと、複数ウインドウを並べての作業がアタリマエになってくると思いますが、そうしたシーンの効率アップに繋がるのが、「Screen Split」による画面分割。 分割レイアウトを指定しておくことで、その領域に移動したウインドウやアプリは自動でフィットされます。ウインドウを並べたり整理したりする手間が無くなるので、あらゆるシーンで操作効率がアップしますよ。これ1台でマルチモニタを導入したのと同じくらいの働きをしてくれるはずです。 ![]() また、アクティブなアプリケーションごとに色モードを自動切り替えできるのも便利ですよ。 たとえば、僕の場合は写真のチェックと文字入力を同時進行するのですが、Wordアプリでの文字入力は白が多くて眩しいから、ブルーライト低減にしたいんですよね。でも、写真の色味調整も同時進行したいので、そのつど設定を戻さなきゃ…。となります。普通ならね。 しかし、「OnScreen Control」を使うことで、アプリごとの色調整を自動化できるんです。 Wordアプリがアクティブになると、ブルーライト低減モードが有効になり、他のアプリがアクティブになると、別の設定へと変更。 設定を一度作ってしまえば、あとは自動で切り替えてくれるので、疲れ目防止に効果的ですよ。コレはホント、リモートワークに限らずモニタ調整に悩むすべての人に使ってほしい機能ですね〜。 ちょっと息抜きにゲームやってもいいと思うんだ!![]() 機能豊富でリモワに最適!なモニターですけど、画面もデカイ&4Kだし、ゲームに利用してもいいと思うんですよね。 超解像技術「Super Resolution+」によってフルHDの映像ソースも高精細になりますし、画面の暗い部分を明るく表示させるブラックスタビライザーなどの機能もあります。AMD FreeSync テクノロジーにも対応しているので、PCゲームでのテアリング(フレームレートとリフレッシュレートの差による描画ズレ)も防いでくれます。ゲーミング体験もさらに快適になるはず! ほんと、自宅で仕事するなら、適度な息抜きも大事ですよ。 仕事ばっかりだと集中力途切れちゃいますし、リモートワークに向かうなら、自分なりのリラックス手段を手元に用意しておきましょうね(原稿を書く手を止めて、そっとゲーム入力に切り替える)。 不足しているものがない。高機能32インチ4Kがこの値段はインパクト大!![]() 大画面&多機能で、高い表現力。そして自由度の高さ。 自宅で仕事をするようになってから、これまでいくつもモニターを渡り歩いて来ましたけど、この「32UN880-B」、正直かなりおすすめ。 高解像度大画面で見やすさ抜群なのに、アームスタンドが付いて、USBType-C1本で接続できて、調整も柔軟で。しかも、通販サイトなどでは8万5000円前後でポチれるんすよ! このサイズと機能と利便性でこの値段って、めちゃ高コスパだと思いません?トータルバランスで見たら、ほぼ万人が満足する1台だと思うんですよね。 おそらく、今後もリモートワークの流れは続くと思うので、そろそろ環境の見直しを検討してみてもいい頃合いです。 大画面を効率よく使えて、姿勢もフレキシブルに選べる「32UN880-B」で、リモートワークの快適さと効率を底上げしてみませんか? Source: LGエレクトロニクス・ジャパン からの記事と詳細 ビジネス | ||
「スーパーマリオメーカー 2」、本日11時までネットワークメンテナンスを実施 - GAME Watch Posted: 04 Nov 2020 06:15 PM PST ![]() 任天堂は、Nintendo Switch用アクション「スーパーマリオメーカー 2」において、ネットワークメンテナンスを本日11月5日9時50分より11時まで実施する。 メンテナンス期間中は、「スーパーマリオメーカー 2」のネットワークサービスが一時的に利用できなくなる場合がある。
©2020 Nintendo からの記事と詳細 ビジネス | ||
NBC News Projects Joe Biden Will Win Michigan | NBC News - NBC News Posted: 04 Nov 2020 06:11 PM PST [unable to retrieve full-text content]
Top stories - Google News November 04, 2020 at 02:07PM NBC News Projects Joe Biden Will Win Michigan | NBC News - NBC News Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||
Potempa: Small town actress from Medaryville had big Hollywood career - Chicago Tribune Posted: 04 Nov 2020 05:50 PM PST ![]() At age 17, in March of 1922, she generated headlines around the country when she eloped with eligible millionaire college playboy Robert Savage, whose father's fortune came from steel manufacturing. Described as "an overnight romance" and "Broadway marriage" by newspaper columnists, Savage was still a student at Yale, and after a financial settlement, the marriage was annulled after just a couple weeks. By 1926, Savage was chasing after Bow, who disdained his attention, leading newspapers to chronicle his suicide attempt after he was discovered unconscious in his hotel suite with a razor in one hand and framed photo of Bow in the other. When asked about the ordeal, Mitchell was quoted by reporters: "The trouble with Bob is that he overworks his poetic license." "Actress" - Google News November 04, 2020 at 03:37PM Potempa: Small town actress from Medaryville had big Hollywood career - Chicago Tribune "Actress" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||
Viral 'ballot' burning video shared by Eric Trump is fake - CNN Posted: 04 Nov 2020 05:49 PM PST ![]() The video, which surfaced on Tuesday, features a man with a plastic bag full of papers that look like ballots, which he doused with a flammable liquid and set aflame. The person, whose face is never shown, claims the 80 false "ballots" are "all for President Trump" on the video. Though the location is not discussed on the video, the races on the papers are from Virginia Beach, Virginia. However, the ballots are not real. The city of Virginia Beach said the papers are clearly sample ballots, rather than official ballots, since they lack the "bar code markings that are on all official ballots," according to a statement released on Tuesday afternoon. The statement showed an official ballot and compared it to a screenshot of the false video. Christine Lewis, Virginia Beach's deputy registrar, pointed out to CNN that her office was quick to highlight the deception in an effort to prevent the spread of misinformation. City communications director Julie Hill added that police and fire investigators are now looking into the matter. Despite being debunked on Tuesday, the video continued to be shared on social media. The video eventually made its way to right-wing media sites like the Gateway Pundit, which posted a version of the clip on Wednesday afternoon. Eric Trump shared the video at around 3:40pm on Wednesday. The version Eric Trump shared had about 1.2 million views alone. CNN found three other accounts that posted the same video that had more than 115,000 combined views. Eric Trump shared the video by retweeting an account that posted it. The account Eric Trump retweeted has now been suspended, which means the video can no longer be seen on Eric Trump's feed. The Gateway Pundit did not immediately respond to a request for a comment. "viral" - Google News November 04, 2020 at 04:46PM Viral 'ballot' burning video shared by Eric Trump is fake - CNN "viral" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||
팽현숙 "김흥국, 극단적 생각할까 걱정…술부터 끊으시라" 쓴소리 - 뉴스1 Posted: 04 Nov 2020 05:24 PM PST
'아이콘택트'에 사상 첫 '인간 게스트' 팽현숙이 출연, 대세의 위엄은 물론 3MC 강호동 이상민 하하를 들었다 놨다 하는 입담으로 수요일 밤을 달궜다. 팽현숙은 '비혼주의'를 둘러싼 눈맞춤을 지켜보며 결혼에 대한 진솔한 생각을 밝히는 한편, 평소 위태로워 보였던 김흥국에게 깜짝 눈맞춤을 신청하고 쓴소리와 눈물나는 진심을 함께 전해 깊은 감동을 선사했다. 지난 4일 방송된 채널A '아이콘택트'에는 "인간계에서 오신 첫 게스트"라는 3MC의 소개와 함께 팽현숙이 등장, 기대 속에 첫 에피소드인 '비혼주의자vs결혼주의자'의 눈맞춤을 지켜봤다. 이날의 눈맞춤 신청자는 '비혼주의자' 조카를 둔 중년의 고모로, 결혼 적령기 여성인데도 짝을 만날 생각이 전혀 없는 조카에 대해 불만을 품고 있었다. 고모 쪽에선 "결혼을 해야 가족이 생기고 사는 재미도 있는 것"이라고 주장했다. 그러나 조카는 "결혼 생각이 전혀 없다"며 "출판사를 운영하느라 너무 바쁘고, 취미도 많아 시간이 없다"고 비혼주의를 고수했다. 두 사람의 대립을 본 팽현숙은 "개인적인 생각으로는, 결혼은 한 번에 '이 사람이다'라고 와 닿는 사람하고 해야 한다"며 "나이 들었으니 언제 애 낳느냐, 그런 소리를 할 시대는 지났다"고 말했다. 마침내 두 사람은 눈맞춤방에서 마주했고, 고모는 결혼을 한껏 강조하는 눈빛으로 조카를 압박했다. 조카는 결혼 생각이 없다면서도 "그럼 고모는 내가 어떤 남자를 만났으면 좋겠느냐"고 물었다. 이에 고모는 "결혼하면 남편이 정말 잘해줄 거다. 강호동 이상민은 말고, 하하는 괜찮다"고 말해 MC들을 동요시키는 한편, "유인촌이나 노주현씨 같은"이라고 말해 폭소를 자아냈다. 그러자 조카는 "고모는 결혼하고 나서 하고 싶은 거 다 했어요?"라고 반격에 나섰고, 고모는 순간 침묵했다. 하지만 고모는 "부모님 살아 계신 지금은 좋지만 나중을 생각해야지"라고 타일렀고, 조카 또한 진지한 표정이 됐다. 그러나 결국 '선택의 문' 앞에서 조카는 "결혼을 긍정적으로 생각해보라"는 고모를 남겨두고 고민 끝에 문을 나갔다. 고모는 실망한 눈치였지만 조카 쪽에선 "좀 흔들렸다"고 소감을 남겼고, MC들은 "억지로 결혼하면 결코 행복하지 않다. 하지만 비혼주의였던 마음이 조금은 열린 듯하다"고 평했다. '결혼의 의미'를 말해달라는 3MC의 요청에 팽현숙은 "참고 인내하고 도전하면서 계속 새롭게, 항상 그때그때 살아주는"이라고 길고 긴 답을 내놔 30여 년 결혼생활의 우여곡절을 표현했다. 두 번째 에피소드는 '첫 인간 게스트' 팽현숙이 직접 신청한 눈맞춤이었다. 팽현숙이 자신을 초대한 줄 전혀 모르고 온 상대방은 바로 가수 김흥국이었다. 팽현숙은 "조금씩 활동을 재개하고 계시긴 한데, 그렇게 자신감 넘치던 아저씨가 기가 다 죽고 우울해 하시더라"며 "그런데 술을 하도 드셔서 배는 남산만큼 나와 있다. 그렇게 사시면 안 된다고 할 말은 해야겠다"고 초대 이유를 밝혔다. 김흥국은 "누가 불렀는지 모르지만, 날 싫어하는 사람이라 해도 내가 이겨내야죠"라며 마음의 준비를 했다. 눈맞춤방 블라인드가 열리고 팽현숙이 나타나자 김흥국은 깜짝 놀랐지만, 팽현숙은 작심한 듯 김흥국을 쏘아보며 "아저씨는 굉장히 이미지가 안 좋아요. 이렇게 얘기한다고 섭섭해하지 마세요"라고 '쓴소리'를 시작했다. 김흥국은 긴장한 표정으로 시선을 피했고, 팽현숙은 정면으로 김흥국을 바라봤다. 스튜디오에서 자신의 눈맞춤을 보던 팽현숙은 "사업이 잘 안 될 때마다 저 역시 극단적인 생각까지 해 봤는데, 아저씨 또한 안 좋은 생각을 하실까봐 제가 용기를 냈다"고 말했다. 눈맞춤 이후 본격적인 대화가 시작되자 팽현숙은 "제가 욕을 먹더라도 아저씨를 챙겨야 한다고 생각했다"고 입을 열었고, 김흥국은 "너무 고맙다. 가족들이 받은 상처를 만회하기 위해 노력하면서 살아보고 있다"고 근황을 전했다. 이에 팽현숙은 "최근에 우연히 보니 배가 너무 나오셨고, 일단 술을 끊으셔야 한다"고 본론을 시작했다. 또 "최양락씨도 술 때문에 인기가 없는 것"이라며 "남편도 술, 담배를 완전히 끊고 나니 지금 여러 방송을 하지 않느냐. 친구 사귀는 것도 조심하셔야 한다"고 경험을 바탕으로 충고했다. 그리고 "아저씨가 극단적인 생각을 하실까 걱정했다"며 "저 역시 힘들 때 한강까지 갔었다"고 아픈 기억까지 소환했다. 이에 3MC는 숙연해졌고, 힘든 과거를 기억해낸 팽현숙 역시 눈물을 쏟았다. 팽현숙은 "아저씨에게 안 좋은 일이라도 생기면, 내가 말을 해 드릴 걸 왜 못했을까 후회할 것 같았다"고 진심을 전했다. MC 이상민은 "생각은 쉽지만, 그걸 진짜 행동으로 옮기신 게 대단하다"며 고개를 끄덕였다. 팽현숙의 충고에 김흥국은 "우리 가족이 행복해야 하고, 제가 더 잘 해서 떳떳하게 살고 싶다. 잊지 않겠다"고 다짐했고, 팽현숙은 "가정을 꼭 지키셔야 한다"고 강조했다. 그리고 "반찬을 좀 해 왔는데 드시고 힘 내시라"며 정성 가득한 음식을 내왔다. 이에 김흥국은 "살면서 이런 은인을 만나기 쉽지 않다"고 감격했다. 쓴소리로 시작해 따뜻한 진심으로 끝난 이날의 눈맞춤에 MC 강호동은 ""늘 정말 뭔가 아슬아슬했다"고 소감을 밝혔고, 팽현숙은 이날 본의 아니게 여러 차례 소환된 남편 최양락에게 "사랑해, 우린 1호가 될 순 없어"라고 달콤한 영상 편지를 남기며 엔딩을 장식했다. '아이콘택트'는 매주 수요일 오후 9시20분 방송된다. 기사 및 더 읽기 ( 팽현숙 "김흥국, 극단적 생각할까 걱정…술부터 끊으시라" 쓴소리 - 뉴스1 ) 엔터테인먼트 | ||
박성광, 故 박지선 보내며 쓴 '눈물의 편지'… '나중에 같이 또 개그하자' - 부산일보 Posted: 04 Nov 2020 05:24 PM PST 박성광, 故 박지선 보내며 쓴 '눈물의 편지'… "나중에 같이 또 개그하자"장혜진 부산닷컴 기자 박성광, 故 박지선 보내며 쓴 '눈물의 편지'… "나중에 같이 또 개그하자" 받는 분(send to) 보내는 분(from) 전하고 싶은 말 입력 : 2020-11-05 09:40:30수정 : 2020-11-05 10:05:54게재 : 2020-11-05 10:06:05 개그맨 박성광이 동료 개그우먼 박지선을 떠나보내며 쓴 '눈물의 편지'가 다시 한 번 안타까움을 주고 있다. 개그맨 박성광이 동료 개그우먼 박지선을 떠나보내며 쓴 '눈물의 편지'가 다시 한 번 안타까움을 주고 있다. 박성광은 5일 새벽 자신의 인스타그램에 "나의 동기이자 개그 콤비이자 늘 한 세트였던 지선과 내일이면 정말 지선이와 마지막 인사하는 날이다"며 "누구보다 널 많이 지켜봤음에도 다 알지 못하고 다 느껴주지 못해서 너무 미안하고 지금 이 상황이 비통하고 한없이 마음이 무너져내린다"라고 말했다. 이어 그는 "일상 곳곳에서 또 네가 생각나겠지만, 그때마다 지금 사진처럼 환히 웃는 얼굴로 널 기억할게"라며 "그게 네가 가장 기억되고 싶은 모습일 것이고, 이렇게 환한 웃음을 가진 아이가 진짜 멋쟁이 희극인 박지선이니까"라고 덧붙였다. 그러면서 박성광은 "내 이름 옆에 항상 연관검색어이던 지선아. 오늘따라 네 귀하고 씩씩했던 삶이 많은 사람에게 희망이고 빛이 됐던 그 말들이 정말 너무나도 그리운 날이다"며 "너의 선한 영향력 정말 오래오래 기억할게"라고 말했다. 박성광은 "그곳에선 더는 아프지 말고 먹고 싶은 거 마음대로 먹고 외출도 마음껏 하고 좋아하는 강아지도 꼭 안고 자고 나중에 만나서 우리 같이 또 개그 하자"라며 "벌써 너무 보고 싶은 지선아. 어머님과 함께 편안히 쉬렴"이라고 글을 맺었다. 앞서 박성광은 박지선의 사망과 관련해 때아닌 악플 세례로 곤욕을 치렀다. 과거 박성광은 고인과 방송에서 러브라인을 형성하는 등 재미를 줬지만, 이는 어디까지나 방송을 위한 연출이었음에도 불구하고, 일부 누리꾼들은 실제로 박성광이 박지선을 힘들게 했다는 근거 없는 사실을 유포하기도 했다. 심지어 박성광을 향해 "어떻게 지선을 죽였냐", "지선 언니 마음 좀 받아주지" 등 근거 없는 댓글로 2차 가해를 하기도 했다. 장혜진 부산닷컴 기자 엔터테인먼트 | ||
Posted: 04 Nov 2020 05:24 PM PST '순풍산부인과'에 출연하며 큰 사랑을 받았던 아역 배우 출신 김성민이 결혼한다. 4일 김성민은 다수의 매체에 결혼 소식을 전했다. 그는 오는 7일 서울 모처에서 5년 열애한 비연예인 여자친구와 백년가약을 맺는다. 김성민은 1998년부터 2000년까지 방송된 SBS 인기 시트콤 '순풍산부인과'에서 의찬이 역할을 맡으며 대중에게 큰 사랑을 받았다. 미달(김성은), 정배(이태리)와 자연스러운 연기 호흡을 보여주며 웃음을 선사했다. 이후 2000년 KBS2 '요정 컴미'에도 출연했다. '요정 컴미' 이후 한동안 방송 활동을 하지 않았던 김성민은 최근 tvN '감자별', TV조선 '너의 등짝에 스매싱'에 등장하며 반가움을 안겼다. 최근 유튜브에서 '순풍산부인과' 클립 영상이 인기를 끌며 김성민의 근황을 많은 이들이 궁금해하기도 했다. 김성민은 현재 역삼동에서 카페를 운영 중인 것으로 알려졌다. UPI뉴스 / 김지원 기자 [저작권자ⓒ UPI뉴스. 무단전재-재배포 금지] 기사 및 더 읽기 ( '순풍산부인과' 의찬이 김성민 결혼 - UPI뉴스 ) 엔터테인먼트 | ||
箸の持ち方が独特な息子が動画1本で即直った話に驚きの声 「全く直らなかったのに3分で……」 - ねとらぼ Posted: 04 Nov 2020 05:24 PM PST 箸の持ち方が独特な息子が動画1本で即直った話に驚きの声 「全く直らなかったのに3分で……」 - ねとらぼ どうしても独特な箸の持ち方から直らなかった息子が、YouTubeの動画「オハシマン」を見せたら3分で直った話に驚きの声が寄せられています。オハシマン……いったい何者なんだ……。 この話を公開したのは、さやけんさん(@saya_ken2)。さやけんさんは、6歳になる息子の箸の持ち方が大変独特だったことを以前から気にしていました。家族だけでなく保育園の先生たちで教えたり、強制箸を使わせてみたりしても直せなかったそうです。 一方、4歳になった妹は、自然と普通に持てるようになっていました。そこで妹からも教えてもらったそうなのですがやはり直らず、最後は妹の方が「もお! 何が分からないのか分からない!!」と折れる始末。これは手強い……。 焦ってもしょうがないということで、取りあえず箸の持ち方講座的なYouTubeの動画を見せてみることに。一番上に出てきた動画を取りあえず見せてみると、そこには「お話の国からやってきたオハシマン」なる謎のキャラが出てくるシュールな動画が始まりました。大丈夫かこれ。 が、3分40秒の動画の再生が終わると、そこには美しい箸の持ち方をする息子の姿が! いや話が早すぎる。すごいなオハシマン……。 保育園でも急に箸の持ち方が変わったこと先生たちが驚いており、「一体どんな方法を!?」と聞かれたそうです。この質問に対するさやけんさんの答えは、「すごいのは私ではなくオハシマンです!!」。お箸の持ち方が気になる人は、オハシマンを見よう。 なお、オハシマンを公開したのは、箸専門店の箸匠せいわ。公開している動画はオハシマン1本のみという潔さですが、何気に80万再生近くされています。 画像提供:さやけんさん(@saya_ken2) 関連記事Copyright © ITmedia, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 2020-11-04 22:30:00Z | ||
伊藤健太郎の事務所、『文春』報道に厳重抗議「事実に反している部分が多数」 - ORICON NEWS Posted: 04 Nov 2020 05:24 PM PST 伊藤健太郎の事務所、『文春』報道に厳重抗議「事実に反している部分が多数」 - ORICON NEWS ![]() 道路交通法違反(ひき逃げ)などの疑いで、先月29日に警視庁に逮捕され、30日に釈放された俳優・伊藤健太郎(23)の所属事務所が5日、公式サイトで同日発売の『週刊文春』の記事内容について、「事実に反している部分が多数」あるため、厳重に抗議したことを報告した。 イマージュエンターテインメントは、「令和2年11月5日発売予定の週刊文春の記事に関して」と題した文章をサイトに掲載。同号に伊藤に関する記事が掲載されているが「掲載内容について確認を取りましたところ、事実に反している部分が多数あり、週刊文春に対しては記事内容について厳重に抗議を行いました」と公表。 今後は「週刊文春の対応を踏まえ、法的措置を含め適正な対応を行う予定」とした。 同号では「伊藤健太郎の暴走人生」と題し、関係者に取材した証言をまとめた4ページの記事で、伊藤の過去のエピソードを掲載した。 2020-11-05 00:13:25Z | ||
2020 Election Results Live: Winner Not Yet Projected In Presidential Race l ABC News - ABC News Posted: 04 Nov 2020 05:10 PM PST [unable to retrieve full-text content] 2020 Election Results Live: Winner Not Yet Projected In Presidential Race l ABC News ABC NewsView Full coverage on Google NewsTop stories - Google News November 03, 2020 at 06:56PM 2020 Election Results Live: Winner Not Yet Projected In Presidential Race l ABC News - ABC News Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||
Joe Biden is the apparent winner in Wisconsin, a state Trump won in 2016 - CNBC Posted: 04 Nov 2020 05:10 PM PST ![]() Joe Biden is the apparent winner in Wisconsin, according to an NBC News projection, flipping a state that President Donald Trump had won in 2016. As of Wednesday afternoon, NBC showed Biden leading Trump by approximately 21,000 votes. Wisconsin has 10 Electoral College votes, and Biden's victory brings his Electoral College total to 237. Trump won the swing state by less than a percentage point in 2016, ending Wisconsin's seven-election streak of backing Democratic candidates. Winning back the state this year was a priority for Democrats, who view Wisconsin as a key piece of the so-called "blue wall" of Midwestern states that have been Democratic strongholds for decades. The Trump campaign has already announced that it will request a formal recount in the state, claiming that there were unspecified "irregularities" during the vote. But there is little evidence that a recount would actually help Trump make up a 20,000 vote deficit. Recent election recounts in Wisconsin have failed to produce significant shifts in the tally for one candidate or another. Following the 2016 presidential election, a recount of the vote in Wisconsin increased Trump's margin of victory by just 131 votes, out of three million cast. Former Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, a Republican, expressed doubts on Wednesday about the effectiveness of a recount. "After recount in 2011 race for WI Supreme Court, there was a swing of 300 votes," Scott tweeted. "After recount in 2016 Presidential race in WI, [Trump's] numbers went up by 131. As I said, 20,000 is a high hurdle." The definition of an Apparent Winner is that NBC News has projected that a candidate has won the race, but the results are close enough that the outcome may depend on a potential recount and/or confirmation that the results that have been reported are accurate. Top stories - Google News November 04, 2020 at 11:26AM Joe Biden is the apparent winner in Wisconsin, a state Trump won in 2016 - CNBC Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||
US election live: Trump and Biden set sights on White House - Powys County Times Posted: 04 Nov 2020 05:10 PM PST The US presidential election has reached its climax, with voters braving long queues and the threat of coronavirus to cast ballots backing Republican incumbent Donald Trump or Democratic challenger Joe Biden. Nearly 100 million Americans had already voted – a record number – in an election dominated by the candidates' handling of the pandemic, as well as issues around racial justice and economic fairness. ![]() Mr Biden headed to Philadelphia on election day, stopping off at a carpenters' union hall and his childhood home in his native Scranton before awaiting election results in his home town of Wilmington, Delaware. Mr Trump, meanwhile, visited his campaign headquarters in Virginia, and invited hundreds of supporters to an election night party in the East Room of the White House. Here's the latest:- 11.00pm More than 13,000 votes in one South Carolina county will have to wait a while to be counted because of a printing error. Dorchester County election commissioner Todd Billman said at a news conference that the mail-in ballots did not have the proper bars printed at the top so the scanner used to count the votes will not register them. He said the error does not affect anyone's vote. 10.35pm Vermont's Governor Phil Scott said he voted for Joe Biden, making him the first Republican governor in the nation to acknowledge voting for the Democratic candidate. The Republican governor told reporters after casting his ballot in his hometown of Berlin, Vermont, that he had never voted for a Democrat in his life. ![]() "As many of you knew, I didn't support President Trump. I wasn't going to vote for him," Mr Scott said. "But then I came to the conclusion that it wasn't enough for me to just not vote. I had to vote against." 10.15pm Protest group Shut Down DC has organised a demonstration in central Washington DC and said it has been preparing for clashes with authorities should violence flare. Much of the area is boarded up ahead of any potential election night trouble. Hope Neyer, 19 and a representative for Shut Down DC, told the PA news agency "direct action is what we know and direct action is what we do". She said: "It is something we've prepared for. We hosted protest health and safety training to teach us how to deal with everything from cold water to chemical weapons." 10pm Joe Biden didn't make any predictions about the outcome of the election as the final hours of voting ticked down. Speaking to reporters outside a Delaware community centre, Mr Biden said he was "superstitious" about offering predictions for election night but remains "hopeful". ![]() He said he had heard from aides that there was "overwhelming turnout" among young people, women and older black adults in places such as Georgia and Florida. He said: "The things that are happening bode well for the base that has been supporting me – but we'll see." 9.45pm Democratic vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris is heading to Delaware to join Joe Biden after spending the afternoon campaigning in battleground Michigan. ![]() Ms Harris reminded voters at a Detroit church on Tuesday how slim Donald Trump's margin of victory was in the state in 2016. She urged them to try to encourage two other people to vote. She will join Mr Biden in Wilmington, Delaware. 9.40pm In a sign of the times, hand sanitiser on voters' hands caused a ballot scanner to jam at a polling station in Iowa. The machine in Des Moines was fixed in about an hour, according to local officials. To prevent another breakdown, workers moved the sanitising station further back in the queue so voters' hands would be dry when they first touched the ballots. 9.30pm Protesters have gathered at the Black Lives Matter Plaza outside the White House. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 9.15pm WATCH How does the electoral college work? 9pm ![]() ![]() 8.45pm A federal judge in Washington DC has ordered US Postal Service inspectors to search more than two dozen mail processing facilities for lingering postal ballots and for those ballots to be sent out immediately. The order, which includes centres in central Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Detroit, Atlanta, south Florida and parts of Wisconsin, comes after national delivery delays leading up to the election and concerns the agency would not be able to deliver ballots on time. The Postal Service's ability to handle the surge of postal ballots became a concern after its new leader, Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, a major Republican donor, implemented a series of policy changes that delayed post nationwide this summer. Delivery times have since rebounded but have consistently remained below the agency's internal goals of having more than 95% of first-class mail delivered within five days, with service in some battleground areas severely lagging, according to postal data. 8.30pm WATCH Melania Trump votes in Florida 8.15pm Richard Stoffel, 77, compared Donald Trump to Jesus Christ. Wearing a Trump 2020 cap and a T-shirt reading "Jesus is my saviour, Trump is my president," he praised the president for "bringing us back to our roots". "And he's cleaning the swamp," said Mr Stoffel, who described his occupation as "prayer warrior". "He's doing the right thing, he's brave. Like Jesus, he does the right thing no matter what the cost." ![]() Mr Stoffel said he is sure Mr Trump will win another term and predicted he would serve another four years after that, despite the constitution limiting a president to two terms. Mr Stoffel refuses to wear a mask in public and believes the coronavirus pandemic is a manufactured crisis. "He's done a good job with the coronavirus," he said of Mr Trump's handling of the pandemic. "The only better thing I thought he could have done is not kowtow to it as much as he did. It's all a fake bunch of baloney." 8pm Supporters of both Donald Trump and Joe Biden have gathered near Lafayette Square in central Washington DC, a stone's throw from the White House. The area is at the heart of US power and nearby buildings include the FBI headquarters and the Treasury Department. The street leading up to Lafayette Square was renamed Black Lives Matter Plaza Northwest in June and signs supporting the movement are plentiful. Many businesses in central DC are boarded up in preparation for any unrest on election night while the White House itself is protected by a fence preventing anyone getting close. There was a carnival atmosphere on Tuesday afternoon as supporters of Mr Trump and Mr Biden mixed without trouble, while a band performed and preachers delivered street sermons. 7.30pm ![]() ![]() 7pm The latest tally of early voting in the US shows that almost 102 million Americans cast their votes before election day, a total that represents 73% of the total turnout of the 2016 presidential election. The Associated Press tally reveals that the early vote in several states, including hotly contested Texas and Arizona, has already exceeded the total vote of four years ago. Early voting – whether in-person or by post or absentee ballot – has swelled during the Covid-19 pandemic as voters have sought the safety and convenience it offers. The greatest gains have been witnessed in Kentucky, where almost 13 times as many voters cast their ballots early as in 2016. 6.45pm ![]() ![]() Top stories - Google News November 03, 2020 at 03:11PM US election live: Trump and Biden set sights on White House - Powys County Times Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||
Viral post claiming Wisconsin had more votes than registered voters not supported by data - WTMJ-TV Posted: 04 Nov 2020 04:49 PM PST WISCONSIN — On Wednesday morning, a viral post on Twitter claimed that there were more ballots cast in Wisconsin than registered voters. As the Wisconsin Elections Commission helped to explain, this claim is not supported by data. The tweet, which has since been removed, claimed that there were only 3,129,000 registered voters in Wisconsin. However, that number is from the 2018 midterms. ![]() After the post went viral, the Wisconsin Election Commission posted a tweet discussing the number of ballots in comparison to the number of registered voters in the state. The election commission said the State of Wisconsin had 3,684,726 active registered voters as of Nov. 1. That is higher than the number of ballots counted so far, which is 3,240,275. The WEC also pointed out that Wisconsin allows for same-day voter registration, which could further increase the number of total voters.
Now, the viral tweet has been removed from Twitter because it "is disputed and might be misleading about an election or other civic process." "viral" - Google News November 04, 2020 at 02:45PM Viral post claiming Wisconsin had more votes than registered voters not supported by data - WTMJ-TV "viral" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||
How effective is the SU-Mobile app really? - The Flyer Posted: 04 Nov 2020 04:47 PM PST ![]() Eat breakfast, pack up your books, grab your backpack and head out the door to campus. Oh, and don't forget to do the COVID-19 Salisbury University screening app before you go! Since the official re-opening of Salisbury University's campus, SU students have been required to complete a daily self-assessment screening for COVID-19. The screening can be completed through the SU-Mobile app, a web portal and even in-person at specific locations throughout campus. Although screening is certainly a good idea, the reality of the app's effectiveness is unsuccessful for several reasons. For one, the app's purpose to screen students before entering SU buildings or classroom is not fulfilled, as the use of the app is not enforced. Although it seemed as though the SU-Mobile app would play a vital role in the re-opening of SU's campus, using the app hasn't actually been enforced around campus. Several students have stated they have forgotten to do complete app screening before class and have had no issues attending their classes during the day. Students' screening status is not consistently checked in all academic buildings, and it doesn't appear all professors check their students' statuses before the beginning of class either. Thus, there isn't much motivation to complete the app's time-consuming screening process which can be particularly annoying considering the additional DUO sign in process. The screening costs students additional time, but in truth, most students probably either forget to complete the app's screening on a consistent daily basis even with daily email reminders sent every day around 5 a.m. Many students forget to check their email and therefore don't see the reminder, or just ignore it and move on with their day. "I feel that it [the email] gets overlooked because how many students actually check their emails that often to use the daily email as a reminder? Or [the students] proceed to ignore it anyway," Junior Kaitlyn Rother stated. Even if students do remember to do the app, and care enough to do it, the odds of the app accurately screening for COVID seems unlikely. The SU-Mobile app has basic questions to identify COVID-19 symptoms, such as whether a student has had a fever over 101.4 degrees, new loss of taste or smell or chills. There are many other symptoms included in the SU-Mobile app's screening questionnaire as well, such as cough, fatigue, muscle ache, body ache, shortness of breath and sore throat which are general symptoms that honestly could be allergies, a common cold, the flu or a plethora of other causes. Because the some of symptoms listed on the app are so general, it is highly unlikely that students are going to report they have COVID-19 symptoms on the app. For example, the SU-Mobile app contains a screening question about fatigue, but what college student isn't at least a bit tired or fatigued every day? Students are likely select no for all of the questions, rather than risk being unable to enter campus for the day for something that could be minor. "Some of the questions are kind of dumb because they are usually the result of non-COVID related things. For example, congestion or runny nose equals allergies, loose stool equals any number of digestive issues [and] aching muscles equals simple soreness," Junior Aaron Stiegler stated. While the app was a good idea in theory for a COVID-19 safety protocol, it has not been the most effective in keeping potential COVID-19 symptomatic students off campus. Many students are likely to select "no" to the questions, so they can attend class and enter on-campus buildings, especially if they have what appears to be "just a sniffle." Instead, SU should have students take their temperatures upon arrival to class or building entrances. While it wouldn't catch everyone who is sick, it would prevent someone with a fever from lying on the questionnaire and showing up to class anyway. By LAURA AMRHEIN Staff writer Featured graphic by Michael Cotterino "Mobile" - Google News November 04, 2020 at 09:00AM How effective is the SU-Mobile app really? - The Flyer "Mobile" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||
Arsenal manager Arteta responds to Elneny talk as contract extension rumours emerge - Posted: 04 Nov 2020 04:44 PM PST ![]() The Egypt midfielder has rediscovered his form in north London this season and he is proving to be a key player at the club Arsenal manager Mikel Arteta thinks it is too early for talks about Mohamed Elneny's contract extension after his fine start to the 2020-21 season. Elneny has delivered impressive performances in the Gunners' midfield this campaign since he returned from a season-long loan at Turkish Super Lig club Besiktas. On Sunday, the Egypt international was outstanding in the middle of the park as Arsenal secured 1-0 win against Manchester United - a first Premier League win at Old Trafford since 2006. He has featured in nine of Arsenal's 12 matches this season but his current contract is expected to expire at the end of the current campaign. Ahead of Thursday's UEFA Europa League encounter against Molde at the Emirates Stadium, Arteta claims it is not the time for contract talks when quizzed about a new deal for the 28-year-old midfielder. He said in a press conference: "Let's go step by step please! What I can say is that I'm really pleased with the player and hopefully he can continue like that and perform all season." The Spanish coach also expressed satisfaction with the way Elneny has fought for his place in the team and how he is helping with his performances. "I think he's responding really well to all the challenges we're putting in front of him," Arteta added. "He had a big one when he came back from his loan spell to show what he can bring to the squad. I think everybody's seen what he can do. I'm really pleased with his performances and what he can bring to the team." Elneny is in contention to make his third appearance in the Europa League on Thursday, having played every minute of Arsenal's games in the European tournament this season. One player who has struggled to make an impact at Arsenal is William Saliba, with Arteta admitting the defender could leave on loan in January. He said: "I am fed up with the situation because as you could see we tried to find a way in the last few days [of the transfer window] to give him some football. "I explained that he needed that transition year when we decided to buy him and send him on loan to Saint-Etienne, for many reasons that didn't happen, he didn't have that transition year and he needs to go through that. "At the moment, with the amount of central defenders that we have in the team we had to leave him out of the squad which is painful because we have some injuries and we could have used him, but it's part of this profession. "Goal" - Google News November 04, 2020 at 10:20AM Arsenal manager Arteta responds to Elneny talk as contract extension rumours emerge - "Goal" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||
カプコンに不正アクセス メールシステムやファイルサーバのアクセスに障害 (2020年11月4日) - エキサイトニュース - エキサイトニュース Posted: 04 Nov 2020 04:16 PM PST ![]() 障害についてカプコンは「同社が提供するゲームをプレイするためのインターネット接続や、同社のWebサイトなどへのアクセスに影響を及ぼすものではない」としている。 警察や関係各所と協力しながら原因の調査や復旧への対応を進め、「今後お知らせすべき新たな事実が判明次第、改めてWebサイトなどで発表する」(同社)としている。 からの記事と詳細 ビジネス | ||
Hulu Testing WatchParty Feature on Live Event For First Time with Election 2020 - The Streamable Posted: 04 Nov 2020 04:10 PM PST ![]() Election Night Coverage is sure to be buzz worthy and to make sure that you're both connected, as well as informed, Hulu will be testing their WatchParty feature on a live event for the first time. With the WatchParty feature, users on both Hulu plans will be able to to react with each other in real-time through the chat function, while watching the results virtually with their family and friends. Currently only available on, Hulu WatchParty supports up to eight people per session. Viewers must be 18 years of age or older to access the feature. How to Launch a "Hulu Watch Party"
Hulu first launched WatchParty back in May, as stay-at-home orders were strict and the need to connect with family and friends was dire. The feature was initially made available to those with Hulu (No Ads) only, via While watching, WatchParty allows you to not only chat with the other viewers in real time, but you can also control your own playback. If you need a bathroom break, you can click "Catch Up" to rejoin where the rest of the group is watching. The feature is available on PC and Mac on all browsers that Hulu supports without the need of separate plug-in or extension0 Top stories - Google News November 03, 2020 at 09:51AM Hulu Testing WatchParty Feature on Live Event For First Time with Election 2020 - The Streamable Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||
Sexy Zone中島健人、世界中の愛する女性たちへ…新たな決めゼリフとウィンク披露(動画あり / コメントあり) - ナタリー Posted: 04 Nov 2020 02:54 PM PST Sexy Zone中島健人、世界中の愛する女性たちへ…新たな決めゼリフとウィンク披露(動画あり / コメントあり) - ナタリー 2020年11月5日 4:00 1115 このCMは、中島がオールインワン化粧品の「パーフェクトワン 薬用リンクルストレッチジェル」について自身のキャラクターを前面に押し出しながらプレゼンテーションするという作品。タキシードに身を包んだ中島が大きな舞台上で「パーフェクトな僕が、パーフェクトなプレゼントを、愛する君たちの肌に届けたいっ」と真剣な表情を見せたり、「シワ改善も美白も、欲張っちゃいました」とセクシーなポーズを決めたり、「パー・フェ・ク・ト・ワン!」と言いながらウィンクを披露している。 撮影現場でポージングや動作を自ら考案して監督に提案したという中島は、CMについて「日本中世界中の女性の目線を意識しながら、プレゼンテーションだったりダンスだったり、すべてにおいて『パーフェクト』になれるようがんばりました」「ボクの新たな決めゼリフ『パーフェクト』にもご注目ください」とコメントしている。 中島健人(Sexy Zone) コメント撮影の感想とても楽しかったです。久々のCM撮影だったので緊張感はあった中でも、すごく優しいスタッフさんの中で楽しく撮影できたと思います。何より、1日でこんなにたくさんの「パーフェクト」を連呼したのは初めてで、気持ち的には日本中世界中の女性の目線を意識しながら、プレゼンテーションだったりダンスだったり、すべてにおいて「パーフェクト」になれるようがんばりました。 試聴者へのメッセージ皆さんこんにちは、 全文を表示 2020-11-04 19:00:00Z |
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