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お笑いコンビ「てんしとあくま」川口敦典さん急逝 36歳 相方・かんざき「とても残念でなりません」 - ORICON NEWS

Posted: 16 May 2020 12:19 AM PDT

お笑いコンビ「てんしとあくま」川口敦典さん急逝 36歳 相方・かんざき「とても残念でなりません」 - ORICON NEWS




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2020-05-16 06:19:41Z

Taiwan Declines China's Condition to Take Part in World Health Organization Again - Newsweek

Posted: 15 May 2020 11:41 PM PDT

Taiwan has rejected a Chinese condition that would permit it to participate in the World Health Organization if it accepts that it is part of China under its "One China" policy.

Taiwanese Health Minister Chen Shih-chung declined the offer during a news conference Friday. He reiterated Taipei's message that the island should be permitted to attend next week's World Health Assembly, the WHO's decision-making body, as an observer state during the coronavirus pandemic.

On Thursday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian, had argued that "the political foundation for the Taiwan region to participate in WHO has ceased to exist" and told reporters that he had "no way to accept something that does not exist."

chinese, taipei, taiwan, china, world, health, organization
Then-Taiwanese Health Minister Yeh Ching-chuan (C) arrives for the opening of the annual meeting of the World Health Organization (WHO) on May 18, 2009, at the United Nations offices, Geneva in Taipei's first participation as an observer state. China once again excluded its rival after the election of the Democratic Progressive Party's Tsai Ing-wen in 2016. FABRICE COFFRINI/AFP/Getty Images

The People's Republic of China considers Taiwan to be one of its provinces and has refused relations with any country that established separate ties with Taipei.

Last week, Belize sent the WHO a formal proposal to include Taiwan at the World Health Assembly in a step that has since been backed by at least a dozen more of Taiwan's 14 remaining diplomatic partners around the world. The move came around the same time that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo issued a call for countries to support Taiwan's participation in the WHO, an appeal backed by others such as Australia, Canada and Japan.

Chen said Friday he had not yet received an invitation from to the 73rd World Health Assembly, due to be held Monday and Tuesday in Geneva. He said he would continue to push for participation.

However, on Friday, Zhao said that Taiwan's Democratic Progressive Party was manipulating the pandemic to attend the assembly so it could press its case for independence.

"Their true intention is to seek independence under the pretext of the pandemic with the help of some Western countries. We firmly oppose their futile attempts," Zhao said.

Taiwan has joined the World Health Assembly as an observer in the past, including in 2009 after Beijing and Taipei resumed high-level talks and under the condition it acknowledged it was part of China.

This arrangement was revoked upon Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen's 2016 election, which Beijing warns has fueled plans for separatism.

The coronavirus pandemic has threatened to destabilize already rocky relations between the U.S. and China. The Trump administration struck a phase-one agreement to end a trade war with Beijing in January, but adopted a harder line after accusing the country of mishandling the coronavirus outbreak first observed in Wuhan.

Taiwan has fared well in terms of reported COVID-19 cases, with only 440 confirmed cases among its population of 23 million. China, the world's most populous country with 1.4 billion people, has reported around 84,000 cases and the United States, a nation of around 330 million, has registered some 1.4 million instances of the disease, by far the most of any country in the world.

The Trump administration has backed Taiwan's argument that it tried to warn the WHO early on of human-to-human transmission of the virus in a December 31 message, although the WHO has refuted this narrative saying the message simply asked for further information and contained no references to such transmission.

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May 15, 2020 at 10:58AM

Taiwan Declines China's Condition to Take Part in World Health Organization Again - Newsweek
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ISL quiz: Test your knowledge with our 'Sharp Minds' challenge - Goal

Posted: 15 May 2020 10:33 PM PDT

Do you consider yourself a huge fan of the Indian Super League (ISL)? How abreast are you when it comes to developments in and around the Indian football ecosystem?

Do you keep track of the various records and unique achievements in ISL?

Then Goal 's 'Sharp Minds' quiz is for you.

As we see football take a backseat among the ongoing coronavirus outbreak, here's your chance to while away some time.

We will bring you a set of 10 questions, a mixture of easy and tough ones, every week on Indian football. Try answering them on your own (without googling, we hope) and see how much you know about Indian football.

Share your scores with others and showboat. The latest edition of Sharp Minds is right here. Have fun.

NOTE : You are welcome to contact us through social media, if you need any clarification on the answers. We will try, to the best of our abilities, to explain.

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May 15, 2020 at 09:18PM

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State Department inspector general becomes the latest watchdog fired by Trump - CNN

Posted: 15 May 2020 10:14 PM PDT

"It is vital that I have the fullest confidence in the appointees serving as Inspectors General. That is no longer the case with regard to this Inspector General," Trump said in a letter sent late Friday to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. The letter states the dismissal is effective in 30 days.
Not long after Linick's firing was announced, the chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee said Linick had opened an investigation into Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.
"I have learned that the Office of the Inspector General had opened an investigation into Secretary Pompeo," Engel said in his statement denouncing the firing. Engel did not provide any further details about the scope of this investigation or how he learned about it.
A senior State Department official confirmed that Pompeo made the recommendation that Linick be removed, but the official did not know the reasons why.
Requests for comment from the State Department Inspector General's office and the State Department itself regarding the investigation revealed by Engel were not returned Friday evening. Engel's office declined to provide further details about his statement regarding an investigation.
The inspector general investigation Engel referenced centers around possible misuse of a political appointee at the State Department to perform personal tasks for Pompeo and his wife, a Democratic congressional aide with knowledge of the investigation told CNN.
A source close to Linick told CNN the allegation raised by the Democratic aide had previously been brought to Linick's office but was not aware of an official investigation being opened into the matter.
Engel's revelation of an investigation into Pompeo opened by Linick shows the seriousness of a surprising move that mirrors the dismissal of former Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson last month. The firing comes as Trump continues his attacks on internal government oversight. The President has shown repeated hostility to any independent scrutiny from within the government, often targeting officials he sees as holdovers from President Barack Obama's administration or part of the so-called "deep state," which he believes is aligned against him.
Linick, who was first appointed as an inspector general by Obama, had a small role in the impeachment inquiry. Linick gave a private briefing to bipartisan staff from eight House and Senate committees and gave them documents that the State Department had received from Trump's private attorney Rudy Giuliani. The documents included unfounded allegations of wrongdoing against Biden and former US Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch. By doing this, he broke ranks with State Department leadership who vowed not to cooperate with the investigation.
A State Department spokesperson confirmed Linick's dismissal and said that Ambassador Stephen Akard, an ally of Vice President Mike Pence, will take on the role. Akard's ties to Pence, which date back to when he worked under then-Indiana Gov. Pence as the head of the Indiana Economic Development Corporation, have previously rankled former diplomats who see him as a part of the politicization of the State Department.
"On September 11, 2019, Ambassador Akard was confirmed by the Senate, 90-2, to lead the Department's Office of Foreign Missions and we look forward to him leading the Office of the Inspector General," a State Department spokesperson said. Akard is a former career Foreign Service Officer who served as a special assistant in the Executive Secretariat, as a political officer and general officer at Embassy Brussels, and served as a consular officer at the US Consulate General in Mumbai.
The decision to choose Akard as his successor was done in consultation with his management team, but Pompeo ultimately made the decision, the official said.
"This is scary and completely unexpected," a separate State Department source close to Linick told CNN.
This source didn't know of anything that seemed to trigger this beyond Trump's general ire with what he deems to be the "deep state."
A different source said senior staff in the State Department Inspector General's office were blindsided. Akard has been named under the vacancies act to bypass Linick's deputy, Diana Shaw, who just assumed the role this month after having shifted from the Department of Homeland Security's Inspector General's office. CBS first reported Pompeo's role.
Sen. Chris Murphy, a Democrat from Connecticut, quickly questioned Pompeo's role in Linick's dismissal and said the Senate Foreign Relations Committee needs to learn more.
"If Inspector General Linick was fired because he was conducting an investigation of conduct by Secretary Pompeo, the Senate cannot let this stand," Murphy said on Twitter, referring to Engel's statement. "The Senate Foreign Relations Committee must get to bottom of what happened here."
Linick began his job in September 2013. He previously was a Justice Department prosecutor and worked as a top Department of Justice fraud official. He also served as the first Inspector General of the Federal Housing Finance Agency.
At the State Department, Linick oversaw the investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server. His May 2016 report on the probe was critical of Clinton, saying the former secretary failed to follow the rules or inform key department staff regarding her use of the private server.
He was also an assistant US attorney in California and Virginia. Linick served as executive director of the Department of Justice's National Procurement Fraud Task Force as well as deputy chief of the fraud section in the Department of Justice's Criminal Division from 2006 to 2010.
"During his tenure at the Department of Justice, he supervised and participated in white-collar criminal fraud cases involving, among other things, corruption and contract fraud against the U.S. in Iraq and Afghanistan," according to his State Department biography.
He has also issued two damning reports about the State Department during Trump's administration. One report released in August 2019 found that top officials in the State Department's Bureau of International Organization Affairs subjected employees to "disrespectful and hostile treatment," accusations of disloyalty, and retaliation. Another report released in November 2019 that found that high-ranking Trump administration political appointees within the State Department improperly retaliated against a career civil servant during Rex Tillerson's tenure as secretary of state.
The dismissal drew immediate condemnation from Democratic members of Congress.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called the "late-night, weekend firing" of Linick an "acceleration of the President's dangerous pattern of retaliation against the patriotic public servants charged with conducting oversight on behalf of the American people."
Pelosi added that the firing will "set back the important work of the Office of the Inspector General to perform critical audits, investigations and inspections of U.S. embassies and programs around the world" during the coronavirus crisis.
Sen. Robert Menendez, the New Jersey Democrat who is the ranking member on the Foreign Relations Committee, called the firing "shameful" in a tweet.
Trump has now fired multiple inspectors general in the wake of the Senate acquitting him on two articles of impeachment in early February, as the nation's attention was on fighting coronavirus. The President, CNN previously reported, has been fixated on ridding his administration of government watchdogs he views as Obama loyalists.
In early April, Trump fired the intelligence community inspector general, Atkinson, who had told Congress about the whistleblower complaint that led to Trump's impeachment.
Within a week, Trump removed the acting inspector general for the Defense Department, Glenn Fine, from his post. Fine's removal from the top job made him no longer eligible to chair an accountability committee tasked with overseeing coronavirus emergency funds.
Trump also publicly attacked the top official at the Department of Health and Human Services' inspector general's office over a report on hospitals facing supply shortages.
Rep. Gerry Connolly, a Democrat from Virginia, condemned the series of dismissals on Friday.
"The firing of IGs (the fourth) is meant to intimidate and silence those who wish to hold corruption accountable," Connolly said on Twitter. "It's an attack on our democracy and should trouble all members of Congress. The GOP silence on this is a dereliction of duty."
This story has been updated with additional reporting and background information on Linick.

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May 15, 2020 at 09:54PM

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Kis-My-Ft2、ライブ映像配信する「WEB FES」開催!明日は“入門編”のDay1 - ナタリー

Posted: 15 May 2020 09:19 PM PDT

Kis-My-Ft2、ライブ映像配信する「WEB FES」開催!明日は"入門編"のDay1 - ナタリー

Kis-My-Ft2が明日5月17日より、YouTubeで「Kis-My-Ft2 WEB FES」を公開することが発表された。

「Kis-My-Ft2 WEB FES」は、キスマイの過去のライブDVDからセレクトされた特別映像を配信する企画。明日18:00公開の「Kis-My-Ft2 WEB FES Day1~キスマイGo!~編」では、入門編としてライブ定番曲やファンに根強い人気のある曲のライブ映像が届けられる。


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2020-05-16 03:38:40Z

Taiwan's success in fighting coronavirus has bolstered its global standing. This has infuriated Beijing - CNN

Posted: 15 May 2020 09:11 PM PDT

In January, the self-ruled, democratic island of 23 million people banned incoming travel from parts of mainland China. Soon after, cruise ships could no longer dock there. By March, domestic face mask production was also increased.
As of Saturday, Taiwan has recorded 440 coronavirus cases and seven deaths, according to data from Johns Hopkins University. By comparison, Australia -- with a population of 25 million -- has reported more than 7,000 infections and 98 deaths.
Eager to share its experiences in fighting Covid-19, Taiwan is now pushing for a greater voice in global health discussions. The United States, Japan and New Zealand have all voiced support for Taiwan to join next week's World Health Assembly -- an annual meeting of World Health Organization (WHO) members.
And this doesn't sit well with Beijing.
China regards the island as part of its territory, and has for years blocked it from taking part in many global institutions, while also refusing to have diplomatic relations with countries that maintain official ties with Taiwan.
Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen arrives during a ceremony to unveil the Cyber Security Investigation Office in New Taipei City on April 24.
Taiwan, which is not a WHO member, joined the WHA as an observer from 2009 to 2016, when the island was governed by the Beijing-friendly Kuomintang (KMT). But when the pro-independence Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) took office in 2016, ties frayed with Beijing -- and Taipei hasn't joined the WHA since.
"We are an integral link in the global health network," Taiwan's President Tsai Ing-wen said Thursday on Twitter. "With more access to the WHO, Taiwan would be able to offer more help in the global fight against #COVID19."
The WHO maintains that only member states decide who attends the WHA meeting, and has pushed back on claims that Taiwan is cut out of its coronavirus discussions, pointing to its collaboration with Taiwan's scientists and health officials.
But as the virus gives Taiwan a rare opportunity to boost its international profile, Beijing has accused Taipei of pushing for formal independence -- and stepped up military drills around the island. There have even been some fringe calls within China for the country to use the pandemic as an opportunity to invade Taiwan.

Democracy vs authoritarianism

As the number of new infections dropped in China and surged abroad in recent months, state media touted Beijing's success in defeating the virus while highlighting the failures of other governments to contain its spread -- particularly the US and other Western democracies.
Inside China, that sparked claims its authoritarian political system was superior to those of liberal democracies when it came to tackling the pandemic.
In a commentary late last month, state broadcaster CCTV hailed China's political system as its "biggest advantage" in overcoming the outbreak. "The firm leadership of the Chinese Communist Party is the most important reason for China to defeat the epidemic," it said.
Taiwan's coronavirus response is among the best globally
But Taiwan's rapid and transparent response -- with medical officials holding daily briefings -- from the onset of the crisis has been held up as an example of how democracies can also excel in reining in epidemics. Taiwan also avoided the type of strict lockdowns that characterized the response in China and many other countries.
Furthermore, the Chinese government has faced criticism for its initial handling of the outbreak. Authorities have been accused of silencing medical workers who tried to sound the alarm on the virus, downplaying the severity of the outbreak and delaying admission of human-to-human transmission in the critical early stages.
Beijing has repeatedly denied wrongdoing, although the mayor of Wuhan, the city where the virus was first detected, did concede in an interview with state broadcaster CCTV in late January that the city's warnings were "not sufficient," and his government did not disclose information on the coronavirus "in a timely fashion."
As well as via state media, China has tried to defend its image through diplomatic envoys. But the increasingly combative tone adopted by some Chinese diplomats on Twitter and beyond has only further fueled tensions and criticism.
A mask-clad worker disinfects a park to prevent the spread of the coronavirus in New Taipei City on March 9.

'Taiwan can help'

As China moved to help countries by donating personal protective equipment (PPE) and other medical supplies, questions have been raised as to the motives behind its so-called "mask diplomacy."
In March, the European Union's foreign policy chief Josep Borrell warned about the "geopolitical component" of Beijing soft-power push, saying Europe must be aware of "a struggle for influence through spinning and the 'politics of generosity.'"
The Chinese foreign ministry said last month that Beijing had been providing medical supply aid to 127 countries and four international organizations, and sent 13 batches of medical experts to 11 nations.
Incidents of faulty Chinese medical supplies, from private vendors, have also created negative publicity. In March, the Netherlands recalled 600,000 "defective" face masks it purchased from a Chinese manufacturer, saying they did not fit and their filters did not work properly. Spain had a similar problem with a batch of "unreliable" testing kits it bought from China, which were found to have a low level of accuracy.
China has urged countries not to "politicize" concerns about the quality of medical supplies following the incidents.
Meanwhile, Taipei's efforts to help coronavirus-hit countries -- under the slogan "Taiwan can help" -- have been better received.
Last month, Taiwan's Foreign Ministry announced the donation of 10 million masks to the US, Europe and its 15 official diplomatic allies -- mostly small states in the Caribbean, the Pacific and Africa -- in a move that generated considerable global exposure.
As masks imprinted with the words "Made in Taiwan" arrived in boxes marked with the island's red, blue and white flag, messages of thanks poured in from senior officials in the US and Europe.
"During tough times, real friends stick together," US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo -- labeled by Chinese state media as "enemy of humankind" for his relentless criticism of Beijing's response to the pandemic -- tweeted last month, calling the island's "openness and generosity" in the battle against coronavirus a "model for the world."
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen also publicly thanked Taipei, saying that Europe appreciated the "gesture of solidarity."
A staff of Taiwans Universal Incorporation, one of the major mask maker, operates machines at a factory in Tainan, southern Taiwan.

Improved standing

As well as donating medical supplies, Taiwan has sought to develop bilateral partnerships to fight the pandemic -- a move that has drawn the wrath of Beijing.
In March, the US and Taiwan issued a joint statement pledging to further strengthen their cooperation in combating Covid-19, including the development of test kits, vaccines, medication and contact tracing technology.
China's Taiwan Affairs Office deemed it a "despicable move and political plot to use the Covid-19 pandemic to achieve independence," and accused Taipei of "embarking on a wrongful path of confrontation with the motherland."
A similar deal between Taiwan and the Czech Republic in April also prompted a strongly worded protest from Beijing. And in India, The Hindu newspaper reported this week that Taiwan proposed a regular communication channel with New Delhi to "ensure the availability of medical resources."
In addition to bilateral cooperation, Taiwan has doubled down on its bid to return to the WHO's annual assembly.
On March 27, the US passed a law supporting Taipei's participation in international institutions and its efforts to strengthen ties with other countries, and multiple nations usually wary of being on the wrong side of Beijing, such as Japan, Canada and New Zealand, have publicly spoken out in favor of Taiwan rejoining the WHA.
On Monday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian rebuked New Zealand for just that, calling on it to "immediately stop making wrong statements on Taiwan, to avoid damaging our bilateral relationship." Beijing has called Taipei's attempt to rejoin the WHA a "political plot."
"In the United States, there are people who blatantly support Taiwan to join the WHO," a spokesman for China's Taiwan Affairs Office said last week. "They are politicizing epidemic prevention issues and sending a seriously wrong signal to the Taiwan independence forces. We resolutely object to that."
New Zealand's foreign ministor Winston Peters said this week the country has to stand up for itself after China warned its backing of Taiwan's participation at the WHO.

Rising jingoism

The heightened cross-strait tensions have fueled jingoistic calls in China for military action to "reclaim" the island.
In recent weeks, Beijing has stepped up military exercises around Taiwan, including twice sailing a battle group led by the country's first aircraft carrier, the Liaoning, around the island in April.
On social media and in the Chinese press, some have called on the People's Liberation Army to take advantage of the pandemic to invade Taiwan, arguing that the timing could not be better, with the US preoccupied with the coronavirus and its military might in the region crimped by an outbreak on the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt.
However, most observers agree that such posturing is unlikely to be matched by any hostile action against Taiwan.
Timothy Heath, a senior international researcher at the RAND Corporation, a US think tank, said the weakness of China's economy precludes any such move. The coronavirus outbreak has resulted in the Chinese economy contracting by 6.8% in the first part of this year -- the worst plunge since quarterly records began in 1992.
"China needs access to (global) markets once they recover, and so it is in China's interests to maintain good ties with the US and the world," Heath said. "A reckless attack on Taiwan would only exacerbate tensions with Washington and could elevate the risk of economic sanctions and other penalties -- potentially crippling the Chinese economy."
He added that while Beijing "cares a great deal about Taiwan," the Chinese government cares "even more about maintaining the economic growth that underpins the (Communist Party's) rule."

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May 15, 2020 at 07:42PM

Taiwan's success in fighting coronavirus has bolstered its global standing. This has infuriated Beijing - CNN
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Trump downplays the need for coronavirus vaccine: 'It'll go away at some point' - CNBC

Posted: 15 May 2020 08:11 PM PDT

President Donald Trump said the U.S. will overcome the coronavirus crisis with or without an effective vaccine, saying that the disease will "go away at some point" either way.

"We think we're going to have a vaccine in the pretty near future, and if we do we're going to really be a big step ahead," Trump told a reporter Friday at a White House event detailing U.S. efforts to develop a vaccine.

"And if we don't, we're going to be like so many other cases where you had a problem come in, it'll go away at some point, it'll go away," Trump said. "It may flare up and it may not flare up, we'll have to see what happens, but if it does flare up we're going to put out the fire and we'll put it out quickly and efficiently. We've learned a lot."

The president had been asked about his comments earlier in the event, when he said, "Vaccine or no vaccine, we're back. And we're starting the process. In many cases, they don't have vaccines and a virus or a flu comes and you fight through it."

Trump's remarks downplaying the need for a vaccine came during a Rose Garden announcement unveiling his administration's beefed-up efforts to fast-track the development and distribution of a vaccine for Covid-19. The new project, dubbed "Operation Warp Speed," aims to have hundreds of millions of doses of an effective vaccine available by the end of the year.

President Donald Trump speaks about the coronavirus in the Rose Garden of the White House, Friday, May 15, 2020, in Washington. Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, right, and White House coronavirus response coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx listen.

Alex Brandon | AP

Trump formally announced that former pharmaceutical executive Moncef Slaoui and four-star Army Gen. Gustave Perna will help lead the Warp Speed project.

Slaoui and Perna both said at the event that they are "confident" the operation will be able to achieve its ambitious goals. But Perna acknowledged that it will be a "Herculean task" to develop and distribute a vaccine in such a short time frame.

It's unclear whether the virus will disappear on its own. Global and U.S. health officials have suggested the virus may be seasonal and relent in the summer before emerging again in the colder seasons. SARS, which emerged in China in 2002 and killed nearly 800 people worldwide, was able to be contained without a vaccine.

Health experts, including Trump administration officials, have warned that the virus would likely persist through the fall and could become even more difficult to combat in the winter when flu season picks up.

Experts and political leaders alike say that the U.S. won't be able to recover from the pandemic until a vaccine is widely available.

Some doubt a vaccine will be ready even within 18 months. Rick Bright, a federal vaccine expert who blew the whistle on the Trump administration after he was removed last month as director of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, said everything would have to go "perfectly" to achieve results in that time.

"We've never seen everything go perfectly," Bright said Thursday in testimony before members of a House health subcommittee. "I still think 12 to 18 months is an aggressive schedule, and I think it's going to take longer than that to do so."

More than 100 vaccines are under development globally, according to the World Health Organization. Trump said Friday that 14 of those candidates are being looked at closely. At least eight vaccines are currently in human trials.

Health regulators have fast-tracked approvals for coronavirus research and development, allowing scientists to skip through months of red tape on potential vaccines for the virus.

Last week, biotechnology firm Moderna announced that it was wrapping up phase one human trials on its potential vaccine with the U.S. government and is moving to start phase two trials that would include 600 participants. If the vaccine is found to be effective and safe to use, it could be ready for the market in early 2021, the company said.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's leading infectious disease expert, said in congressional testimony Tuesday that he was optimistic scientists would find a workable candidate but warned of potential pitfalls in developing any vaccine. 

Scientists warn they are still learning about the deadly virus, including how the body's immune system responds once a person has been exposed to it. The answers may have large implications for vaccine development, including the time frame in which a vaccine can be deployed to the public.

Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx, the White House's coronavirus response coordinator, appeared behind Trump in the Rose Garden wearing face masks. Trump did not wear a mask.

The U.S. has more confirmed cases and deaths from Covid-19 than any other country: more than 1.4 million cases and at least 85,906 deaths, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.

Trump has said for months that the coronavirus would go away. 

"It's going to disappear. One day, it's like a miracle, it will disappear," Trump said on Feb. 28.

"We're prepared, and we're doing a great job with it. And it will go away. Just stay calm. It will go away," he said on March 10. 

"We need a little separation until such time as this goes away. It's going to go away," he said on March 12.

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May 15, 2020 at 01:04PM

Trump downplays the need for coronavirus vaccine: 'It'll go away at some point' - CNBC
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友だちと一緒にオンラインで楽しめる新たなエンターテインメント─マダミス「左利き連盟」、ホラー「イキサキ探し」の仕掛け人に話を訊いた(インサイド) - Yahoo!ニュース

Posted: 15 May 2020 07:54 PM PDT








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夜住アンナ氏(以下、敬称略)私はホラーといろいろな体験型のコンテンツをかけ合わせた新しいエンターテインメントを生み出したり、商業施設で期間限定のホラーイベントをプロデュースをさせていただいてます。横浜にあるアートリックミュージアムという美術館を1棟まるまるお化け屋敷にした「美しすぎるお化け屋敷 THE・WITCH(ザ・ウィッチ)」や、サンリオピューロランドで実施されたハロウィンイベントの一部の監修などを行いました。





































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May 15, 2020 at 02:00AM

友だちと一緒にオンラインで楽しめる新たなエンターテインメント─マダミス「左利き連盟」、ホラー「イキサキ探し」の仕掛け人に話を訊いた(インサイド) - Yahoo!ニュース
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Bangladesh: Rohingya refugee tests positive in crowded Cox's Bazar camp - WION

Posted: 15 May 2020 07:41 PM PDT

ぺこぱや野田クリスタルが初登場「ENGEIグランドスラム」昼夜2部構成 - ナタリー

Posted: 15 May 2020 07:18 PM PDT

ぺこぱや野田クリスタルが初登場「ENGEIグランドスラム」昼夜2部構成 - ナタリー





ナインティナイン松岡茉優MCの「ENGEIグランドスラムリモート」には、「ENGEIグランドスラム」初登場のぺこぱマヂカルラブリー野田クリスタルのほか、アインシュタインアンジャッシュEXIT霜降り明星ジャルジャル陣内智則チョコレートプラネット東京03ナイツNON STYLEバイきんぐ爆笑問題ハナコゆりやんレトリィバァロッチロバート和牛らが出演。ナイナイと松岡は、芸人たちがネタを披露するセットとは別の場所から中継でネタを見守る。またこの番組は演芸場を模した2階建てセットがおなじみだが、今回は豪華セットはそのままに、"3密"を避けるため無観客の状態で収録。ただし約50人からなる一般の観客が1人ひとり自宅からWebカメラを通してネタを観覧し、その様子はステージに設置されたビジョンに映し出される。

ナイナイMCの「ENGEIグランドスラム マチネ」は「ENGEIグランドスラム」初登場のさらば青春の光すゑひろがりずのほか、かが屋ダイアン宮下草薙プラス・マイナスまんじゅう大帝国四千頭身が出演する1時間だ。昼夜2部構成での「ENGEIグランドスラム」に期待しよう。

ENGEIグランドスラム リモート

フジテレビ系 2020年5月23日(土)21:00~23:10
MC:ナインティナイン / 松岡茉優
アインシュタイン/ アンジャッシュ / EXIT / 霜降り明星 / ジャルジャル / 陣内智則 / チョコレートプラネット / 東京03 / ナイツ / マヂカルラブリー野田クリスタル / NON STYLE / バイきんぐ / 爆笑問題 / ハナコ / ぺこぱ / ゆりやんレトリィバァ / ロッチ / ロバート / 和牛

ENGEIグランドスラム マチネ

フジテレビ 2020年5月23日(土)16:30~17:30
かが屋 / さらば青春の光 / すゑひろがりず / ダイアン / 宮下草薙 / プラス・マイナス / まんじゅう大帝国 / 四千頭身


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2020-05-16 02:15:45Z

NHK大河&朝ドラ中断、再開は最短7月~8月上旬(日刊スポーツ) - Yahoo!ニュース

Posted: 15 May 2020 07:18 PM PDT

NHK大河&朝ドラ中断、再開は最短7月~8月上旬(日刊スポーツ) - Yahoo!ニュース






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